Thursday, October 7, 2010

"Who is to Blame?" - Ross Perot

These are the words of a modern age prophet who made some alarming statements during the 1992 election. Hitting hard on the deficit and the 4 billion dollar debt the country was in an angry Ross Perot tried to persuade the American electorate that we were in desperate straights with our mounting debt.. 4 trillion dollars. His warning was heard for a while but then seemed to fall on deaf ears. But his statements come back to haunt us today as we face a parallel situation only with much more alarming and frightening numbers. 1.3 Billion dollars. He warned of many of the things we  see going on now, as though he was writing a modern day financial prophecy for today.
He said it was us not the politicians who did this. but us who voted them in and continually keep voting them in for their rewards they would give us with their Federal moneys.
Many of the arguments he made in the book follow today. Accusing us of taking our tax dollars and racking them up for our children to pay off, only now it is our grandchildren.
He even has on the front cover a forewarning statement "how we can take our country back." What a familiar ring.
As you go on in the book, many other statements repeat themselves of the avalanche of spending our country is going through. About the raising of funds for elections, 18 years ago this prophet foretold that if we continued this spending we would rival the Great Depression.
He talked about the shaky banks and money institutions he termed  were on the edge of a cliff.
If we had heeded his warnings and reined in our spending, we would not be where we are right now.
This modern day prophet was preaching, but who was listening? It fell on deaf ears.
He spoke of how we were adding to our deficit every 24 hours, and would double the deficit by 2000. How we were impoverishing our nation. But America continued on in her blindness.
He even touched on the elites and the broken system. He spoke of congressmen being out of touch and unable to reach. This was 1992. Think how much worse off today, when we send thousands of petitions and they still vote against the will of the people.
Had we listened, had we heeded his warnings this prophet could have saved this nation. Can it still be saved? Yes, but now how much more we need to rein things in. It will not be a fun time for America. We have come to the place were we must pay the price. Oh, how different if we had only listened  to this man, who stuck his neck out and said, we have a problem.
Reflexions from Ross Perot's Book United We Stand written in 1992.

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