Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Presidents Lack Luster Speech Misses The Point

I felt the speech was flat from the beginning. Maybe being married to a preacher for 42 years I expected more from him. I still think about Roosevelt how he rallied the people during the hard times. Every time I hear him he fails to do this. I've never seen a country that needs encouragement like this one. People get up and battle this bad economy everyday. You can see it in their faces.

Obama- "two years after the worst recession most of us have ever known, the stock market has come roaring back"??? Well we have seen some encouraging signs. However with more foreclosures and inflation coming will it hold up?  The stock market still holds fear in the hearts of millions of Americans. Just talk to about anybody and they will tell you exactly how much they lost the last few years.

He spoke of education and I still believe in it. Making sure all my children went to college. I know education holds the key, but talk to the young people who have college degrees. My son being one of them. Questioning to me what it has done for him? He is not alone. Many question if it is paying off as you talk to young people trying to get a start in life, but can't get started. They are working low level jobs with high level degrees sitting on their wall.

What about the husband and wives who are working two and  three jobs just to keep their house. If they could go to school when would they do it?

To end the speech with the State of the Union is good, shows once again the President is out of touch with the American people. We have so very far to go to bring this country to where it needs to be. Maybe it would have been better if he just told us the real State of the Union.

Monday, January 24, 2011

If Reid Can't Do It One Way He'll Find An Underhanded Way To Do It

Underhanded Harry will try tomorrow to ram through Senate Resolution 10. The first legislation he will bring to the new Congress. Harry knows if he gets to a 51 vote majority win the unions will have more success getting through their pet desires. One being like unto their Police and  Firefighter Monopoly Bargaining Bill. This dangerous bill would have put all cities under mandatory unions. If you want an example of the potential of this this powerful union play just look at Chicago where I live and California.  Both states are being crushed by the unions. Forced to pay huge costs that are bankrupting these states.  Huge costs given to them by candidates who make huge promises to unions if the unions will help them get elected. Using billions of dollars from union dues from hard working people. Many small communities could not have afforded the demands of the unions on their cities. It would have bankrupted cities all over the country if this had passed. The only thing that stopped some of these pushes by the unions was the filibuster. With a 51 vote majority it would kill the filibuster and take away the minority strength. That is what Harry is planning on. Reid was unsuccessful in getting his trying to force the vote through, so he looks to another way. This will not be his only bid to gets things through quickly and underhandedly. Is Reid alone, no every Democratic President has tried to get something like this passed. The Dems know the unions are their power play.

It is essential that you understand a 51 vote rule under Reid would only worsen our fragile economy that we have now.  CALL YOUR SENATOR and let them know VOTE NO ON SENATE RESOLUTION 10.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Dealing With Life as A Single

It's hard to believe that after 42 years of marriage I am now a single. It is really just starting to hit me. At first I just pretended he was still on the couch waiting for me when I got home late in the evening.  But now I realize it's just two dogs sitting by the door. And they are a comfort to me. I think Brownie our bagel[basset and beagle] actually understands he is gone.   She sits in his spot on the couch. 

The second thing that hits you is you are responsible for everything. Sometimes a little overwhelming.  And our adult children although they care,  they have their own lives and I must respect that. You learn to go on. In some ways my life is the same as I am still in the same church he pastored and trying to help the new pastor. I don't know if the new pastor fills he's getting help or not? But I need to feel that way.

I am not ready for dating or going out as my adult children call it. It still hurts inside, I really am not over him yet.  Some say I never will be. The other day someone actually said something that helped. They said he wants you to be happy. I think he does, but it is hard to go on without him.

Also we have another milestone, his birthday. And what do I do with Valentines? He was careful to always remember that.  So after you get through one milestone comes another. All in all people tell me I am doing well. But for me and the kids we now just want to get the first year over.  It's not easy

So I am single again and a close friend of mine said I am on a new journey. That was shortly before my kitchen ceiling fell through.  And my landlord said just don't stand under it. It was above my kitchen sink and stove. I called her and said, is this what you mean by a new journey? Now my furnace is making funny noises. I afraid to see how long I have to wait for that. but it's all part of my new journey.

