Here it goes again folks. Harry Reid is scheduling a last minute vote on Elana Kagan for the later part of next week-just before the Senate's month long recess. Kagan may well be the modern "poster child" for progressive legal activists impacting American law. Our burgeoning caseload is full of attacks on liberty, life, and family by radical activists who share her ideology. See my important message below-Mat
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid is playing political hardball again by scheduling a last minute vote on Elena Kagan next week, forcing either limited debate- or delaying the Senate's recess.
As Senator Dick Durban said, " Adjournment is a powerful force." Reid has employed this underhanded method several controversial votes in the past.
Elena Kagan's vote should not be rubber stamped by limiting debate!! If confirmed, Kagan progressive activism will impact the Supreme Court for decades, just as she has already affected two major law schools, the Clinton administration and the office of the Solicitor General.
We believe that Elena Kagan is a dangerous radical activist whose ideologies run counter to virtually everything we hole dear as advocates of pro-family, pro-life, and pro faith values.
But our opposition to Elana Kagan's is not limited to the current battle over her appointment to the Supreme Court...
Kaganites aggressively subvert America's foundations
Our litigation team has encountered Kagan's former students and colleagues, many of whom work for the ACLU and other leftist organisations. I frequently come face to face with radicals like Elena Kagan in courtrooms and in the media.
We have learned over the years that activists with Kagan's ideology fully intend to destroy the foundations of America's faith, family, and freedom.
Please help support Liberty Counsel.
This is in support of Matt Staver, Founder and Chairman of Liberty Counsel. He has put on a strong fight to keep Elena Kagan off the Supreme Court. My main problem with her Shariah Law. Harvard took $20,000,000 dollars from the Saudi's and she used it to start a study for Harvard Students teaching them to accept Sharia.h Law. She will fight hard on the court for acceptance of this law in our country. She is a secular socialist elitist. If our country accepts this as a law in our country it will harm us and tear down our law system as it stands now. Shariah law is painful execution. An example is before us in the woman in Iran, who the Iranians now say she will not be stoned but executed for committing adultery.
There is still time to call your Representatives and Senators to tell them no to Elena Kagan.
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Thursday, July 29, 2010
The Lord Will Bless His People With Strength Psalm 29:11
This month I have been using verses about the word peace. We often think peace is a picture of someone running through a field of flowers on a beautiful day. That is a lovely thought but how many people have time to lope through a field of wild flowers? It isn't realistic is it? Especially with today's hectic pace. But in Sunday School many years ago I had a teacher named Mr. Fischer. I don't know where he is today. When we go to
Denver I often ask about him, but no one knows where he is. I was in fifth grade and he taught me many things. But on one Sunday he brought a picture to class. He asked us what we thought peace was? And we gave answers like to end the war. That was the Vietnam War. Another said if his parents would quit fighting. Then Mr. Fischer said those were really good answers but they really didn't fully explain peace. Real peace is when everything around us seems crazy, out of sink, and like there is no answers to anything. Kind of what we are going through right now. And then Mr. Fischer showed us the picture he had brought. It was the picture of a waterfall and there was rough water splashing all around and rain coming down, and the wind blowing. He said "does this look like peace?" We all said, "No." He said to look closer at the picture. When you looked closer you could see two doves inside the waterfall. A little ledge over them and they were huddled inside this little cavern in the middle of the waterfall, safe and sound. He said everything around them is thrashing around but these to little doves are huddled together and actually sleeping. Mr. Fischer said, this is true peace. The water is thrashing around them and yet they are safe, safe and secure in the Father's hands. The name of the picture simply "Peace." Everything is falling around us, twisting, and twirling around and yet we are save in His hands. The Bible says he even knows how many hairs are on our head. He knows when a sparrow falls. He will let nothing harm us or hurt us and we can have complete peace under his protection. Can you put yourself in this picture? With everything turning and twisting around you and have the real peace of God in your heart? Numbers 4:26 "the Lord give thee Peace." Can you rest and trust in him today to give you the peace you so greatly need? He is only a prayer away. Ask and you shall receive His Peace. "The Lord will give strength unto his people, the Lord will bless his people with peace." Psalm 29:11
