Wednesday, October 27, 2010

No Other Election Like This One

This election is unlike any other election we have ever had. This election is for the soul of our country. If we fail this will no longer be the America we once had. There will be a chance if we win to save America. But even if we win, and we will, the battle will not be over. We will still be in a fight to keep America, "America". Because the far left liberals are going to fight to the death. Even democrats are beginning to pull  away from the far left. But not soon enough and not fast enough. The far left has a tangle hold and are not going to quit. Recently Sarah Palin said, even if w get rid of Pelosi and Reid the problem will still be here. She is right. Our future is in this vote. If you have ever voted before it is now. Many have asked who I am voting for. For the state of Illinois I am standing strongly behind Bill Brady for Governor and and I would vote for Mark Kirk.. In Illinois we are in a battle with the unions. You say are they that strong? How has Mayor Daley been put in office four times? Yes. Why the strong unions here? If you watched Karl Rove on CBS Sunday with Bob Schieffer you heard the 222 million dollars for elections from four unions. They put Obama in office. Bob Schieffer said, "I can't speak for the unions this morning" and Karl responded, "I wouldn't defend them either." I know about the unions because I live in Chicago. Right now I have neighbors who want to put up a Bill Brady sign on their front yard. But they are afraid of repercussions if they do. That is intimidation. No one should be afraid to put up signs on their front lawn. I have had friends in the Chicago area who had conservative signs up and people have knocked on their doors telling them to take them down or else. They left them up. We are going to beak this hold of the unions on the vote in Chicago. It will take time, but we are going to do it. Marna

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