Monday, October 4, 2010


Many people have tried to help me through this time of loss of my husband. Many have called me, e-mailed me, written me and stopped by. But none of them have done what a little note sent to me by my Aunt Kay, my father's sister did. She sent something that finally reached my heart. And it helped me to feel like going on. Oh yes, I am human and wonder at times why I must go on without my husband. Each day gets a little better, each day gets a little worse. It starts getting better because you start healing, and it gets worse because you realize they are not coming back. Like a roller coaster ride up and down. But through all of this my Aunt sent a little note and a little ray of light started shining through my tunnel. We all have tunnel times in our lives. This verse simple yet effective in it's message reached me and helped me to see clearer. We must at times walk by faith. God taught Abraham to walk by faith and it pleased God. And God blessed him immeasurably beyond anything he had ever dreamed because he followed in the darkness. Maybe you are walking in darkness right now too, with your business, your marriage or some other trial. May this little verse reach your darkness also.

"When you walk to the edge of all the light you have and take that first step into the darkness of the unknown, you must believe that one of two things will happen.
There will be something for you stand upon- or you will be taught to Fly."

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