Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Reflections on Glenn Beck Rally

I am not sure where our country is going. We will either follow evil or good. Evil comes in different disguises. It can look good and appealing. It can look like an answer to America's problems. We can fall into the rhetoric and not fully understand the consequences. It's easy to put things in pretty words and made it sound so good. But what is really being said?
Glenn Beck had a non-political rally, peaceful, anyone invited, an open invitation to all. It was about truth, integrity, principles and leading a right kind of life. And yet he still had criticism. It is amazing that there are those who find fault in everything. Here was their complaint. America is a country of non -believers, atheists, agnostics and other faiths other than judeo-christian beliefs. Therefore we should not thrust our ideals of  christian principles and ethics on others. I beg to take difference, I know some agnostics, I have talked with atheists and the such, funny thing even though they have their beliefs they still believe in virtue, integrity, morality, and ethics. Be you christian nor not, we fail to realize we have these ethical beliefs  from God. We don't know what is right and wrong. We know what is right and wrong because God tells us these things are wrong. You can not separate right and wrong teaching from politics. Without right teaching politics will fail. With out right teaching society will fail.
It is OK to have a rally on living and being a moral country.  Which way will America walk? Will she be a nation that continues on with Judeo-christian values or will she fall into the hands of no decency, loss of honor and integrity? These are the moral values that are at stake. If we loose our morals we will not be a great nation that leads others to democracy and freedom. We will fall from our standing in the world.
A few years ago we went as a family to Washington D.C.. I saw the White House for the first time. I stood there in awe. Why? Because it was so white, glistening in the sun like a lighthouse in the world. I actually had tears in my eyes and started to cry. I felt silly, why am I crying? And it hit me, because of this beautiful building and all it stands for.White the color of purity and honor, cleanness and uprightness. May America remain the bright hope in the world to show others the way of democracy, freedom and hope.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

ICE Refuses to Deport "Non-Violent" Illegal Aliens

Did not President Obama say clearly it is the federal governments job to handle immigration, but there is a back door to this. Homeland Security is reviewing thousands of immigration cases. Many will be for dismissal if they do not have serious criminal records. Many attorney's who were coming to court for their client's deportations found that their cases were being dismissed. They claim because of the massive back log of cases they are releasing defendants who have been in the country for more than two years and have no felony convictions.
In a major policy shift, Immigration and Customs Enforcement has issued new rules concerning deportation cases: if they are not convicted of a serious crime, or a terrorist threat, the case should be dropped. This will clear the back log of cases but also create a de facto amnesty for arrested illegal aliens.
All of this came from a leaking internal memo from the Obama Administration which outlined ways of legalizing illegal aliens without congress approval.
Senator Chuck Grassey said "Actions like this demoralize ICE agents who are trying to do their job."
Mark Krekorian said "They've made it clear that they have no interest in enforcing immigration laws against people who are not convicted criminals."
Sen. John Coryn said "This situation is just another side effect of President's Obama's failure to deliver on his campaign promise to make immigration reform a priority in his first year.
Actually it leaves the immigrants in limbo because they are not legal, they don't have work permits, and they have no social security numbers.

