Tuesday, June 1, 2010

A Little Brother's Love Cont

Hang in with me for a few more pieces and this all fights together so great.  On the third day I went to the trailer to see Randy.  He was doing poorly. There was really not much to do but get him his medicine and try to help him as much as possible. Today he did not want to go out at all. There were no return calls from any hospice's even though we had resources for them.  They simply did not want to come help us.  I began to think about getting a man or someone to come if Randy got to the point where he couldn't get out of bed. There wasn't much for me to do. I wandered into dad's bedroom again and looked over his books. Dad was an intellectual thinker and pretty much of his readings did not relate to me until I saw he had a book on JFK. We'll why not at least look at it. In reading it I saw Dad had actually done some markings in the book. My parents never talked about politics. Mom said they were opposite so why vote they would just negate each other.  This is when I finally realized Dad was a Democrat. I would have like to known that, we could have had some interesting discussions. Dad, never looked down on me as a girl and always talked to me as an adult and he always enjoyed hearing my viewpoint, although I could see a glimmer in his eye when he disagreed with me.  I on the other hand I would have liked to have discussed the principle's of conservatism and why they excited me so. It was a woman from our church who took me to my first republican meeting. I sat there spell bound and thinking this makes so much sense.  And I liked the values, they were the same values I was learning at church. I came away that day for the first time really understanding what conservatism was about. In fact, I was so excited as I was walking home with one of my friends I told her about the meeting. When I got done talking she turned to me and said, "Marna, are you an American?"  And that was the first time I encountered liberalism, and I realized it had already been instilled in her and I sounded like someone from out of space.    I said no, these were American truths that our forefather's believed in.  I didn't know much but that much I had received from the meeting.  And siting there on Dad's porch I realized Dad was with me. And he would be proud of me taking care of Randy.  I was sitting in the garden Dad had planted and he was everywhere around me and I knew no mater what was happening everything was going to turn out best for Randy and me and I finally had peace.  Peace that the Bible calls the peace that passes all understanding. A peace the world can not give. A peace we can have even in these turbulent times. That is real peace....  continued tomorrow

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