Dear Husband, There are so many things I want to share with you since you graduated to glory. First, I rather would be with you, but I must remain here for a while longer and be with our children. We are all well and safe.We ask our ourselves, now that you no longer have prosthetic legs, if you are golfing on greens of gold up there. Now you are free to do the things you could no longer do down here. Many have asked how I feel. I feel good. You are freed from a terrible disease. I really should say we have been freed. I no longer have to worry about you daily. I have complete peace with what happened. Some people can not understand this. Some who have had an ill mate do understand it. I still feel one with you. So many things have happened since you left us. Many decisions I have had to make on my own, but I always try to think how you would have handled this. I always remember how quickly you were able to forgive others, almost to my dismay. That you were truly a man with no guile towards others who were unkind to you. You were slow to react and always thought through why something happened. You always gave others the benefit of doubt. You would try to reason with me to calm me down, I was the one who wanted to quickly react. We were good for each other as we would come to a pretty good conclusion in the end. You were the steady one, I the impulsive.We were a good team together.We worked well together in the ministry. We were usually on the same wave length. You taught me not to get in the flesh. but try to handle it in a spiritual manner. Sometimes that would frustrate me, but I would try to follow your lead. You always understood my illness and did not push me beyond what I could not do. Even when others criticized because I could not make it to church. You would understand and mention that I suffered much pain and sometimes not able to attend.
I want you back, but understand more and more you are not coming back, I must come to you. Russ wrote a Poem "Wait For Us". You should be so proud of him. He handled this like a man. All the children are doing well and are going on as they should. We all have our times and wonder how we are going to make it through Christmas. I didn't realize what strong children we raised. Others have commented on it. I miss you. Marna
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Friday, October 29, 2010
Brady to Pat Quinn-Blago Was Your Partner
Bill Brady was strong in the debate last night. It was not called a debate but a forum. However it sounded like a debate to me. Brady came in and clobbered Quinn on his increased spending and bad decisions he has made. Of course Quinn blamed his predecessor Blago, and the previous predecessor and the previous predecessor. Republicans Ryan and even Thompson are to blame for his increased spending evidently. He should have never used the word Blago, which started another round from Brady on Quinn making remarks that Blago was his partner and Quinn had said was an honorable and a decent man who was according to Brady under investigation at the time. Both agreed that the former Gov. Ryan should remain in prison for the rest of his term for the six children of the Willis's that died in an van fire from a piece that fell off a truck ahead of them. In a side, we know the Willis's and have worked together with them in the ministry. I totally agree Ryan should serve his full term. I am sill not over their loss either. This was about the only thing they agreed on. Quinn said Brady did not speak out about Ryan during the time of Ryan's troubles which inflamed Brady who said he was the first to come out and speak against Ryan. Quinn in many respects seemed unprepared. How can you defend a bad record for the last two years and wanted at one time to increase taxes 33%? As he could see no other way out, and quickly criticized other Republicans who's are severely cutting spending. It was lively and interesting to say the least. Although Carol Moran slants to liberal I feel she tried to keep the playing field even. The event was spirited and I enjoyed it very much. Right now the polls stand at 43.3% for Brady and 39% for Pat Quinn. I shutter to think what would happen if Pat Quinn were allowed to continue to rule Illinois. We have greater problems than our own Governor creating them himself. I appreciate the fact that Bill Brady takes a stand on life. As he put it, as governor he is concerned for every person in Illinois. Yes, the unborn are people!! He is not for criminalizing women who have abortions if Roe-vrs. Wade is overturned. He was also clear he did no see this happening. On rape and incest he believes that is individual. I like this man and his stand especially that he wants to BALANCE THE BUDGET, which Quinn says you can't do it.