Denver I often ask about him, but no one knows where he is. I was in fifth grade and he taught me many things. But on one Sunday he brought a picture to class. He asked us what we thought peace was? And we gave answers like to end the war. That was the Vietnam War. Another said if his parents would quit fighting. Then Mr. Fischer said those were really good answers but they really didn't fully explain peace. Real peace is when everything around us seems crazy, out of sink, and like there is no answers to anything. Kind of what we are going through right now. And then Mr. Fischer showed us the picture he had brought. It was the picture of a waterfall and there was rough water splashing all around and rain coming down, and the wind blowing. He said "does this look like peace?" We all said, "No." He said to look closer at the picture. When you looked closer you could see two doves inside the waterfall. A little ledge over them and they were huddled inside this little cavern in the middle of the waterfall, safe and sound. He said everything around them is thrashing around but these to little doves are huddled together and actually sleeping. Mr. Fischer said, this is true peace. The water is thrashing around them and yet they are safe, safe and secure in the Father's hands. The name of the picture simply "Peace." Everything is falling around us, twisting, and twirling around and yet we are save in His hands. The Bible says he even knows how many hairs are on our head. He knows when a sparrow falls. He will let nothing harm us or hurt us and we can have complete peace under his protection. Can you put yourself in this picture? With everything turning and twisting around you and have the real peace of God in your heart? Numbers 4:26 "the Lord give thee Peace." Can you rest and trust in him today to give you the peace you so greatly need? He is only a prayer away. Ask and you shall receive His Peace. "The Lord will give strength unto his people, the Lord will bless his people with peace." Psalm 29:11
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Wiki Leaks Down Played by Obama Administration
While is seems true that not much was released that was of great concern, the fact that it happened is much concerning. These were reports of things happening in the war being passed up the chain of command. It is also interesting that the years 2004-2009 were chosen. And because we do not have all the documents that were past we have no way of knowing what else was happening, but what was released showed a less than favorable light on President Bush. It either was leaked to look that way, or else we don't see the other side of the story. We already know many things were said and done to make Bush look bad. So it it hard to tell the truth. If fact so many lies were told about Bush that the lies were told so much the lies became truth. I asked my husband the other day, since his knowledge of words is far greater than mine. Is there a name for this, when lies become the truth? He does not know of a word for that. But this could have been leaked to make Bush look bad. But greater than that this could have been done to show the need to leave Afghanistan. It also shows the problems with Pakistan which has been going on for a long time. But if the Pakistanies are not in this to win they certainly have lost a lot of people fighting this cause. Gen. Mattis said the leaks were more harmful in our co-ordination with our allies. He was appalled a the release which showed gross irresponsibility.
Gibbs and the President are trying very hard to play this down. But, as we have come to know the Obama Administration, no one really ever becomes responsible. But they have read the 91,000 pages? They didn't have time to read Obamacare, and no one really knows what is in the new Finance Bill. But as Nancy put it, let's pass it and then we'll read it and fix the things that need to be fixed. This is the main problem I have with the Obama Administration, no one is responsible, there is no alarm button that goes off and says. Wow, we have a problem here, something needs to be done. Some one needs to be fired. Except to form a new commission. How many commissions have we started now? I've lost count. It just goes on and on. One person lamented the only secure place to work is in the White House, no one ever gets fired.
Gibbs and the President are trying very hard to play this down. But, as we have come to know the Obama Administration, no one really ever becomes responsible. But they have read the 91,000 pages? They didn't have time to read Obamacare, and no one really knows what is in the new Finance Bill. But as Nancy put it, let's pass it and then we'll read it and fix the things that need to be fixed. This is the main problem I have with the Obama Administration, no one is responsible, there is no alarm button that goes off and says. Wow, we have a problem here, something needs to be done. Some one needs to be fired. Except to form a new commission. How many commissions have we started now? I've lost count. It just goes on and on. One person lamented the only secure place to work is in the White House, no one ever gets fired.
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Gov. Norquist Saying Bush Tax Cut Expiration Will Cost Taxpayers 1 Trillion Dollars
As usual Gietner does the opposite of what actually needs to be done. He says he will allow tax cuts for under $200,000 a year tax payers, but wants to go after the business owners who are actually the ones keeping this faltering economy going. He also says the new Financial Reform bill should bolster confidence.
In reality the opposite has happened as few even understand the financial bill. It will be like Obamacare we will be getting new revelations day after day. The latest being a hidden tax on gold, ABC reports, it will come from small business people and self employed who use 1099 forms. which tracks and reports miscellaneous income. It will finance some of the health care's bills. 58% of Americans still want Obamacare repealed.
This expiration will also raise capital gains from 15% to 20%. There has been a cry for the small business's to have relief but this will clearly hurt the small companies and put more drag on the economy.
I have a personal desire to see these tax cuts renewed, as the tax credit for young families have helped my son and daughter-in -law tremendously. They have been able to make major repairs on their house and other needs of a young family.
The small business's are a major part of the recovery on this economy. They are also the main ones hiring and keeping the economy going. Why muzzle the ox that is pulling the economy and put greater burden on them.
