Tuesday, June 22, 2010

It's Quite Humiliating

Really when you think about it it's quite humiliating. We are the greatest country on the earth and we can't figure out how to plug a hole with oil running out. Does it really help for congressmen to spend 6 hours,who don't really know how to plug the hole yelling at an oil man who doesn't know how to plug the hole either? And do these hearings really prove anything anyway?  I found most of the discussion pretty nonconstructive and rather boring. And I hope Waxman goes away soon. I am tired of him. So was the time spent profitable? Did we find out anything new except that everyone from the President on down bungled the ball  and left it literally in our court to fix. Nothing was really solved and the hole still isn't plugged. I don't know what God is trying to tell us. And are we learning anything from it, except that the President spends a lot of time going to ball games and golfs on the weekend.  Actually the only thing that is going to come of this is the gas companies will use it to raise our gas prices. As usual it is us the little people, or small people the Brits call it, end up paying for the entire mess.  I hope this judge puts and end to the stoppage on drilling, before foreign companies come in a buy these rigs and we will loose that income as well as all the other income we have lost in the last year an a half. And the Dems amazingly think Obama is doing a great job and can't see beyond their nose what a mess this country is in.  It's really quite amazing. While congress by the way gave themselves a pay raise and cut social security increases. Maybe they could be the example and cut their salary's and show the way. Not this congress. Now they will have to make more laws on how to stop this from happening again. No wonder Washington is broken. And no one knows how to fix it. It's an endless cycle that only proves the Fed's have too much power, making too much money and doing little for us.The answer decrease this useless Federal government and give power back to the states. Our example Ronald Reagan. Ronald Reagan had one goal in mind when he first ran for office-he wanted to give the power back to the American people and reduce the size of the government. He knew he could succeed by rallying the majority of the American people to stand with him. We need a presidential candidate who will follow that same example. We will only get better if we decrease the federal government and return power back to the states. Something Barack Obama would hate.

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