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
No Other Election Like This One
This election is unlike any other election we have ever had. This election is for the soul of our country. If we fail this will no longer be the America we once had. There will be a chance if we win to save America. But even if we win, and we will, the battle will not be over. We will still be in a fight to keep America, "America". Because the far left liberals are going to fight to the death. Even democrats are beginning to pull away from the far left. But not soon enough and not fast enough. The far left has a tangle hold and are not going to quit. Recently Sarah Palin said, even if w get rid of Pelosi and Reid the problem will still be here. She is right. Our future is in this vote. If you have ever voted before it is now. Many have asked who I am voting for. For the state of Illinois I am standing strongly behind Bill Brady for Governor and and I would vote for Mark Kirk.. In Illinois we are in a battle with the unions. You say are they that strong? How has Mayor Daley been put in office four times? Yes. Why the strong unions here? If you watched Karl Rove on CBS Sunday with Bob Schieffer you heard the 222 million dollars for elections from four unions. They put Obama in office. Bob Schieffer said, "I can't speak for the unions this morning" and Karl responded, "I wouldn't defend them either." I know about the unions because I live in Chicago. Right now I have neighbors who want to put up a Bill Brady sign on their front yard. But they are afraid of repercussions if they do. That is intimidation. No one should be afraid to put up signs on their front lawn. I have had friends in the Chicago area who had conservative signs up and people have knocked on their doors telling them to take them down or else. They left them up. We are going to beak this hold of the unions on the vote in Chicago. It will take time, but we are going to do it. Marna
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Why Is It When Everything Seems To Get Better There Comes Another Twist?.
Life has so many twists and turns, at least my life has. It seems like when everything is getting better you get zonked with another problem. I know people say the Lord doesn't give you more than you can handle. But sometimes doesn't it feel like there is overload going on? But then I think of someone else's life, like 23% of the sales of homes are from mortgages failing and people loosing their homes and my trials seem small. And just today I visited a friend who's grandfather is very ill and they are determined not to put him in a nursing home. They are going to do it themselves. Then I think, maybe a transmission in the car really isn't all that much considering I am in the same house and most of my bills are paid. So you see if you look at other's sometimes your trials really aren't that big. I don't have to pick up everything and leave my home. There is always someone much worse off than you are. Like the old saying I felt sorry for myself because I had no shoes until I met someone who had no feet. It's all really pretty much how you look at it isn't it. Just something I was thinking about and thought I would share it with you.
Thursday, October 21, 2010
If You Can't Say Anything Good Just Don't Say It.
Sometimes we give our life to other's and all we get is a slap in the face. That's how I feel today. Just because we are the Lord's servants doesn't give the right for others to hurt us. Now that my husband is gone other's are lifting him up and picking at me. I am part of him too. I am part of his work. So when you stab me you stab his spirit too. He is still with us. Ministry is not an easy work. Paul said, It is a light thing that you should criticize me. Yes the apostle Paul suffered hits by others too. And yet the servant of the Lord is not to retaliate, we are to be above the harm others are saying about us. I am a Pastor's wife and have been for 42 years. I have that title and I earned it. I did not seek it, it was thrust on me the day I married my husband. So if you thought highly of my husband you should think the same for me. I am the one who put him through Bible college, made the sacrifices and am still making the sacrifices. I am the one who lived through the long hours. I am the one who shared in his triumphs and his loses. Leave me alone if you can't say anything nice. I do not need your remarks. I am following the Lord the same as you. I am still Dr. Meyer's wife and I am one with him. Marna
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
The Miracle of the Miners
Shortly after midnight last night Florencio Avalos arrived at the top in the Phoenix, the name of the capsule that saved his life. Meeting his wife and family after 69 days in an abyss of fear and anxiety he was safe at last. What a miracle!! Awakening this morning I soon learned the11th man was being rescued. One third of the miners were now safe. It takes 13 - 14 minutes average to bring them to the top. Many men carrying a flag that was sent down to them during the ordeal. The President of Bolivia is now with the President of Chile. The miners are in amazing good shape coming up. Why? Because the President of Chile showed LEADERSHIP. He accepted help from foreign countries, he TOOK THE REIGNS and organised people who were professions in their fields and he LISTENED to them. He did not get MAD at the MINE and tell them off. He WORKED with them. This is LEADERSHIP.
The men have lost an average of 22 pounds. All miners were given aspirin in case of blood clots. A Chilean cheer goes up each time a miner arrives. Something only done at their soccer games. A tribute to the men if you will.
Aug. 5th was the start for their ordeal. There was a landslide and many were able to escape out the front of the mine but these miners were far down below. They were eating in a safe room. An accident, not really when you think about the one who protects us. Many are speaking of the strong faith of the Chilean people. Is this what really saved them? I think so. The miracle of them ending up in this safe room can only be classified as a miracle, something truly of God, His protection.