Why I believe strongly to RENEW THE BUSH TAX CUTS
In reality the opposite has happened as few even understand the financial bill. It will be like Obamacare we will be getting new revelations day after day. The latest being a hidden tax on gold, ABC reports, it will come from small business people and self employed who use 1099 forms. which tracks and reports miscellaneous income. It will finance some of the health care's bills. 58% of Americans still want Obamacare repealed.
This expiration will also raise capital gains from 15% to 20%. There has been a cry for the small business's to have relief but this will clearly hurt the small companies and put more drag on the economy.
I have a personal desire to see these tax cuts renewed, as the tax credit for young families have helped my son and daughter-in -law tremendously. They have been able to make major repairs on their house and other needs of a young family.
The small business's are a major part of the recovery on this economy. They are also the main ones hiring and keeping the economy going. Why muzzle the ox that is pulling the economy and put greater burden on them.
Why I believe strongly to RENEW THE BUSH TAX CUTS
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Obama Takes a King's Entourage to G-20
The British press didn't quite know what to say about the size of President' Obama's entourage. He arrived in London with a 500 member staff, 200 of which were secret service agents. 6 DOCTORS, is there something going on we don't know about? Or is he a hypochondriac? The White House chef and kitchen staff. Apparently they don't know how to cook in England.
The Evening Standard said he had 350 vehicles in all. He must be going to take over England as well as America. Four speech writers and of course how could he make it without 12 TELEPROMPTERS.
Air Force One was inadequate so he took also the presidential helicopter, marine one, and a fleet of identical decoys to ferry him from Stansted airport to central London. Does he also suffer from paranoia?
Not counting the presidential limousine, which one London newspaper called Cadillac One. Other's refer to it as the Beast. The limo is reinforced with ceramic and titanium armour, a tear gas cannon, night vision devices in case he is engaged in rapid fire. And it's own oxygen in case he is gassed. It is also resistant to chemical and radiation attack. One reporter said it is sort of a mobile panic room. The Guardian called it "the Ultimate in heavily armoured transport."
We do want the President protected but this is extreme over kill especially when it was only for a three day trip to begin with.
It was a kind of spread the wealth, hopy-changy thing.
The Evening Standard said he had 350 vehicles in all. He must be going to take over England as well as America. Four speech writers and of course how could he make it without 12 TELEPROMPTERS.
Air Force One was inadequate so he took also the presidential helicopter, marine one, and a fleet of identical decoys to ferry him from Stansted airport to central London. Does he also suffer from paranoia?
Not counting the presidential limousine, which one London newspaper called Cadillac One. Other's refer to it as the Beast. The limo is reinforced with ceramic and titanium armour, a tear gas cannon, night vision devices in case he is engaged in rapid fire. And it's own oxygen in case he is gassed. It is also resistant to chemical and radiation attack. One reporter said it is sort of a mobile panic room. The Guardian called it "the Ultimate in heavily armoured transport."
We do want the President protected but this is extreme over kill especially when it was only for a three day trip to begin with.
It was a kind of spread the wealth, hopy-changy thing.
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
How Kagan Can be Derailed-Important Please Read and Write a Letter
Mathew Staver, Founder of Chairman of Liberty Councel,
I am convinced that Elana Kagan would do irreparable damage to the pro-family-pro-life and pro-faith movement if she is confirmed to the supreme court. Therefore I have decided to do something we have never done before. Please read my message below- Mat.
As you probably know, the senate Judiciary committee voted today to approve Elena Kagan-the first of three key votes.
I cannot fathom what the senators who voted in favor of Kagan were thinking -especially Sen. Lindsay Graham. The vote in the Judiciary Committee was as expected, largely along party lines with only Graham breaking ranks.
A recent poll shows that support for Kagan is well under 50%, the lowest of any supreme court nominee in recent history.
So once again, our elected officials are turning a deaf ear to the will of the American people.
The next thresholds Kagan will face are the two senate floor votes, probably in the next 10days. Now, every Senator must go on record-and 60 votes are needed for conformation. In an election year with many Senators facing rough races, this is our best opportunity to make our voices heard and stop this nomination.
The national Rifle Organization, due to Kagans weak claims that she would honor the second amendment, is going to "score" the senate vote on her confirmation. That is putting great pressure on Senator's in this election year.
We are doing something we have never done before.
In order to make the strongest statement possible, we intend to flood Senate offices with massive grassroots letter writing campaign-thousands of thousands of personalized letters expressing citizen opposition to Kagan's confirmation.
Getting it done is a daunting challenge. It has been our experience that the Pelosi-Reid congress is making it more and more difficult to ge the mail to the congressional office buildings.