Friday, August 27, 2010

"My Grace is Sufficient" II Corinthians 12:9

Does it seem as though everything you try to do just doesn't make a dent in your problems? I was thinking the other day, no matter what we do we just cannot get ahead financially. They say there is a worker stress going on right now. The feeling that even if you are one of the lucky ones working, you really aren't going anywhere. People need to know that they have the feeling they are accomplishing something and that they are going forward. One man told me who is working three jobs to make up for the one he lost, he is physically and emotionally drained not to mention frustrated.
And the financial numbers are worsening unfortunately, the Summer of Recovery, just really didn't happen. Ceo's are saying the Obamacare, financial reform, and moratorium on offshore drilling are bad policies and are deterring business investment. The CEO'S are saying Obama has taken a stand against business. CEO'S are saying they were displeased with oil spill reaction. Or I would say next to nothing reaction. CEO'S say there is a fundamental lack of confidence, and not taking the right steps as a nation to show growth.
You really sometimes wonder how much more people can endure. There is a verse that came to me yesterday evening, "My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness." KJV There is a spiritual side. There is a power in prayer, you can pray for increased strength, but this is a strength that comes from God, not yourself. His Strength. And the verse teaches us that this strength comes at a time of weakness. When we are at our end, when we have no more strength left inside of ourselves. In fact, this is where he wants us, to be relying on his strenghth, not our own. The arm of  flesh will fail us, our humanness will fail us. It is hard to give up and say I can't do it anymore. And you can't, not of yourself. That is were he wants you, completely trusting and resting in him to supply your needs and your strength. There is a spiritual side of life. And without it we would all wither like the flower that fades in the heat of the day. But renews itself in the cool of the evening from the strength it gains from the moisture around it. He will renew your strength and give you grace to go on. He will make us to fly as Wings of Eagles. Trust in him today and ask him to renew your strength.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

6 Million Dollars for Restoring Islamic Historic Mosques

Why when Americans are struggling to barely keep a roof over their heads, and many have even lost their roof, are we dumping nearly 6 Million American Hard Earned Tax Dollars into restoration of historical and cultural sites which include Islamic mosques and minarets, in 55 nations? This clearly shows the disconnect with the White House and main street. They really do not understand what the American people are going through.
And there have been those who have pointed out if this was spent on restoring Christian Churches, we would not hear the end of it, and of separation of church and state.
Here is some of the spending, $76,000 for a 16th century mosque in China. $67,000 for a mosque in Pakistan, $77,000 to restore a minaret in Nigeria, and $50,000 for an Islamic Monument in India.
Hillary says the US program to retore Islamic and other cultural sites in other countries is tax payer money well spent.
They just don't get the drift. Maybe they need  to come down here and live with the rest of us, and maybe they would get the picture.
How do we stop this rampage of reckless spending? Vote Nov.2nd.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Two Big Wins Yesterday, Sen. John McCain and Marco Rubio

Senator John McCain wins after a hard battle and should have no problems for making a win in Nov. However he says he still will fight to win. I am happy because he has been a strong force for Republicans and has attempted to battle Obama at almost every level. If nothing else he is a thorn in his side and will continue to be as long as he has breath to speak up. He is especially fervent about Obama making an announcement for withdrawing troops from Afghanistan on a time table. To me it is ridiculous to tell the enemy when you are leaving, even almost childish. And also to have a policy that we are an umbrella and if some one bombs we will bomb back. In a nuke filled world this is not reliable because there will be no one left to bomb. One nuke could wipe out the small country of Israel. There are also reports that the Iranians are much closer than we think to having nuclear weapons.  We have really no idea what is going on between them and the Russians
There will be three way race for Kendrick Meeks , Charlie Christ, and Marco Rubio. A quote from Rubio "I always knew I'd have to run against two people who support the Barak Obama agenda. I just didn't know I would have to run against them at the same time".. Marco
Rubio 8/22/10.  Rubio had raised $45,000 online by Monday and said they would reach $70,000 goal and exceed it. 400 million more republicans are voting this year than in previous years.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Obama Declares Victory and War Ended, but Violence Continues