How Chile has handled this is the key to their success. They reached out to other countries and worked together to solve the problems. And for the the Chilean President he has high marks from his people. From what I have seen of him from my living room, he cares about his people.
Men talk of the mental battle these men went though to overcome the ordeal. The men worked together in the mine, not against each other. What a good example of those that helped them from outside and their desire to stay together inside. They could also be an example to us. Would to God we could work together to solve the serious problems this country is facing right now.
The Phoenix is 21 inches wide and painted in colors of the Chilean flag. Rollers are on the capsule because the grade is on a slant coming up. Continue prayer for the rescue and may you all come home safely.
Our praise to the Chilean President for his leadership.
The men have lost an average of 22 pounds. All miners were given aspirin in case of blood clots. A Chilean cheer goes up each time a miner arrives. Something only done at their soccer games. A tribute to the men if you will.
Aug. 5th was the start for their ordeal. There was a landslide and many were able to escape out the front of the mine but these miners were far down below. They were eating in a safe room. An accident, not really when you think about the one who protects us. Many are speaking of the strong faith of the Chilean people. Is this what really saved them? I think so. The miracle of them ending up in this safe room can only be classified as a miracle, something truly of God, His protection.
How Chile has handled this is the key to their success. They reached out to other countries and worked together to solve the problems. And for the the Chilean President he has high marks from his people. From what I have seen of him from my living room, he cares about his people.
Men talk of the mental battle these men went though to overcome the ordeal. The men worked together in the mine, not against each other. What a good example of those that helped them from outside and their desire to stay together inside. They could also be an example to us. Would to God we could work together to solve the serious problems this country is facing right now.
The Phoenix is 21 inches wide and painted in colors of the Chilean flag. Rollers are on the capsule because the grade is on a slant coming up. Continue prayer for the rescue and may you all come home safely.
Our praise to the Chilean President for his leadership.
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Harry Reid on Course for Early Retirement
Harry Reid on course for early retirement. He said at the beginning it couldn't be done, but Harry may be going into early retirement Sharon Angle, his opponent, is up 3 points. Harry has thrown everything including the kitchen sink at Angle, including millions of dollars in attack ads. Which proves money isn't everything. Even Republicans weren't siding with her in the beginning because they said she was too conservative to beat him. The reason she is winning, her campaign has been generously supported. Angle is clearly listening to the people while Reid hangs on to his Washington ideas which are completely out of touch with the American people. A report out today Washington's spending is trillions ahead of the what was spent last year. Sen. Boyner said yesterday, instead of Ohioans getting pink slips they should go to Obama's economic's team. Dems are beginning to look shaky in seats that were once though safe. 75 congressional seats are up for grabs. This could be the swell we have been predicting for so long. Another race that could give us the Senate and a must watch is Linda McMahon and Richard Blumenthal where he made a terrible response to the question
"How are jobs created?" She answered the question in 19 seconds, She is now 4 points behind and climbing.
It also doesn't look good for the President for 2012. New poll out on key states you need to win for presidency Ohio -57% disapproval rating - 38% approval rating
Florida 56% disapproval rating - 40% approval rating
Pennsylvania 52% disapproval rating - 42% approval rating
All states he won in 2008 by 10 points.
Poll also says a generic Republican could beat him at this point.
My question, might you possibly consider not running in 2012 and do us all a favor?
"How are jobs created?" She answered the question in 19 seconds, She is now 4 points behind and climbing.
It also doesn't look good for the President for 2012. New poll out on key states you need to win for presidency Ohio -57% disapproval rating - 38% approval rating
Florida 56% disapproval rating - 40% approval rating
Pennsylvania 52% disapproval rating - 42% approval rating
All states he won in 2008 by 10 points.
Poll also says a generic Republican could beat him at this point.
My question, might you possibly consider not running in 2012 and do us all a favor?
