Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Obama's Speech - Lays Hard on Republicans

The President lays it at the feet of the Republicans that it is their fault on no compromise on the Debt Reduction Plan. By not wanting to raise taxes once again on the rich, especially those with jet planes. Not talking much about how much he flies around with our jet plane, Air Force One. And to go after the oil companies by taking away subsidies. But that would only come back on tax payers to pay for discovery and reproducing of oil products

Asking about the Libyan war the President said he would not use the word victory for a win, but rather the word success. Either way just tell us you will lead us to a win in Afghanistan!!

Instead of talking about increasing small business he talks of infrastructure jobs such as roads and bridges, which God knows we need, but growing the government bigger and the government providing jobs will only put us in a deeper hole.

He did finally admit that regulations were harming the small business man and did speak of more monies to help them get a start. That comes out of our pocket also.

All in all he pretty much blamed the Republicans for not reaching a compromise, and called both sides irresponsible for not reaching a ending to the problem sooner, siting his children did better doing their homework. Maybe he could spend a little less time on the golf course himself, and the 35 campaign stops to raise money didn't help either. I don't think it would hurt him to spend more time either on this national problem.

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