Letters are often delayed by the Capital Hill post office. That is why we have organized a Hand Delivery system to get you letter delivered immediately, by passing a the congressional post office entirely. And by sharing the cost of courier delivery with thousands of like minded citizens, delivering your letter becomes affordable.
Personal letters can be delivered to your senators by hand to Capital Hill.
The schedule of the cloture vote on Kagan is currently unknown. Our source's say it will likely happen within a week. That leaves very little time to impact the full senate, but it can be done if we act quickly. Go here to help launch this huge letter writing campaign to all 100 senators
There is a reasonable chance that 41 senators will stand strong and refuse to allow Obama's legal clone to be rushed through to the Supreme Court for life.
You can choose how many senators to which you want your message Hand Delivered.
Here are some reasons why this Hand Delivered letter is important.
Kagan pro-homosexual agenda is to convert law to recognize homosexuality and transgender as being "civil rights."
Informally calling it a "Queen Law" curriculum, Kagan recruited William Rebenstein, a former ACLU lawyer and ACT-UP activist, to instruct the students on "Queer "legal theories," including the advancement of sodomy and polygamy to legal and social acceptability.
Together, Kagan and Rebenstein recruited Harvard Students to get involved in homosexual activist legal work to impose these "civil rights" changes on American Law.
Also as part of her pro-homosexual activism-Kagan supported repeal of Don't Ask' Don' Tell policy. Banning recruiters from Harvard Law School campus.
Kagan was a catalyst in Harvard University accepting 20 million dollars from a Member of the Saudi royal Family to establish a "center for Islamic Studies" and to push Shariah Law.
Senator Jeff Sessions took note of this double standard by saying "she was perfectly willing to obstruct the military, which liberated countless Muslims from the hate and tyranny of Saddam Hussein and the Taliban, but it seems she was willing to sit at the sidelines as Harvard created a center funded by and dedicated to foreign leaders presided over a legal system that would violate what appears to be her pastimes." She encouraged Islamic "recruiters" of Harvard Law students to promote acceptance of Islamics Sharia Law in our culture.
If you prefer to send your own letters, check on this link.
Mathew Staver, Founder and Chairman Liberty Councel
I am convinced that Elana Kagan would do irreparable damage to the pro-family-pro-life and pro-faith movement if she is confirmed to the supreme court. Therefore I have decided to do something we have never done before. Please read my message below- Mat.
As you probably know, the senate Judiciary committee voted today to approve Elena Kagan-the first of three key votes.
I cannot fathom what the senators who voted in favor of Kagan were thinking -especially Sen. Lindsay Graham. The vote in the Judiciary Committee was as expected, largely along party lines with only Graham breaking ranks.
A recent poll shows that support for Kagan is well under 50%, the lowest of any supreme court nominee in recent history.
So once again, our elected officials are turning a deaf ear to the will of the American people.
The next thresholds Kagan will face are the two senate floor votes, probably in the next 10days. Now, every Senator must go on record-and 60 votes are needed for conformation. In an election year with many Senators facing rough races, this is our best opportunity to make our voices heard and stop this nomination.
The national Rifle Organization, due to Kagans weak claims that she would honor the second amendment, is going to "score" the senate vote on her confirmation. That is putting great pressure on Senator's in this election year.
We are doing something we have never done before.
In order to make the strongest statement possible, we intend to flood Senate offices with massive grassroots letter writing campaign-thousands of thousands of personalized letters expressing citizen opposition to Kagan's confirmation.
Getting it done is a daunting challenge. It has been our experience that the Pelosi-Reid congress is making it more and more difficult to ge the mail to the congressional office buildings.
Letters are often delayed by the Capital Hill post office. That is why we have organized a Hand Delivery system to get you letter delivered immediately, by passing a the congressional post office entirely. And by sharing the cost of courier delivery with thousands of like minded citizens, delivering your letter becomes affordable.
Personal letters can be delivered to your senators by hand to Capital Hill.
The schedule of the cloture vote on Kagan is currently unknown. Our source's say it will likely happen within a week. That leaves very little time to impact the full senate, but it can be done if we act quickly. Go here to help launch this huge letter writing campaign to all 100 senators
There is a reasonable chance that 41 senators will stand strong and refuse to allow Obama's legal clone to be rushed through to the Supreme Court for life.
You can choose how many senators to which you want your message Hand Delivered.
Here are some reasons why this Hand Delivered letter is important.
Kagan pro-homosexual agenda is to convert law to recognize homosexuality and transgender as being "civil rights."
Informally calling it a "Queen Law" curriculum, Kagan recruited William Rebenstein, a former ACLU lawyer and ACT-UP activist, to instruct the students on "Queer "legal theories," including the advancement of sodomy and polygamy to legal and social acceptability.
