Wednesday, September 29, 2010

He Is Still With Us

So many have asked, "what are you doing now that your husband is gone?"  I reply, "he is not gone, he is still with us." I have told many, I feel like he is with me. I can't explain it. I don't feel alone - I feel like he is with me.The other day I talked to him down the stairs. My computer is upstairs and his is downstairs. We often talked through the stairwell. I actually started talking to him the other day, and then I remembered he isn't down there. That is how much I feel he is with me.  He also supported my blog and often gave me articles he thought I would be interested in. He often laughed at my growing interest in politics. I have grown a lot this year writing the blog and getting information for it.I am convinced conservatism is the only answer to get us out of this deep recession. And he is still with us. Marna

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Wait For Us Poem - by Russ Meyer

Wait for us

Wait  for  us  there

Until  one  day

Until  one day  we  can  share

Everything  we  had

Everything we had before

Then  we  will

Then  we  will  have  some  more

Never  forgotten the rest of  our  lives

Wait  for  us  there

We will see  you again  in  paradise


Robert Edward Meyer Sr.

January 29, 1948  -  September 9,  2010


Monday, September 27, 2010

Congressman Lipinski Helps Pass Small Business Jobs Act.

Here is a bill that will actually help small businesses. If only we had started here 18 months ago and worked from this way of cutting taxes and giving relief to small business we would  be in much better stead than where we are. I realize just cutting taxes is not all the answer, but muzzling the small business man during this time has not helped. Congressman Lipinski said "Small business form the backbone of the Third District's Economy, create nearly two-thirds of new jobs nationally, and are key to the recovery. But with this economy still stalled and loans hard to come by even for those with good track records, action is needed to remove barriers  to growth. That's why I voted to lower the tax burden for small businesses and help them obtain the credit they need to expand their operations, invest in new equipment, and hire new workers."
 The bill  is fully paid for and will not add to the deficit., allows businesses to write off half the cost of capital expenditures for 2010. Also adds up to $30 billion available to community banks and local lending institutions to spur them to boost lending to small businesses. It's a good bill and a
 small start to the recovery. This is the trend we need to follow to get our nation going again and on the road to recovery.
I wrote a small e-mail to Congressman Lipinski {D} and thanked him for voting for H.R. 5297. He also did not vote for Healthcare reform bill as he stated it would harm seniors. And I might add we are finding more and more it is going to harm everyone.
I like this congressman and I have met him personally and thanked him for his voting.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Axelrod, a True "Chicagoan"

Axelrod says he is  true "Chicagoan". What is that, I never heard that before. He misses Chicago, but does Chicago miss him?  He is a few steps from the Oval office. I wonder if it is Karl Rove's old office? Well seems like he is the one who plans his speeches, and probably orders the teleprompters. And  he is his campaign strategist. He also helps keep Obama on the straight and narrow following his campaign promises. Before going to the White House he worked for the Chicago Tribune. There have been rumors at times other players on the White House staff are not that keen with him, although he is popular in the White House. Well, it will be interesting what Obama will run on. Will he continue to try to resale his ever decreasing unpopular healthcare bill?  Our the finance bill that has 10,000 new rules?  He can't say too much about the oil spill except that it spilled on and on for many months. Cash for clunkers that we spent thousands of dollars for each clunker. And everything else he can't explain was George Bush's fault anyway. It should be an interesting election, as I for one am obviously not high on his record. Not to mention the near double digit unemployment rate he has driven us into. If I were him I would think a little bit about running in the first place. Marna

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Article Written For My Husband by Marna Meyer Mokena Messenger Sept. 23, 2010

A Tribute to My Husband Pastor Robert Meyer

My husband was born on the south side of Chicago. He was raised near the corner of 63rd and Mozart. His parents were Richard and Dorothy Meyer. Called Dick, he was an locomotive engineer. After graduating from Harper High School he went to Denver Baptist Bible College. After two years attending the college we met. We met on a blind date, and as they say I've been blind ever since. During his lifetime he pastored five churches. Mokena Baptist church was his last church.

Our first church was in Silt, Colo. About twenty miles west of Glenwood Springs, Colo. He pastored there for five years, 1974 to1979. Then he received a call to a church in Chicago. It was always his dream to pastor in Chicago. We came here in Sept,1979. He pastored the first Baptist Church of Palos Hills for 81/2 wonderful years. After that we pastored in Wichita, Kansas for a short time. Then we returned to Mokena were we ministered at the Mokena Baptist Church for the last nine years.

Pastor loved baseball, especially the Sox. He also loved the Bears. We have enjoyed our time here in Mokena. We especially like Denny's and Steak and Shake.

