Saturday, October 2, 2010

Obama's White House

Seems like only yesterday, the year has been so much fun, that we were trying to stop Obamacare, Don't Ask Don't Tell, military abortions and all the other nonsense coming down the Obama pike. But the change Obama claimed isn't happening, and the change we want to happen is happening. Obama's administration is imploding inside itself. It seems many are thinking, I want out.
Nobody likes a looser. Some say he is the worst President ever. I say it's close. He has created a firestorm of controversy. No one is better at this than he himself. But for right now he is kind of self contained. The problem everyone is candidating trying to save their own neck. Good for us as it temporarily stops his agenda. This will not derail him. He will re-establish his front and try to move forward, driven with the desire to put in place his plan. He does not feel defeated, in his own mind he is calculating how to come back, and he is crafty. He feels the conservative goal will destroy this country. I believe he is instilled with this thinking and it can not be changed. He will not give up.this battle, it is not over with one little election. In ways he has only begun to fight. Giving him time time to restructure his White House Staff, he will attempt to come back stronger. Some of you think this will all end  with this election. It will not, the progressives are only going to press harder. Like Satan who knows his time is short before the return in Christ, in many ways Obama has only begun. There is much hatred in his heart. You can see it from afar. He is not through.

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