Much spin was given by President Obama that the Iraq War was over and as promised on schedule on Monday
Praising himself for a success for his administration and not even mentioning President Bush. Nor the fact that this agreement was made under President Bush in 2008, and for all troops to be gone from Iraq by the end of next year.
Obama did say that we have not heard the end of American sacrifice in Iraq. Remember he said on the campaign that we could leave and we could always come back in. Just as yesterday on Iran he said if they shoot off a bomb then we will attack. This is the kind of military we have now. With this policy nothing really could be done yesterday. Leaving us with an Iran that will now have nukes. He is the one responsible for this. By not standing behind Israel and helping them to put a stop to the reactor being fueled,  he opened the door for a can of worms. Iran will now become a festering, uncontrollable, place for terrorist to hide. And with Iran wanting to put in 20 more of these reactors it is going to now become a real mess to handle.
I am not sure Iraq will be much better, as it has a long way to go before becoming stable. It is highly fragile, when on the same day as declaring victory, two bombings and a drive by shooting killed eight people on Monday.
These attacks are daily, even in Baghdad. Will Iraq's forces be fully capable of controlling such occurrences? Especially when July was deadliest month in two years.
Iraq's leaders are still trying to form a government. Many fear that Obama's announcement of withdrawal could cause more violence.
There was an attack late Friday and continued through the weekend when 24 people were killed and tortured in a village south of Baghdad. 5 women and the rest men were tied up and brutally beaten, even though we have declared victory. So we see although we have declared victory it will remain to be seen if violence will actually decrease or will it increase?
For now Welcome Home Troops and lets give President Bush his due!!!

Friday, August 20, 2010

Defiant Iran Sends Up Missile One Day Before Nuclear Reactor Fueling

A defiant and aggressive Iran wants to show it's strength by saying to the world we are one step closer to a nuclear weapon. Clearly the Obama administration is trying to play this down. They made a statement that they think we are one year dash time before Iran has nuclear weapons. They say one year is a long time. Not long enough in my mind as it could even come before then. And clearly Russia is trying to aid them in this. And how much is going on between them behind the scenes we don't know. This is coming down to bombing Iran or be bombed by Iran.
Here is Obama administration policy- we will extend an umbrella- in other words we will attack if they send off a  bomb. One bomb could wipe Israel off the map. This in my mind also shows clearly Obama does not want to face this. You cannot soft peddle this problem. He said recently that he would be OK with realizing that Iran would have nukes. This will send off an arms race in the middle east, as all the counties would feel they need to protect themselves.
I get the feeling they are trying to down play a serious situation. Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu is not worried about what Pres. Obama thinks. Right now his primary concern is to protect his own country. We got a little upset over some missiles aimed at us one time and why should Israel be any different.
I wonder how the previous administration would handle this. I kind of know by the stand a certain President took after 911.  Clearly this administration has different goals, but are they going to stand up in a serious situation like this. Is Obama willing to accept a nuclear Iran? Will Israel stand for it? Those are the two questions facing us today.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Will Attack on Iran by Israel be the August Surprise?

Every August we have some major event that happens and so far so good. But there is a problem looming everyday as Iran gets closer and closer to starting a nuclear reactor. Their goal is Aug. 21st. With Russia aiding them they say they will implant the rods in the nuclear reactor, they will not stop until this is done. Once the rods are in place an attack would cause the risk of spreading radiation and entering the waters of the Persian Gulf.
Pres. Obama is trying to get Russia not to deliver the rods. Russia says it will not stop until the rods are delivered and start this reactor this summer.  The rods may be used later by the Iranians to make nuclear weapons.
It is on the front of Israeli newspapers that they have plans to attack before Aug.21st., before rods are in place.
Israel has attacked before, Saddam Hussein, Osirah reactor outside of Baghdad and an reactor being built in  Syria in 2007.  The attacks were made before the completion of reactors.
After the reactor is functioning, then they can begin producing plutonium which is used for nuclear weapons. This has been a ten year battle with Iran and it does not help that the Russians are aiding them.
The next 4 days are crucial if President Obama can persuade them not to attack. Israeli Primeminister Netanyahu has a hard choice before him. The President is trying to encourage the Russians to take the rods back once they are in place. But will Israel believe them that they are still not in Iran.

Monday, August 16, 2010

It's Not the Republicans Who Are Scaring the Seniors.