Together, Kagan and Rebenstein recruited Harvard Students to get involved in homosexual activist legal work to impose these "civil rights" changes on American Law.
Also as part of her pro-homosexual activism-Kagan supported repeal of Don't Ask' Don' Tell policy. Banning recruiters from Harvard Law School campus.
Kagan was a catalyst in Harvard University accepting 20 million dollars from a Member of the Saudi royal Family to establish a "center for Islamic Studies" and to push Shariah Law.
Senator Jeff Sessions took note of this double standard by saying "she was perfectly willing to obstruct the military, which liberated countless Muslims from the hate and tyranny of Saddam Hussein and the Taliban, but it seems she was willing to sit at the sidelines as Harvard created a center funded by and dedicated to foreign leaders presided over a legal system that would violate what appears to be her pastimes." She encouraged Islamic "recruiters" of Harvard Law students to promote acceptance of Islamics Sharia Law in our culture.
If you prefer to send your own letters, check on this link.
Mathew Staver, Founder and Chairman Liberty Councel
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Is Obama Loosing His Reasoning Process and Throwing a Tantrum Over Republican's?
It's beyond the reasoning of the Elitist's that we don't want any more stimulus packages. Obama even had words with England's P.M. today, saying England is doing the wrong thing in cutting it's budget the next three years to reduce the deficit. Obama is beside himself in rage with the Republicans, because they want unemployment to come out of the stimulus money which is more than half used, instead of adding it to the deficit. The Republicans merely want to do what they did last fall in using the stimulus money to pay for unemployment benefits. Why is there always this disconnect between him and the congress? Does anyone in Washington use the telephone anymore. It's a wonderful invention, and a lot of things could be cleared up before it gets to this point Or is he just doing this to make the Republicans to look bad? Or does he always have to have his way? These checks could have been cut last week. He is almost becoming irrational to work with. Or is the fact that the Dem's will probably loose the house this November weighing on his mind. Clearly he is getting harder and harder to work with, not the one who promised to work with the other side. It's going to get worse before it gets better. But it is going to get better folks, just hang in there. Marna
Friday, July 16, 2010
Finance Reform Another Boondoggle of a Bill
While we are enjoying summer and playing President Obama is taking advantage to pass more of his massive, overtaking our country, bills under our noses. This massive 2,300 page bill is supposed to stop what happened two years ago when Sen. Barny Frank and Sen. Chris Dodd nearly crashed our economy and then turned around and blamed it on President Bush and the republicans. Now the very ones who almost destroyed our economy have been put in control of writing a bill to fix the problem.??? And the lies just keep a coming.This boondoggle of a bill is to recreate faith in the faltering financial crises we are trying to face on our own. And so far the federal government has done next to nothing to help our tumbling economy. The only thing holding this country together, the hard working American people and their inventiveness to save their business's. Virtually the government has done little to give support, and this bill will do little else to help us.
And the two who caused this problem and their faltering companies Fanny Mae and Freddi Mac aren't even in the bill. We need another bill coming down the pike to fix that. ???
Three republicans who broke rank and voted for the bill, well you can guess who. Scott brown, Obama's newest friend. Olympia Snowe and Susan Collins.
Actually the bill fails to really fix he problem in Wall Street and once again leaves it in the hands of the federal regulators who bungled the problem in the first place.
The Republicans say it only makes government bigger and more intrusive into our financial concerns. It also fails to stop the bailouts with our hard earned tax payer money.
It will make credit harder to get, especially for small business's, provide 10,000 new rules on business's. and nearly halt the already nonexistent job creation.
It is really another political move on the part of the President to give the appearance that he is doing something about Wall Street.
The scary part the new Federal Insurance Office will be capable of seizing any business that is failing. Is this constitutional is my main question?
Republicans vow to repeal the bill. More government control over business's will only stifle growth, and lessen incentive for business's to create growth. You can't choke the neck of a business and then expect that business to grow. Business's need to be free to develope new ways to grow. Massive rules to tell them what they can and cannot do will not help new business's.
This will destroy free thought and ideas. Big brother is getting to big. Regulations can be put in place to correct the problems that started the melt down in the first place. We do not need massive oversight of our business's. Like the mother who is too strict, the children suffer growth and free thinking is stymied. Get off our back's big government and leave us to grow our own business's.
And the two who caused this problem and their faltering companies Fanny Mae and Freddi Mac aren't even in the bill. We need another bill coming down the pike to fix that. ???
Three republicans who broke rank and voted for the bill, well you can guess who. Scott brown, Obama's newest friend. Olympia Snowe and Susan Collins.
Actually the bill fails to really fix he problem in Wall Street and once again leaves it in the hands of the federal regulators who bungled the problem in the first place.
