Thursday, June 30, 2011

Is it Morally Right to Use Drone Attacks Anywhere We Wish?

Are we now entering our sixth war? But who's counting? We have been using drones in Afghanistan and Iraq for a long time. But now they have been extended to Pakistan, Libya, Yemen and now Somalia. Apparently we can go anywhere we feel there are al-Qaeda, or their friends, and drop a drone on them, even in countries where we have not declared war. Or declared a non war like Libya, or no longer call for a victory, but a success according to the President's speech yesterday. The lines are getting greyer and greyer.

Last week we dropped drones on al-Qaeda operatives in Somalia making our territory now involving Somalia. The attack was actually against al-Shabab who it is believed they are co-ordinating with al-Qaeda. At Panetta's hearing to confirm him as CIA director, he said we are even looking at targets beyond Somalia.

It does make a mark on Obama as he once declared "I am the most anti-war candidate." Often complaining about Bush getting us into two wars. At least with Bush we knew kind of what he was going to do. But with Obama he drops drone attacks where ever he wants. I wonder why other countries don't trust us? Not thinking about is this morally right to drop these attacks on possible innocent civilians. What are we becoming America? Is this also a part of our sick society, that we can do whatever we want under the canopy of the terrorist war, or kinetic operation, or what ever we call it now? Pretty concerning.

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