Wednesday, October 13, 2010

The Miracle of the Miners

Shortly after midnight last night Florencio Avalos arrived at the top in the Phoenix, the name of the capsule that saved his life. Meeting his wife and family after 69 days in an abyss of fear and anxiety he was safe at last. What a miracle!! Awakening this morning I soon learned  the11th man was being rescued. One third of the miners were now safe.  It takes 13 - 14 minutes average to bring them to the top. Many men carrying a flag that was sent down to them during the ordeal.  The President of Bolivia is now with the President of Chile. The miners are in amazing good shape coming up. Why? Because the President of Chile showed LEADERSHIP. He accepted help from foreign countries, he TOOK THE REIGNS and organised people who were professions in their fields and he LISTENED to them. He did not get MAD at the MINE and tell them off. He WORKED with them. This is LEADERSHIP. 
The men have lost an average of 22 pounds. All miners were given aspirin in case of blood clots. A Chilean cheer goes up each time a miner arrives. Something only done at their soccer games. A tribute to the men if you will.
Aug. 5th was the start for their ordeal. There was a landslide and many were able to escape out the front of the mine  but these miners were far down below. They were eating in a safe room. An accident, not really when you think about the one who protects us. Many are speaking of the strong faith of the Chilean people. Is this what really saved them? I think so. The miracle of them ending up in this safe room can only be classified as a miracle, something truly of God, His protection.
How Chile has handled  this is the key to their success. They reached out to other countries and worked together to solve the problems. And for the the Chilean President he has high marks from his people. From what I have seen of him from my living room, he cares about his people.
Men talk of the mental battle these men went though to overcome the ordeal. The men worked together in the mine, not against each other. What a good example of those that helped them from outside and their desire to stay together inside. They could also be an example to us. Would to God we could work together to solve the serious problems this country is facing right now.
The Phoenix is 21 inches wide and painted in colors of the Chilean flag. Rollers are on the capsule because the grade is on a slant coming up. Continue prayer for the rescue and may you all come home safely.
Our praise to the Chilean President for his leadership.

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