Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Obama's Czars

This week I am going to give a brief review of Obama's Czars and it may give you a clearer view of why we are so concerned. It will also show you how radical he really is. This goes beyond  Democrat-Republican, White-Black, this is about good and evil. Please take time to read.
Richard Holbrook -Afghanistan Czar-Ultra liberal anti gun, former Gov. of New Mexico. Pro abortion and legal use of drugs. Wants to dissolve the second amendment.
Ed Montgomery-Auto Recovery-Radical anti business activist. He was a University of Maryland Business School Dean who taught U.S. business has caused world poverty. Acorn board member. Communist DuBois Club Member.
Jeff Crowly-AIDSCzar-Radical Homosexual. Gay Rights Activist. Believes in gay marriage and Special Statue for homosexuals including complete free health care for gays.
Alan Bersin-Border Czar- Here tells you something of the true story- Ultra Liberal friend of Hilary Clinton. Served as Border Czar under Janet Reno-wants to keep borders open to illegals without interference from U.S.
David J Hayes-California Water- Sr. fellow of radical environmentalist group. Progress Policy. No training in water management whatsoever.
Once you go through this list you will see why we are having so many problems with this President. And just how radical and away from the norm of how most Americans feel.  Marna

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