Monday, June 13, 2011

New Hampshire Vote Crucial For Romney Campaign

A lot hangs in the balance for Mitt Romney tonight. New Hampshire is a keystone to his presidential election. Some say if he loses the Granite state primary again his campaign will fail.

The voters are not quite as picky this time around for the presidential election.  Most say no matter what we must beat Obama. For many this means they will vote for the front runner. Right now this is Romney's advantage. Even though he has the lowest percentage of the vote of any previous Republican front runner. His primary experience is his economic background and job creation ability. This is what the American public are, of course, most interested in this time around.

His Achilles heel of course is Romneycare, which closely resembles Obamacare. If he would renounce it his chances would rise, but he stands behind it.

This debate should be more interesting as we now have the heavyweights in, Rep. Michele Bachmann, Newt Gingrich, Rep Ron Paul. former Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty, former Senator Rick Santorum, and Georgian businessman Hermain Cain. John Huntsman decided not to come.

There still is a lot of concern that the candidates present a weak field, that remains to be seen. One who is a sleeper but could creep up is Tim Pawlenty. He is slowly coming up as more people hear him speak and learn his record. It is still anybodies party. And as one person put it, we still don't know who the American people will chose to send to the prom.

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