Once again on Saturday the President came in on the Republicans, blaming them for wanting to privatize social security, and SCARING the seniors. Personally I like the privatization idea because I think you would have a lot more money at retirement. But he is taking a page out of Clinton's book again, and twisting it around to sound like the Republicans are going to destroy social security. What the President is looking for are those seniors who are slipping away from him, because Obamacare IS SCARING them. The seniors already see the hand writing on the wall, and know they are loosing not gaining things they now have in Medicare. After all we must all give a little for everyone to have a share. They will  lose dental and eyecare, and more is coming down the pike. They are also scared because the Obama policies and economy are failing.  We can not and must not keep throwing money at the problem. It's obviously not working. The democrats' failed policies have only plunged us further into the recession. This was to be the summer of recovery. I wish it were, but the facts and figures are just not there.
Once again Nancy calls everyone back to vote on 26 Billion package to save teacher's, firemen and policemen. There are, believe it or not states who really do not need this money, but they are still going to receive money anyway. Nancy is the great mother of us all. The nanny state must stop the children from falling. Some have asked if it is constitutional for the feds to give the states this money. I don't know. I just know there is no more money left. How much more can we keep bailing people out? And who is going to come and bail us out? This endless cycle of giving out money we don't have must end and will if you go out and vote Nov.2nd.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Unbelievable Clip From Lou Dobbs CNN OnAmnesty Bill

CNN News, not Fox -- You will not believe this!

It just keeps getting better.. This is unbelievable!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I KNEW this was going to happen. (That way Obama wasn't lying when he said illegal’s would not be able to get medical coverage under his

ObamaCare plan. His simple fix is to make them all legal first... and could this have anything to do with slanting the vote in 2010 & 2012.....?)




Pass this on after you watch it. NOTE THAT THIS IS FROM CNN, NOT FOX!!!

If you don't get this the first time click on it again, This is hard to believe This 3-minute video should be mandatory viewing for every US citizen.. If you have never passed anything on before, pass this on! Every American should be outraged!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

The Cracked Pot

An elderly Chinese woman had two

large pots, each hung on the ends of a pole which she carried across her neck.

One of the pots had a crack in it while the other pot was perfect and

always delivered a full portion of water.

At the end of the long walks

from the stream to the house, the cracked pot arrived only half full.

For a full two years this went on daily, with the woman bringing home

only one and a half pots of water.

Of course, the perfect pot was proud

of its accomplishments.

But the poor cracked pot was ashamed of its own

imperfection, and miserable that it could only do half of what it had been

made to do.

After two years of what it perceived to be bitter failure,

it spoke to the woman one day by the stream.

'I am ashamed of myself,

because this crack in my side causes water to leak out all the way back to

your house.'

The old woman smiled, 'Did you notice that there are

flowers on your side of the path, but not on the other pot's side?'

'That's because I have always known about your flaw, so I planted

flower seeds on your side of the path, and every day while we walk back, you

water them.'

'For two years I have been able to pick these beautiful

flowers to decorate the table.

Without you being just the way you are,

there would not be this beauty to grace the house.'

Each of us has our

own unique flaw. But it's the cracks and flaws we each have that make our

lives together so very interesting and rewarding.

You've just got to

take each person for what they are and look for the good in them.


to all of my crackpot friends, have a great day and remember to smell the

flowers on your side of the path!

And send this to any or all of your

Crack Pot friends within 5 minutes and see what happens! Don't forget the

Crack Pot ! that sent it to you!!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Is Colorado's Primary a Sign of Coming Battles in November's Races?

