Wednesday, June 8, 2011

The Thing We Feared has Come to Happen-Egypt Legalizes Muslim Brotherhood

Remember during the Egyptian revolution many reported including Sean Hannity that the door would open for the Muslim Brotherhood. And the liberal left said, "you are prophets of doom, it won't happen."  But as Job said in Job3:25 "The thing I greatly feared is come upon me." Folks the thing we feared has come upon us. Muslim Brotherhood, Egypt's oldest and largest organisation, has been legally recognized and is called the Freedom and Justice Party of Egypt. It's name is deceiving and a total lie. It is nothing about freedom and the justice is Islamic law or Shariah. While they say they support democratic principles, their main thrust and reason for being is wrapped in their famous slogan "Islam is the Solution."

While Mubarak was in power they were banned and held down by The National Democratic Party of President  Mubarak. When the movement started out it was to spread Islamic morals and good works, it soon became political in taking out the British colonial control and ALL WESTERN INFLUENCE.

Now Egypt has set them up for a run in the parliamentary election in September. Built upon a social welfare network, they won 20% of the Parliament in 2005. For this fall , they hope to have candidates in half of Egypt's districts. The only thing they had to do to qualify as a party is under new regulations open their doors to Muslims, Christians and women. The party has at this time 9,000 members.

So did the revolution help, or make a worse Egypt? With our lack of help, we left them in the hands of those who are not so democratic, and opened the door for the Muslim Brotherhood to flood in.

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