Friday, October 29, 2010

Brady to Pat Quinn-Blago Was Your Partner

Bill Brady was strong in the debate last night. It was not called a debate but a forum. However it sounded like a debate to me. Brady came in and clobbered Quinn on his increased spending and bad decisions he has made. Of course Quinn blamed his predecessor Blago, and the previous predecessor and the previous predecessor. Republicans Ryan and even Thompson are to blame for his increased spending evidently. He should have never used the word Blago, which started another round from Brady on Quinn making remarks that Blago was his partner and Quinn had said was an honorable and a decent man who was according to Brady under investigation at the time.  Both agreed that the former Gov. Ryan should remain in prison for the rest of his term  for the six children of the Willis's that died in an van fire from a piece that fell off a truck ahead of them. In a side, we know the Willis's and have worked together with them in the ministry. I totally agree Ryan should serve his full term. I am sill not over their loss either. This was about the only thing they agreed on. Quinn said Brady did not speak out about Ryan during the time of Ryan's troubles which inflamed Brady who said he was the first to come out and speak against Ryan. Quinn in many respects seemed unprepared. How can you defend a bad record for the last two years and wanted at one time to increase taxes 33%? As he could see no other way out, and quickly criticized other Republicans who's are severely cutting spending. It was lively and interesting to say the least.  Although Carol Moran slants to liberal I feel she tried to keep the playing field even. The event was spirited and I enjoyed it very much. Right now the polls stand at 43.3% for Brady and 39% for Pat Quinn. I shutter to think what would happen if Pat Quinn were allowed to continue to rule Illinois. We have greater problems than our own Governor creating them himself. I appreciate the fact that Bill Brady takes a stand on life. As he put it, as governor he is concerned for every person in Illinois. Yes, the unborn are people!! He is not for criminalizing women who have abortions if Roe-vrs. Wade is overturned. He was also clear he did no see this happening. On rape and incest he believes that is individual. I like this man and his stand especially that he wants to BALANCE THE BUDGET, which Quinn says you can't do it.

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