Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Hold on to Your Hat, Obama

The President made a remark a  few weeks ago  that the grassroot movement isn't going to effect the voting that much. Big mistake, Pres. Obama, there is a movement under you feet and  it is going to keep popping up all around you. He is going to learn a hard lesson and his cronies Reid and Pelosi are going to be in trouble.
Tuesday night the tea party showed it's power by pushing Sharron Angle from a 5% of GOP voters in 60 days to a 45% of the vote. And it was a stunning victory. Reid should be shaking in his boots. It will be a hard battle because unbelievably Reid still has a 40% favorable rating even though his state is sinking in a huge unemployment hole. Not helped by his dear friend, Pres. Obama. But be careful Mr. Reid the Pres. has been known of late to throw a few people under the bus who are not doing well. You might call him a fair weather friend.
The tea partiers are sending a strong message, they do not want politicians who have been around playing the same games and taking the same money. In fact many tea partiers have told me they do not want lobbyists, and term limits, even for the Supreme court.
She won by being endorsed by the Tea Party Express, Freedomworks and Club for Growth.
So look out Obama and hang onto your hat, these grassroot movements are stronger than you think and one could be growing under your feet right now.

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