So I must journey along and see what else comes my way. My husband used to have a joke about an optimist that jumped out of a tall building. As he was going down he said, so far, so good. So for right now everything is so far, so good.

Friday, January 21, 2011

I Agree With Rev. Franklin Grahm

The memorial service in Tucson showed a spirit, but not of God. It started with a man who talked of worshiping the earth, moon and stars.
But not of the one who created the earth, moon and stars.

Then wild clapping, sounding more like a pep rally than a remembrance time. As one who recently lost her husband, I wondered how those with their loss so recent felt inside with the clapping and cheering. I am glad I did not have to suffer through what they went through.

The only one who used scripture was Janet Napolitano. That I appreciated. If this is the future, I don't want to see it. The service at times was unnerving and seemed out of place. It left an emptiness. The only good part when I actually saw emotion from the First Lady and Gabriel Gifford's husband when the President told of  her opening her eyes.

The Presidents speech was good. More like when he was on the campaign trail. But afterwards another emptiness when you realize much of what he talks about rarely materializes. Will he lift this country out of this "recovery" as they call it. Unemployment figures aren't showing it. More foreclosures coming, inflation, and  some say double digit unemployment

The service was scary to say the least. Will America walk with God, or will she walk away from Him?

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

President Obama's Underhanded Friend Harry Reid

I always told my children you are who you run with. Or birds of a feather flock together. Harry Reid is just as underhanded as Obama. Reid wants to change voting in the Senate by getting rid of the filibuster and getting a majority vote to 51 votes. With this vote it will be difficult to block union votes, and give even the Dems and unions more power. This is called Senate Resolution 10. The Senate at this time needs 67 votes which protects the minority and has been in place for two centuries.

Call your Senator and tell them to vote NO ON SENATE RESOLUTION 10.

Monday, January 17, 2011

The New Underhanded Obama Back At It Again

It is clear the new tactics of the Obama administration is back at it again. On Friday at 5:00PM they released a new road map to the Cubans by regulations bypassing Congress. As the Republicans were on a retreat they released new rules for travel and monies sent to individuals.  It was done by executive decree. Which makes you wonder what else are Obama and Castro working on behind the scenes. A new rule to let all US international airports to have charter flights. Monies increased to $2,000 for an individual per year. Why don't we just start supporting Cuba and call it quits. You do not reward a government for it's inhumane treatment of it's own people. This is saying that is OK. We don't care how you treat your people.

Who are the individuals who worked on this "miracle?" Hillary, Tim Geitner and Janet Napolitano. All three are in the palm of Obama's hand.  It's a new open door.Will it be better for the Cuban people? A litttle, but they are still under a heavy hand that can swing down at any time. Will it be safe for students and others to visit, now that some restrictions have been lifted. Ask All Gross, an American contractor who was arrested in December 2009. He was working on a secret government pro-democracy project. He has yet to come to trial. Cuba is still a very dangerous country to live and travel in.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

I'm Getting Frosted!! How About You?

It takes a lot to get me mad but I am there now. To say conservatives have caused this tragedy by our rhetoric. When I have seen unmentionable things on left wing blogs that go much beyond anything I would think or write. What about all those inflammatory remarks Sarah Palin took off her twitter account Monday? Was that civility or was that a disgrace?   Has anyone thought she is human. What about some of the things people say to Hannity, Bill O'Reilly and others simply because they believe in conservatism.  Sometimes I think our country can't go any lower and it gets worse. What about others who look to us as a country of freedom and democracy? What about Iraq who looks to us to set up a democracy?  Are we that light on a hill to the world? Are we showing them this is how it should be? We can't be a light if we can't control what we say and feel.  There has to be civil decency restored or we will destroy ourselves from within. We don't need terrorists to destroy us.  We'll do it ourselves to one another. Like John Boehner said the other day, "We will not always agree on what is right. We can disagree without being disagreeable." If we do not turn back to civility we will destroy from within.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Unions Throw a Clinker in Massive Snow Storm

We have all heard about the unbelievable snow storm in New York after Christmas. What you might have not heard about was the news coming out about the sanitation officers who ordered a "Blue Flu" slowdown to make snow removal come to a halt.

