Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Harry Reid on Course for Early Retirement

Harry Reid on course for early retirement. He said at the beginning it couldn't be done, but Harry may be going into early retirement  Sharon Angle, his opponent, is up 3 points. Harry has thrown everything including the kitchen sink at Angle, including millions of dollars in attack ads. Which proves money isn't everything. Even Republicans weren't siding with her in the beginning because they said she was too conservative to beat him.  The reason she is winning, her campaign has been generously supported.  Angle is clearly listening to the people while Reid hangs on to his Washington ideas which are completely out of touch with the American people. A report out today Washington's spending is trillions ahead of the what was spent last year. Sen. Boyner said yesterday, instead of Ohioans getting pink slips they should go to Obama's economic's team. Dems are beginning to look shaky in seats that were once though safe. 75 congressional seats are up for grabs. This could be the swell we have been predicting for so long. Another race that could give us the Senate and a must watch is Linda McMahon and Richard Blumenthal where he made a terrible response to the question
"How are jobs created?"    She answered the question in 19 seconds, She is now 4 points behind and climbing.
It also doesn't look good for the President for 2012. New poll out on key states you need to win for presidency        Ohio -57% disapproval rating -  38% approval rating
Florida 56% disapproval rating - 40% approval rating
Pennsylvania 52% disapproval rating  - 42% approval rating
All states he won in 2008 by 10 points.
Poll also says a generic Republican could beat him at this point.
My question, might you possibly consider not running in 2012 and do us all a favor?

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