Wednesday, June 16, 2010

When Will It End?

Today I received an e-mail from Sen Dick Durbin telling me how great the finance bill is.  Another bill taking over the companies, another bill telling everyone what to do, another bill taking more and more of our freedoms away. Soon everything we do will go through the government, weather it's buying a car, a house, or just a pair of shorts. They want to control everything. They think because our economy has taken a dip they need to set a whole new set of regulations and it will fix every thing. All they are doing is making new agencies that will provide more red tape for us to deal with. They are not helping and all these Czars are part of the problem. I say less government, more freedom. They are going to choke our necks.  Here is a perfect example of the government running something. Fannie Mae and Freddy Mac, going off the New York Stock Exchange today. Why ?Well, Fannie May closed Tuesday at .92 cents and Freddie Mac closed at $1.22. These two companies almost sunk our country and the world economy with them. The governments answer, pump more money into them to the tune of $145 billion dollars{our hard earned tax money!} Instead of just letting them fail. If a company is no good LET IT FAIL!!! That is what a free market does it gets rid of the bad companies. You don't pump more money into a sinking ship!!! Marna

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