Why would they do this? According to sources self centered bosses were angry at their bosses because of budget cuts and layoffs. The claim is accurate as sanitation workers told the scheme to City Councilman Dan Halloran.

Halloran said,  "They were told to take off routes and not plow some main arteries. They were told to make the mayor pay for the layoffs, the reduction of ranks for the supervisors, and shrinking the rolls of the rank -and- file."

As a consequence people were trapped in their houses for days. Even worse emergency equipment could not get through. Causing two people, including a baby, to die.

There is now opening up of an investigation. This really shows how unions believe they are a law unto themselves and are above the law. And has caused an uproar concerning giving monopoly bargaining rights to first responders.

Unions have a very large war chest in tens of billions of dollars taken fron union dues. 60% of people in unions do not want their dues used for political reasons. In fact, lets just give this money back to the people who work so hard every day. These monies are thrown around congress like no tomorrow. We need to pass a law that is is unlawful for unions to use dues in this manner and take their power away. Unfortunately congressmen and women use this money in power plays.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Democrats Are Scared of Gov. Mike Huckabee

How do I know this? Recently I was with my representative here in Illinois. He had to go outside for a photo opt and said for me to wait he would come back. I went to visit him because he did not vote for the health care bill. However right now he says he will not cross line to repeal it. As he was gone I talked with his aides and they said  90% of the calls he was receiving were in favor of his vote. We talked for several minutes and I had mentioned that I had been to a Mike Huckabee book signing. What happened next was very unexpected when I said the Governors name they literally jumped back. Believe me, they are afraid of the Gov. and the reason? They know this is someone who has the potential to beat Obama.  I don't know at this time if Huck will run, but it is good to know there is someone they are afraid of.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Boehner's Speech Humble But Strong

It is interesting that after Pelosi's speech which was longer than Boehner's. And also contained material that is not usually in a loser's speech before giving the gavel over. Nancy finally ended and sat down!!
Boehner came forth with a humble but strong description of what he hoped to do in the next congress.

He started with "We gather at a time of great challenges", and did not fail to mention giving America back to the people. He also added  "American people want a congress that is accessible."

First duty to Cut Congress's own Budget.
Legislation will be more focused and scrutinized.
We will listen to the people.
      *Open Debate without being disagreeable.
      *Peoples will be done
      *Build trust
      *Common good is why we serve
      *Do what we say we are going to do

He continued to say America is an ideal. "We will not always agree on what is right." "We can disagree without being disagreeable." It was a clear, short and concise message.

It is said he is not a partisan person.  He has been  known to reach over to the other side. His one statement I really liked, "This is the Peoples Congress."

Yesterday was a turning point for our country. Maybe it took an Obama to make us wake up and realize how important our Constitution is and the freedom it gives us. It is a revival of love and concern for this Country God Bless America

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Is it Spring Yet?

The first week of January marks an important event in my life. The Gurney's seed catalog arrives. This brings hope in my heart that winter will not last forever. The last few winters in Chicago have been severe. Winter before last we achieved the most severe in 30 years. Such an honor. Before Christmas this year we got blasted. Everyday more snow and more shoveling. This is our first winter without my husband. You really don't know all the things your mate does until they are gone. I am thinking did I always thank him for doing this or did I just expect it from him? It is still cold but for a while the snow has stopped. Which gives me time to contemplate where am I going to plant things this year. He always said I had too many flowers. But gardening is my passion. He did however enjoy what I did do. So now it is time to map out my strategy. This keeps me going until March when I can start working on the yard. Oh, I know it is impulsive and to some people sounds nuts. But I have my Gurney's and a lot to look forward to.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Is it Getting Nuts or What?