Thursday, October 7, 2010
"Who is to Blame?" - Ross Perot
These are the words of a modern age prophet who made some alarming statements during the 1992 election. Hitting hard on the deficit and the 4 billion dollar debt the country was in an angry Ross Perot tried to persuade the American electorate that we were in desperate straights with our mounting debt.. 4 trillion dollars. His warning was heard for a while but then seemed to fall on deaf ears. But his statements come back to haunt us today as we face a parallel situation only with much more alarming and frightening numbers. 1.3 Billion dollars. He warned of many of the things we see going on now, as though he was writing a modern day financial prophecy for today.
He said it was us not the politicians who did this. but us who voted them in and continually keep voting them in for their rewards they would give us with their Federal moneys.
Many of the arguments he made in the book follow today. Accusing us of taking our tax dollars and racking them up for our children to pay off, only now it is our grandchildren.
He even has on the front cover a forewarning statement "how we can take our country back." What a familiar ring.
As you go on in the book, many other statements repeat themselves of the avalanche of spending our country is going through. About the raising of funds for elections, 18 years ago this prophet foretold that if we continued this spending we would rival the Great Depression.
He talked about the shaky banks and money institutions he termed were on the edge of a cliff.
If we had heeded his warnings and reined in our spending, we would not be where we are right now.
This modern day prophet was preaching, but who was listening? It fell on deaf ears.
He spoke of how we were adding to our deficit every 24 hours, and would double the deficit by 2000. How we were impoverishing our nation. But America continued on in her blindness.
He even touched on the elites and the broken system. He spoke of congressmen being out of touch and unable to reach. This was 1992. Think how much worse off today, when we send thousands of petitions and they still vote against the will of the people.
Had we listened, had we heeded his warnings this prophet could have saved this nation. Can it still be saved? Yes, but now how much more we need to rein things in. It will not be a fun time for America. We have come to the place were we must pay the price. Oh, how different if we had only listened to this man, who stuck his neck out and said, we have a problem.
Reflexions from Ross Perot's Book United We Stand written in 1992.
He said it was us not the politicians who did this. but us who voted them in and continually keep voting them in for their rewards they would give us with their Federal moneys.
Many of the arguments he made in the book follow today. Accusing us of taking our tax dollars and racking them up for our children to pay off, only now it is our grandchildren.
He even has on the front cover a forewarning statement "how we can take our country back." What a familiar ring.
As you go on in the book, many other statements repeat themselves of the avalanche of spending our country is going through. About the raising of funds for elections, 18 years ago this prophet foretold that if we continued this spending we would rival the Great Depression.
He talked about the shaky banks and money institutions he termed were on the edge of a cliff.
If we had heeded his warnings and reined in our spending, we would not be where we are right now.
This modern day prophet was preaching, but who was listening? It fell on deaf ears.
He spoke of how we were adding to our deficit every 24 hours, and would double the deficit by 2000. How we were impoverishing our nation. But America continued on in her blindness.
He even touched on the elites and the broken system. He spoke of congressmen being out of touch and unable to reach. This was 1992. Think how much worse off today, when we send thousands of petitions and they still vote against the will of the people.
Had we listened, had we heeded his warnings this prophet could have saved this nation. Can it still be saved? Yes, but now how much more we need to rein things in. It will not be a fun time for America. We have come to the place were we must pay the price. Oh, how different if we had only listened to this man, who stuck his neck out and said, we have a problem.
Reflexions from Ross Perot's Book United We Stand written in 1992.
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Kagan Did Not Tell The Truth
This is only the beginning of the problems we are going to suffer from Obama's mismanagement. Kagan did not tell the truth, and the Senators did not listen to us. And because of this the high court is going to suffer. Kagan said at her hearing that she had 11 cases she could not hear, and would have to recluse herself from. This is because she was U.S. solicitor general. Now she says there are 12 more cases.
This will leave the court with many possibilities of deadlock. It could also impact the court for many years. Some attorneys are considering holding their cases for later because with her missing the outcome of their cases could be impacted.
Arizona bill SB1070 could be one of the cases that could be effected. Lower court ruling will also hold as these cases come to the supreme court reach a 4-4- deadlock split. Then the lower court ruling would stand.
Oh, how I wish the Senators would have listened to us, instead of shoeing her in. This was only one of the concerns about her.There were so many concerning questions about her but they just blindly put her in.
