Saturday, October 30, 2010

A Letter To My Husband

     Dear Husband, There are so many things I want to share with you since you graduated to glory.  First, I rather would be with you, but I must remain here for a while longer and be with our children. We are all well and safe.We ask our ourselves, now that you no longer have prosthetic legs, if you are golfing on greens of gold up there. Now you are free to do the things you could no longer do down here. Many have asked how I feel. I feel good. You are freed from a terrible disease. I really should say we have been freed. I no longer have to worry about you daily. I have complete peace with what happened. Some people can not understand this. Some who have had an ill mate do understand it. I still feel one with you. So many things have happened since you left us. Many decisions I have had to make on my own, but I always try to think how you would have handled this. I always remember how quickly you were able to forgive others, almost to my dismay. That you were truly a man with no guile towards others who were unkind to you. You were slow to react and always thought through why something happened. You always gave others the benefit of doubt. You would try to reason with me to calm me down, I was the one who wanted to quickly react. We were good for each other as we would come to a pretty good conclusion in the end. You were the steady one, I the impulsive.We were a good team together.We worked well together in the ministry. We were usually on the same wave length. You taught me not to get in the flesh. but try to handle it in a spiritual manner. Sometimes that would frustrate me,  but I would try to follow your lead. You always understood my illness and did not push me beyond what I could not do. Even when others criticized because I could not make it to church. You would understand and mention that I suffered much pain and sometimes not able to attend.
I want you back, but understand more and more you are not coming back, I must come to you. Russ wrote a Poem "Wait For Us". You should be so proud of him. He handled this like a man. All the children are doing well and are going on as they should. We all have our times and wonder how we are going to make it through Christmas. I didn't realize what strong children we raised. Others have commented on it. I miss you. Marna

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