The Republicans say it only makes government bigger and more intrusive into our financial concerns. It also fails to stop the bailouts with our hard earned tax payer money.
It will make credit harder to get, especially for small business's, provide 10,000 new rules on business's. and nearly halt the already nonexistent job creation.
It is really another political move on the part of the President to give the appearance that he is doing something about Wall Street.
The scary part the new Federal Insurance Office will be capable of seizing any business that is failing. Is this constitutional is my main question?
Republicans vow to repeal the bill. More government control over business's will only stifle growth, and lessen incentive for business's to create growth. You can't choke the neck of a business and then expect that business to grow. Business's need to be free to develope new ways to grow. Massive rules to tell them what they can and cannot do will not help new business's.
This will destroy free thought and ideas. Big brother is getting to big. Regulations can be put in place to correct the problems that started the melt down in the first place. We do not need massive oversight of our business's. Like the mother who is too strict, the children suffer growth and free thinking is stymied. Get off our back's big government and leave us to grow our own business's.
Monday, July 12, 2010
Greetings From Colorado
Greetings from Colorado. We've been here for six days now. We just returned from a reunion of my husbands Bible College at Glen Eyrie Castle. It was great and the castle was unbelievable. I have pictures but as usual I am having trouble uploading them. I am computer illiterate. My son gave me a book Computers for Seniors because I am not to ask him any more questions. So I am on my own. The book is not that helpful either. Anyway, we were there three days. We drove through Garden of the Gods and Manito Springs. I am from here but I still like to see things again. Now we are back in Westminster and have a full schedule with everyone wanting to see us again. We brought the rain from Chicago here with us.
Well, our friends here are as unhappy with this current President as they are in Chicago. And we had no TV at Glen Eyrie because it is run by the Navigators and they wanted us to retreat from the world. It was great and I have decided to turn off my TV more, and do more reading and other things.
I see the President is in full swing against Arizona and Eric Holder said he is planning on a SECOND law suit against Arizona. Holder also blames the confusion in congress on why he cant decide were to hold the terrorist trials. Does anyone in the white house ever make a decision? And when they do make one why is it usually is the wrong decision?
This war against Arizona is not helping his poll ratings either as a Gallup poll on July 7th showed only a 38% approval rating amongst independents on his job performance. This with 81% of democrats and 12% of republicans, gives him an overall 46% approval rating.
He is not doing well with the Hispanics either who in 2008 had a 67% approval rating to 55% now. Obama's main concern he cannot win without the independent vote in 2012. But he continues to make the independents angrier and angrier.
Gibbs said on NBC'S Meet the Press[meet the depressed] that they could quite possibly loose the House in November. He also said "the president is going to lay out a choice: look back where we came from and look forward to where we are going." He continued "There is no doubt we are on the right path." ???
Gibbs continued on with the rhetoric that Bush got us into this mess and the president has things on the upswing. ???
Afghanistan is not going well either, not to mention the oil spill. Probably Bush's fault also.
No one really takes responsibility for anything, it's always somebodies else's fault. And decisions continue to be made in the wrong direction.
Well, our friends here are as unhappy with this current President as they are in Chicago. And we had no TV at Glen Eyrie because it is run by the Navigators and they wanted us to retreat from the world. It was great and I have decided to turn off my TV more, and do more reading and other things.
I see the President is in full swing against Arizona and Eric Holder said he is planning on a SECOND law suit against Arizona. Holder also blames the confusion in congress on why he cant decide were to hold the terrorist trials. Does anyone in the white house ever make a decision? And when they do make one why is it usually is the wrong decision?
This war against Arizona is not helping his poll ratings either as a Gallup poll on July 7th showed only a 38% approval rating amongst independents on his job performance. This with 81% of democrats and 12% of republicans, gives him an overall 46% approval rating.
He is not doing well with the Hispanics either who in 2008 had a 67% approval rating to 55% now. Obama's main concern he cannot win without the independent vote in 2012. But he continues to make the independents angrier and angrier.
Gibbs said on NBC'S Meet the Press[meet the depressed] that they could quite possibly loose the House in November. He also said "the president is going to lay out a choice: look back where we came from and look forward to where we are going." He continued "There is no doubt we are on the right path." ???
Gibbs continued on with the rhetoric that Bush got us into this mess and the president has things on the upswing. ???
Afghanistan is not going well either, not to mention the oil spill. Probably Bush's fault also.
No one really takes responsibility for anything, it's always somebodies else's fault. And decisions continue to be made in the wrong direction.