Well. last night was a night of emotions for me. We celebrated our 42 Anniversary and had a great time. I should have left it at that. But no, I wanted to see what happened in Colorado, being a Colorado native, and I am not very happy. The race became a national campaign with the Romanoff controversy heading it off. He stayed in the race instead of stepping down as the Obama administration wanted him to. To that I give him thumbs up as he did not bend to the all powerful one. He also recently sold his house to stay in the race.  I realize he is pretty liberal compared to the man who won, Sen. Micheal Bennett. But this guy showed a lot of guts. And I like that. Bennett was appointed 20 months ago and said he has never had his name on a ballot before. This caused a bitter battle amongst Democrats. The party is very divided and Democratic National Committee Chairman Tim Kaine will come to speak at a unity event soon.
Then I was also discouraged with the race between Scott McInnis and Dan Maes for governor. Both candidates have some baggage, and that doesn't help. Maes is ahead but McInnis has not conceded.  The better of the two of course is McInnis as Maes has a way of putting his foot in his mouth and saying some pretty dumb things. Colorado really needs a good candidate to get rid of Hickenritter.
Citizens in Colorado are not happy with Hickenritter, as they feel he is turning the state into a sanctuary state, he will continue to raise taxes, and discourage business's from coming. They have a nick name for him "Hickdalooper" and feel he has lost the state a lot of jobs already.
The other race was GOP Weld County District Attorney Ken Buck beat off Lt. Gov. Jane Norton.  Here again I was disappointed as I felt Jane Norton was the more fiscal conservative, and takes a strong stand for traditional family values. Many Coloradoans are disappointed as these were very close races. 
These races show it is going to be a hard battle in November. The votes are going to be very close. It is not going to be a walk in the park to get rid of the liberals now controlling congress. Every vote will count.You must not stay home on Nov. 2nd. You must go out and vote.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Our Day at Morton Arboretum

Our day began looking for flowers,
and trees and plants. But it turned
into looking for frogs.

We had fun stacking these rocks, but they didn't know where the frogs were.
We found this water pond where you could move rocks around but still no frogs.
We found this water pump but still no frogs.
Then we found these ground ropes to climb but still no frogs.
We found another water pump, no frogs yet. Did I say it was very HOT.
We looked and looked but still no frogs, we wanted to go to these cool buildings, but we needed to find the frogs. Did I mention it was very HOT?
We finally found some frogs, but we could not pick them up. We had a lot of fun  at Morton Arboretum.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

"And Everyman Did That Which Was Right in His Own Eyes" Judges 21:25

In the overturning, and now appealed, Proposition 8 a judge ruled in his own favor, not the will of the people. Right now we do not have, of the people, by the people, and for the people. But we have every man ruling in his own eyes. We have an activist judge who did not rule the will of the people. Which by the way is in the Constitution. Our forefather's came from Europe because they could not worship, they could not bear arms, or live peacefully. That is pretty close to where we are here. But our forefathers fought long and hard over this Constitution of ours, and until now it has ruled us well, and it WILL continue to rule us well. The answer, to vote this coming fall like you have never voted before. Vote for those who believe in the rule of the people, vote for those who will appoint good judges who rule in favor of the people. Vote for those who stand on the Constitution and believe in it. If we are {and we are} a country, of the people, by the people and for the people, that means majority rule. The majority of people in this country believe in husband and a wife in a marriage.  At the time of the Judges in the Old Testament the Jew's, God's special people did not have a ruler. Thus, everyone became their own ruler. History repeats it's self, does it not? Why, when we have tried things before and they didn't work, do we try to turn around and try it again? This Constitution has stood well for the last 200 years plus and it will continue to stand. All we have to do is follow it. Vote on November 2nd, 2010.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Ronald Reagan on State Leadership

"There are a great many things that the state government should do that the federal government has no business doing." Ronald Reagan
A few months ago when this immigration problem arose I made an observation. Would this debate become greater than the Immigration question? Unfortunately my observation has become a reality. My thoughts at that time were, would this become a Federal Government verses States Rights issue? Not only has it elevated to that point but now healthcare has joined in the battle. Missouri voters rejected the Healthcare Law. According to State Senator Jim Lembe {R}" First and foremost, this was about defining the role of state government and the role of federal government.  Whether it's here in Missouri with healthcare or in Arizona with illegal immigration, the states are going to get together now." This will become the rising battle and heated debate, and it is going to be a rough ride. The question of States Rights over Federal Government will be the great Question. The traditional conservative belief of small federal government and more power to the States will be the cry of the right. While the largest federal government we have ever had will try to bully the states back into control by the left.  This debate will surpass healthcare reform and immigration combined, as the federalist have been studying their constitution's and even carrying them around with them. I love these people as I ran into one on vacation. She was staying at the same place we were. She had something in her hand, I though it might be a small Bible. No, it was her copy of the constitution.  What will happen? We will realize our federal government is far too big and is encroaching on and over our states rights. Who will win, if I understand the Constitution, The States.  We are the only democracy with fifty self governing states, it makes us unique, and it is why our Union is so strong.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Sick of Inherited