I thought with the new year and the elections things would be getting better. But the last few days have been nuts. Even in my personal life where yesterday I missed a very important Dr.'s visit. Came home tired and turned on the TV and I stood in amazement at all the things that were happening. Repeal the Bill  and all the rest. Then sirens coming down  my street and helicopters hovering over my house.

Get up this morning and it is worse. Pakistan is imploding. Gas $3.50 a gallon here in Chicago. Now Obama sees there's a problem. Surprised? We haven't been pumping since the oil spill. Now we need to drill.

Napalitono decides to visit Israel about airport security.  Shouldn't she have done this two years ago? Now 16 airports have their own security and many to follow. What does that say for the TSA? Do you feel safe? There are three things the Israeli's do #1 Officers are trained to detect deception by looking at people and asking them questions. #2 Israeli's Profile highly #3 Their system works.

And if that is not enough 4,000 to 5,000 dead birds land in a town in Arkansas and hundred of thousands of dead fish die. They say they aren't connected?? And to top it off Hillary looks adorningly at Chavez.

And this is only the 4th day of the year. Happy New Year everyone.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Healthcare Takeover Growing Larger

What is socialism? A very simple definition - government takeover of private business. I was in the fabric store and came out. I had been talking to a customer in line inside. As I came out she followed me and said, "What  is wrong with free medicine anyway. " "The main problem, I said, It's not free."  I was at the corner diner and a man said to another man "Everything is Europe is fee. Here we have to pay for everything" The other man laid into him and explained how it is not free. This argument goes on day after day in America. I stood outside the fabric store for over an hour explaining how it isn't free. At the end she started coming around to what I was saying. During the discussion I explained to her the high taxes Canadians pay because of the health care and how they forsake their own system and come across the border to America for their care. THERE IS NOTHING FREE ABOUT OBAMACARE!!
New rules start today for the heath care companies that the insured receive 80% of the money sent in by customers. Sounds so good doesn't it {Washington Post}

But what would happen if the government came in and told you Mr. Private Business Man how much you could spend on your clients and what to do with it?  This has been my main contention all along. If they can take over heath care they can take over anybodies company.

They also can according to the Post spend the remaining 15% to 20% of the money on salaries, marketing and overhead. Oh thank you for telling us how to spent the rest of the money. This is a disaster coming. I have accounting knowledge and this is not how a company functions. You need more than 20% to operate a company.

And what has happened because of this new ruling. Insurance companies have spent 2010 raising premiums.

And who gets the bill in the end? US- we get it in the neck. The middle class Americans who are already carrying the load and taxes we get hit again. To which I say "REPEAL THE BILL."

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Continuation of Obama's new Tactics

How will the new year go? For congress not to well. The Republicans will block every thing coming down the pike. So Obama must discover new tactics. He bypassed congress and set limits on carbons through the EPA. He is still a firm believer in global warming even with the scientific evidence coming out. He would if he could become a law unto himself. How did he do it? He used the Clean Air Act. Jan. 2nd new carbon limits and regulations drawn up by EPA will start. Permits will now be required by all companies who use greenhouse gases. The administration said a 2007 Supreme Ct. ruling gave them the authority to do this. Many believe these regulations will kill jobs.
Six executive branch officials were appointed instead of a vote in the Senate. The most controversial appointment, James Cole, will fill #2 position in justice department. What is Cole's main problem? He agrees with administrations idea that Islamic terrorist should be tried in criminal court. A system we have already seen does not work. Obama has one of the worst records in appointees being confirmed.
Now over the weekend he has been signing executive orders right and left. God only knows what those are all about.
How will the new year go? Not much will get passed. In his frustration Obama will try regulations and other means that do not require a house vote. Just like recently he put the death panels back in the health care bill. He will issue a lot of executive orders. This is the start of his new tactics for the rest of his presidency. This is the most underhanded President we have ever had in our times.