Monday, June 20, 2011

Is Kenneth Melson, ATF Acting Director the Sacrificial Lamb?

Is Kenneth Melson, acting director of Bureau Of Tobacco, Alchohol and Firearms {ATF} the one to take the blame for the now known Program of the Federal Government Operation Fast and Furious? Which sold 2,000 guns to the underground market , which in turn sold the guns to  Mexico's drug cartels? After being questioned they were not able to get an answer the other day in Congress, nor will we probably get to know the answer soon.

A bad idea that worsened when it became known that Patrol Agent Brian Terry's death was connected to  Project Gunrunner, a sister program to Operation Fast and Furious. We now know that more than 150 shootings are connected to these programs and that the government has divulged that they really don't even know where 2/3rds of the guns are.

Rep. Darrell Issa compared the scandal to Iran/Contra during the Reagan presidency.

By letting Melson take the rap, unless he talks, the public will have to be satisfied with the sacrificial lamb. And we may never know how far up the chain this went. This from the President who glowingly proclaimed in his run for the presidency, we will be the most transparent administration.

The President said in March. "There may be a situation here where a serious mistake was made. If that's the case then we will hold somebody accountable."

I doubt we will soon know the real truth as to who issued the Program Operation Fast and Furious, and for the moment we may have to be appeased by the sacrificial lamb who has been brought to make the atonement for some one's sins.

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