Sick of Inherited

The Washington Post babbled again today about Obama inheriting a huge deficit from Bush, blah blah blah. Amazingly enough, a lot of people swallow this nonsense. So once more, I'll try a short civics lesson.

Budgets do not come from the White House. They come from Congress, and the party that controlled Congress since January 2007 is the Democratic Party. They controlled the budget process for FY 2008 and FY 2009, as well as FY 2010 and FY 2011. In that first year, they had to contend with George Bush, which caused them to compromise on spending, when Bush somewhat belatedly got tough on spending increases. For FY 2009, though, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid bypassed George Bush entirely, passing continuing resolutions to keep government running until Barack Obama could take office. At that time, they passed a massive omnibus spending bill to complete the FY 2009 budgets.

And where was Barack Obama during this time? He was a member of that very Congress that passed all of these massive spending bills, and he signed the omnibus bill as President to complete FY 2009.

If the Democrats inherited any deficit, it was the FY 2007 deficit, the last of the Republican budgets. That deficit was the lowest in five years, and the fourth straight decline in deficit spending. After that, Democrats in Congress took control of spending, and that includes Barack Obama, who voted for the budgets. If Obama inherited anything, he inherited it from himself.

In a nutshell, what Obama is saying is I inherited a deficit that I voted for and then I voted to expand that deficit four-fold since January 20th.


There is no way this will be widely publicized,

unless each of us sends it on!

This is your chance to make a difference.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Marc and Chelsea's Big Day-We Finally Get Some Pictures and Hear What Happened

     After all the bad news lately it is fun to think more of what life should be and hopefully things will get better and better for everyone. So please excuse, as I would like to say something about this beautiful wedding.
     The wedding was kept very secret, even the vendors signed confidentiality papers. Reporters said practically no one would talk about the wedding. And finally today we have some pictures released.
     She wore a Vera Wang dress, made of silk organza-very traditional with a silver belt that actually made the dress. She changed into a second dress for the reception. Something they are doing now. Which scares me to death as our daughter may be married soon. No nothing yet, don't all of you get excited that know us. I have already been through one wedding with our son. I can understand the privacy, as we live in a glass house as most people in ministry do.
     Some  funny things happened as rumors were swirling on Saturday. Some thought they saw Oprah was walking around town with a cap on, Barbra Streisand, {love her music not her politics} and Lady Gaga were hanging around also. None of which were true. Oprah, nor the Obama's were there.
     Clinton's wanted it to be Marc and Chelsea's day not America's day. It was mostly Marc and Chelsea's friends who were driven by buses to the affair. Ted Danson, Marilyn Albright, and Vernon Jordan attended. I actually liked Marilyn Albright as Secretary of State.They did not want a high profile day. Couple wanted their privacy, no pictures of bridesmaids or groomsmen.
     Lavish ceremony was an interfaith ceremony with a Rabbi and a minister. The ceremony was mainly Jewish and marriage licence was Jewish.
     The Party lasted a long time with the cake served after midnight. President Clinton made an emotional toast and said they were both great kids. Marc and Chelsea did a tango-they are good dancers.
     This awkward little kid turned into a gorgeous bride. The wedding cost millions and I don't really care. The dress was somewhere around $20,000 dollars. It's their money and their big day. Chelsea has always wanted her life to be low profile. She was happy to leave the White House and go to college. I hope she can keep it that way. I can't imagine what it would be like if my dad was a president.
     Good luck and God Bless have a great life.