Sunday, July 11, 2010
President Obama's Worst Mistake
President Obama has probably made one of his most glaring mistakes in his presidency. In suing Arizona he has garnered a group of people with much anger. This anger and support is mos readily shown in the near $1,000,000 dollars Gov. Brewer has raised in 4, yes, 4 days since the law suit. Which also has become problematic in itself. Clearly the people are speaking out that this was a decision that cut across party lines. Congress is slowing becoming dismantled along with other decisions the Commander in Chief has made. There is an erosion crumbling under his feet. A few more missteps and will he come to the point where he can no longer govern? The oil spill isn't helping either as more and more oil is coming inland. And beyond belief there are many countries volunteering to come with more boats and he is again refusing their help. I was surprised in Nevada the crowds are still cheering with a 14% unemployment. Will they begin to say in the white house "'let them eat cake?" The french fell under a crushing deficit. Are we following their footsteps? A concerned American.
Thursday, July 8, 2010
President Suing Arizona Backfiring on Him
This is the worst kind of politics raising the hopes of Latinos that the Pres. is going to pass a bill that leads to amnesty. These Hispanics are looking up to him. Can you imagine the emotion these people are going through? Thinking that they could be uprooted and then being given false hope that everything is going to be OK. All because this President realizes he is failing in the polls. Recent poll shows he is loosing support of Hispanics by 13%. Presidents response sue Arizona. He is playing a pretty serious game that could and probably is backfiring on him.
Interesting in flying here yesterday I brought Karl Rove's book "Courage and Consequences" to finally get it finished. I read it on the plane. And here on Page 469, I was caught off guard with Karl's words" Many Democrats refused to deny any welfare benefits to illegal aliens." But here is the clincher. "They also opposed any guest worker program-but rather than kill it outright, they wanted to make it impossible to operate." He continues, "So organized labor got Reid to allow votes on an amendment that would limit the side of any quest worker program[rather than making the size depend on the number of available jobs] and end it in five years[which meant fewer companies would participate.]. One of the senators that voted in favor of labor, Illinois freshman senator Barack Obama.
If you get my drift here he used the worker quest program to vote against Pres. Bush's immigration bill. Now in order to get the Hispanic voters he literally reverses his belief and is wanting to make a huge renewal call for massive numbers of worker permits[for worker quest programs.]
Clearly you must see the hypocrisy of what he is doing. But in his move to sue Arizona a huge amount of independents are rising up in anger. One thing they do not want, illegals working here, many of whom, pay no taxes. Pres. Obama has made another huge mistake. Arizona is gaining rapid support.
Why? No one likes a bully. Especially coming from the President and of course the unpopular Federal Government. He has taken a huge gamble to try to keep these voters and it is backfiring in his face.
Interesting in flying here yesterday I brought Karl Rove's book "Courage and Consequences" to finally get it finished. I read it on the plane. And here on Page 469, I was caught off guard with Karl's words" Many Democrats refused to deny any welfare benefits to illegal aliens." But here is the clincher. "They also opposed any guest worker program-but rather than kill it outright, they wanted to make it impossible to operate." He continues, "So organized labor got Reid to allow votes on an amendment that would limit the side of any quest worker program[rather than making the size depend on the number of available jobs] and end it in five years[which meant fewer companies would participate.]. One of the senators that voted in favor of labor, Illinois freshman senator Barack Obama.
If you get my drift here he used the worker quest program to vote against Pres. Bush's immigration bill. Now in order to get the Hispanic voters he literally reverses his belief and is wanting to make a huge renewal call for massive numbers of worker permits[for worker quest programs.]
Clearly you must see the hypocrisy of what he is doing. But in his move to sue Arizona a huge amount of independents are rising up in anger. One thing they do not want, illegals working here, many of whom, pay no taxes. Pres. Obama has made another huge mistake. Arizona is gaining rapid support.
Why? No one likes a bully. Especially coming from the President and of course the unpopular Federal Government. He has taken a huge gamble to try to keep these voters and it is backfiring in his face.
Monday, July 5, 2010
President Not Concerned For Unemployed in His Amnesty Speech
Politics is the name of the game with Presidents immigration reform. This is the main agenda of his new reform. Really it is not reform. It's just a HUGE RENEWAL CALL FOR MASSIVE NUMBERS OF WORK PERMITS for foreign workers. Does he even care for the 25 MILLION out of work Americans. And, how this would effect them in need of a job. My son being one of them. Which I can testify to hundreds of resume's we have sent out. There is LITTLE or NO WORK out there. And I have personal proof of the problem. He doesn't have an immigration reform which in reality would be pretty complicated. Because this problem is complicated. It could be worked out of course if he would get a BIPARTISAN group together and work on it. Then he really could say I am working on it. I am getting pretty cranky and I need a vacation. Marna
Saturday, July 3, 2010
More on Sneaky Pelosi last Thursday-Thank You For Calling
Near Midnight on Thursday past, Nancy Pelosi and her big labor friends in the US House of Rep. disgracefully amended pending war funding legislation to include the Police and Firefighter Monopoly Bargaining Bill
It was no accident or last minute decision. You see, we have been informed that the Union label House leadership had just one day before met behind closed doors with Big Labor's high command, including AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka, AFSCME President Gerald McEntee,CWA President Larry Cohen, and IAFF General President Harold Schaitberger.