Another boondoggle of a mess Obama has left us in. His legacy of ineptness will continue for a long time. Many say he is the worst President ever. I am begining to think about that considerably. How much more are we going to suffer from his lack of maturity and inability to think things through. This could have been seen a long time ago.
This will leave the court with many possibilities of deadlock. It could also impact the court for many years. Some attorneys are considering holding their cases for later because with her missing the outcome of their cases could be impacted.
Arizona bill SB1070 could be one of the cases that could be effected. Lower court ruling will also hold as these cases come to the supreme court reach a 4-4- deadlock split. Then the lower court ruling would stand.
Oh, how I wish the Senators would have listened to us, instead of shoeing her in. This was only one of the concerns about her.There were so many concerning questions about her but they just blindly put her in.
Another boondoggle of a mess Obama has left us in. His legacy of ineptness will continue for a long time. Many say he is the worst President ever. I am begining to think about that considerably. How much more are we going to suffer from his lack of maturity and inability to think things through. This could have been seen a long time ago.
Monday, October 4, 2010
Many people have tried to help me through this time of loss of my husband. Many have called me, e-mailed me, written me and stopped by. But none of them have done what a little note sent to me by my Aunt Kay, my father's sister did. She sent something that finally reached my heart. And it helped me to feel like going on. Oh yes, I am human and wonder at times why I must go on without my husband. Each day gets a little better, each day gets a little worse. It starts getting better because you start healing, and it gets worse because you realize they are not coming back. Like a roller coaster ride up and down. But through all of this my Aunt sent a little note and a little ray of light started shining through my tunnel. We all have tunnel times in our lives. This verse simple yet effective in it's message reached me and helped me to see clearer. We must at times walk by faith. God taught Abraham to walk by faith and it pleased God. And God blessed him immeasurably beyond anything he had ever dreamed because he followed in the darkness. Maybe you are walking in darkness right now too, with your business, your marriage or some other trial. May this little verse reach your darkness also.
"When you walk to the edge of all the light you have and take that first step into the darkness of the unknown, you must believe that one of two things will happen.
There will be something for you stand upon- or you will be taught to Fly."
Saturday, October 2, 2010
Obama's White House
Seems like only yesterday, the year has been so much fun, that we were trying to stop Obamacare, Don't Ask Don't Tell, military abortions and all the other nonsense coming down the Obama pike. But the change Obama claimed isn't happening, and the change we want to happen is happening. Obama's administration is imploding inside itself. It seems many are thinking, I want out.
Nobody likes a looser. Some say he is the worst President ever. I say it's close. He has created a firestorm of controversy. No one is better at this than he himself. But for right now he is kind of self contained. The problem everyone is candidating trying to save their own neck. Good for us as it temporarily stops his agenda. This will not derail him. He will re-establish his front and try to move forward, driven with the desire to put in place his plan. He does not feel defeated, in his own mind he is calculating how to come back, and he is crafty. He feels the conservative goal will destroy this country. I believe he is instilled with this thinking and it can not be changed. He will not give up.this battle, it is not over with one little election. In ways he has only begun to fight. Giving him time time to restructure his White House Staff, he will attempt to come back stronger. Some of you think this will all end with this election. It will not, the progressives are only going to press harder. Like Satan who knows his time is short before the return in Christ, in many ways Obama has only begun. There is much hatred in his heart. You can see it from afar. He is not through.
Nobody likes a looser. Some say he is the worst President ever. I say it's close. He has created a firestorm of controversy. No one is better at this than he himself. But for right now he is kind of self contained. The problem everyone is candidating trying to save their own neck. Good for us as it temporarily stops his agenda. This will not derail him. He will re-establish his front and try to move forward, driven with the desire to put in place his plan. He does not feel defeated, in his own mind he is calculating how to come back, and he is crafty. He feels the conservative goal will destroy this country. I believe he is instilled with this thinking and it can not be changed. He will not give up.this battle, it is not over with one little election. In ways he has only begun to fight. Giving him time time to restructure his White House Staff, he will attempt to come back stronger. Some of you think this will all end with this election. It will not, the progressives are only going to press harder. Like Satan who knows his time is short before the return in Christ, in many ways Obama has only begun. There is much hatred in his heart. You can see it from afar. He is not through.
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