Monday, June 14, 2010

The Oil Spill is Worse Than Bush's Katrina

And the oil spill continues and continues. Some have asked is this Obama's Katrina? I say it is ten times worse than Bush's Katrina. Why because it has shown his poor judgement in leadership. Is He concerned? Well over the weekend he spent four hours golfing, missed the Gulf Memorial Service so he could raise money for the loosing Barbara Boxer. I have often though how Pres. Bush gave up golf because he did not feel it was right while our service men and women were sacrificing for us.  This leader does not have the same drive and desire to realize we are at war. He avoids conflict at every turn and then it comes back around to smack him in the face.
However he seemed to have time in his busy week to meet with Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas, Wednesday, giving him the royal treatment and $400,000 million of our hard earned tax dollars.
The White House said" The President has described the situation in Gaza a unsustainable and it demands significant change."
But remember how the president treated Netanyahu a few weeks ago at the White House, shoving him in a limousine that drove him around D.C., then gave him an half hour visit to blast him about building some apartments, no picture, no dinner, no press conference, no nothing.  With an hour and a half phone call  a few days later that Netanyahu described as a "hellish event."
This is pretty clear showing where the President's loyalties are. He is not going to help Israel. There's a little verse in the Bible the President needs to read. "I Will Bless them that bless you[Israel] and I Will curse them that curse you."  Two weeks later an oil spill. Coincidence? No, you don't turn your back on God's special people and not reap the results.
Without America's help Israel is going to take this in their own hands, as I already said in an earlier piece that don't worry about Israel if we are not there God is on their side. Remember the six day war?The Saudi's have now given permission for Israel to land their planes. The problem being if they fly from Israel they will not have enough fuel to make it back. Of course this is in the interest of the Saudi's themselves as they do not want Iran to have nuke's at their back door either. Evidently they don't have much faith in the U.N. either. Something Obama hasn't learned yet. With America turning it's back on Israel, they must go on without us.  Too bad Bush didn't do this before he left office.
There is no way Israel is going to allow these missiles to continue with the possibility of nukes aimed at their back door. Didn't we get a little upset with missiles at our back door? Or have we forgotten the fear that came upon us those fear full days with Cuba?
So while Obama is playing golf Israel realizes it has a mission, no matter what anybody says or thinks.They are going to bomb these sites. They are one step ahead of Obama and once again Obama is going to play catch up ball. He never learns his lessons.
Too bad Obama, your making a lot of mistakes, poor judgements, and giving money to the wrong people. Who's side are you on  anyway? Marna

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