Knowing in the wide spread opposition to their union boss power grab, the union barons demanded their allies in the House sneak the dangerous bill into a "must pass vehicle." Nancy Pelosi was happy to oblige her Big Labor masters.
As you know, the Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid has been itching to ram through this bill for weeks, but your action delayed his efforts before the Senate adjourned for Independence Day.
And now the Police and Firefighter Monopoly Bargaining has made it through the House [albeit through desperate tactics, the battle in the Senate will be more crucial than ever.
Thank you for everything you have done in this fight so far. Your support could very well make the difference. Doug Stafford, vice president, National Right to Work Committee.
It was no accident or last minute decision. You see, we have been informed that the Union label House leadership had just one day before met behind closed doors with Big Labor's high command, including AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka, AFSCME President Gerald McEntee,CWA President Larry Cohen, and IAFF General President Harold Schaitberger.
Knowing in the wide spread opposition to their union boss power grab, the union barons demanded their allies in the House sneak the dangerous bill into a "must pass vehicle." Nancy Pelosi was happy to oblige her Big Labor masters.
As you know, the Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid has been itching to ram through this bill for weeks, but your action delayed his efforts before the Senate adjourned for Independence Day.
And now the Police and Firefighter Monopoly Bargaining has made it through the House [albeit through desperate tactics, the battle in the Senate will be more crucial than ever.
Thank you for everything you have done in this fight so far. Your support could very well make the difference. Doug Stafford, vice president, National Right to Work Committee.
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Republicans Gave Kagan a Pass-I'm Disappointed
The only Republican who really challenged Elena Kagan was senator Jeff Sessions of Alabama. He challenged her over limits she imposed on military recruiters. This is a debate that is not going to end as it sticks in the craw of many Republicans because it was done at a time of war. In my opinion Republicans went soft on her. I think we the people could have done a better job. I personally had a list of questions that maybe one was asked. Very disappointing. For some reason even the Republicans think she is a moderate. Anything but, she is just as radical as her friend Pres. Obama, and runs with the same group. I am thinking since so many people are expressing the same feeling as I, maybe each senator be required to have one question by the citizens. I mean, we pay the bills, and we were not very well represented yesterday. In fact that is my main complaint about this administration, when you have over 60% of the people not wanting health care reform, at least this kind of health care reform, and then push it through. That is not REPRESENTATIVE government. Not "we the people government." Even Clinton as liberal as he was understood the "will of the people." He also is starting to speak out against this President and endorsing Romanoff a canidate in Colo. I think he did not like being in the center of that possible quid pro quo that Rahm Emanuel got him into. Hillary is starting to speak out also. I don't think the Clintons are happy with him either.
Kagan also called the Supreme court upholding gun rights as "binding precedent." She said about abortion " the woman's life and the women's health have to be protected." You know it used to be the mother gave her life for the child, now the child gives it's life for the mother. We have a society that is very self oriented. I wonder of the 1.3 million abortions done here last year were the women actually fearful of loosing thier life or too ill to deliver? Evidently in America we have no laws to protect the unborn Americans. According to the Los Angeles Times "Kagan is not so-leftist liberal. Kagan is a radical leftist as will come to appear more and more as she sits on the Court. She is a strong activist with leanings toward Obama's agenda. They will make a striking couple together. For me this is pretty scary. She is not the moderate the main media has painted her. With this nominee I am not a happycamper. Marna
Kagan also called the Supreme court upholding gun rights as "binding precedent." She said about abortion " the woman's life and the women's health have to be protected." You know it used to be the mother gave her life for the child, now the child gives it's life for the mother. We have a society that is very self oriented. I wonder of the 1.3 million abortions done here last year were the women actually fearful of loosing thier life or too ill to deliver? Evidently in America we have no laws to protect the unborn Americans. According to the Los Angeles Times "Kagan is not so-leftist liberal. Kagan is a radical leftist as will come to appear more and more as she sits on the Court. She is a strong activist with leanings toward Obama's agenda. They will make a striking couple together. For me this is pretty scary. She is not the moderate the main media has painted her. With this nominee I am not a happycamper. Marna
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