Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Afghanistan Withdrawal-10,000 by Christmas

After ten years in Afghanistan all of us are wanting to leave. But is it too much too soon? Gen Petraeus has done a great job and really wanted more time to work his plan, and even the President admits this. But we have been there a long time and have only control of one tenth of the country. 1,500 of our precious treasure's have given their all and we have only praise and honor to give to them. We do not want their sacrifice to go to waste.

It is concerning, if we withdraw too soon, and allow Taliban to come back in and take control. The speech did seem political especially when the 33,000 will be withdrawn by September 2012. Right before the election. He is beginning to get pressure from the people as 56% want troops out. It is also interesting that 57% said it was good we went in. 

The battle to many is not yet won, and think it is too soon to talk withdrawal. That we are literally pulling the rug out from under Gen. Petraeus. It has a similar ring to it as the President also declared an end to the war in Iraq and yet we still have 100,000 troops in Iraq. He says we need to end the war responsibly, but other's say more important to end it successfully. We pulled out in the 80's under Reagan and war lords took over, and eventually Taliban came in.

Is the President looking out for himself politically or for us? Withdrawing before Petraeus is ready could be a serious mistake. Only time will tell. But for the time being 10,000 troops will be home for Christmas.

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