I am glad we chose to serve in the ministry.We have been alble to help a lot of people and lead them to know Christ better. My father once said it is the only thing worth wile, and now that I am older I understand what he meant. I hope you have enjoyed the Pastor's column. He enjoyed writing them. My husband was a special person and he will be missed by many. God Bless You. Marna Meyer

Monday, September 20, 2010

Our Second Sunday Without Him

Sunday was a good day, but it is still hard to look at his pulpit and realize he is not there. He has been  my husband and my Pastor for 42 years. We had a potluck dinner after church. The Baptist third ordinance. Everyone had a good time visiting and no one wanted to leave. I guess we just need each other. So far we have had quest speakers my husband lined up for September. After that we are on our own.The man we had who filled the pulpit said to me, they still need to heal. I said, and so do I. I realize I have to go on, but it is hard. Keeping busy is important, but I still have my times. I don't know what I would do without my faith, and good friends who are supporting me. "Now unto him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us. Eph. 3:20 KJV
My oldest son walked in his Dad's office. He is really shaken with his Dad's loss. We don't touch anything. We don't have the heart to. Will it ever stop hurting? A great man is gone.  The Meyer's

Sunday, September 19, 2010

The Second Day of the Best Two Days of My Life.

The next day I awoke even more tired than before. I dressed and drank some coffee and headed for the church. I was amazed how many people were already there. A pastor's fellowship was scheduled for this morning, but had been cancelled for the funeral. When I walked in many of the pastor's came up to me. The support from his peers was overwhelming. There were a few more decisions to be made and I visited a little more. Then Dick, the funeral director came to me and escorted me to my seat. We had been at this church for 81/2 years in the eighties. I was very close to where I had sat for many years. This is when it hits you. He really is gone.
There were to be three speakers, their time cut shorter to get each one in, and a pastor friend was the singer.We basically kept it simple. All three pastor's were my husbands closest friends. Each speaker shared something personal they had with my husband. The first speaker was friends with him in high school. The messages were clear and uplifting. As the service continued it became better and better.The congregation sang "It will be worth it all when we see Christ." My husbands signature song he sang at many occasions. Now we were singing it back to him. Sometimes I could sing, sometimes I was overwhelmed. Our pastor friend sang "My Tribute" and then the second speaker. He spoke of my husbands column in a local newspaper. He said my husband was a good writer, and read several of his favorite sections. The second song "Sheltered in the Arms of Jesus." The third speaker read a piece my husband had written on Christmas morning when we were still sleeping. He had e-mailed it to his friends. I never knew about it.
Then the climax, the surprise.The third pastor friend went and pushed a button and sat down. The congregation was wondering what was happening. Then music played and my husband started singing. Yes. the children and I had decided for him to sing at his own funeral. The auditorium was silent as my husband sang his last song. Many were quiet, some were crying, all were deeply moved. It was a great moment for him.
I really don't know how you get over something like this. It just takes time I guess.We had a good life together and served God together. Rest now my husband, your last battle with this dreadful disease is over. I have complete peace. This was the best way for him. The Meyer's

Friday, September 17, 2010

The Best Days of My Life

I mentioned before that the next two days were the best two days of my life.
We awoke the next morning even more tired than we were the day before. Why is it after endless days in the hospital and wrangling with the Dr's you now have a funeral on your hands? Doesn't seem fair does it? But that is the way it is. I still did not have a plot for my husband. I spent Sunday evening trying to get one of our relatives to sign over the plot. It is connected to a will. I won't go into details. It is in the family plot. You would think this would be easy. But nothing in life ever is. It wasn't until 2:30, one half hour before the wake I finally bought a plot. It would take an act of Congress to get the other plot. The woman at the cemetery says it goes on all the time.
Anyway a woman at the cemetery had been working all morning to find us a place in the family plot. When it was done she showed me the way they made it work. She asked would he mind being by a Florence M and a Charles M. Well, you know how my angel jumps in sometimes. I said that is his favorite aunt and uncle who supported him all his life. She said tomorrow their heads would be sleeping together. I cried. All the problems and irritation over this plot, and here was another plot near his two favorite people in the world. Only God could do that. I said I'll take it. And that was that. I was going to the funeral home a few minutes later and telling the children on the phone, Dad finally had a place to rest. And I would be right next to him. Only God could have straightened out this mess.
I reached the funeral home and went downstairs. We have been in this funeral home many times with our church. I knew Dick, the funeral director always had treats for the wake. I needed something to eat. I am not sure weather I have really eaten the last few weeks. Someone came down and said they are coming in and it is going to be crazy. And it did. People came from all over. There was a steady stream of people form three to closing. They came in groves and it was never ending.I never realized how many people he had reached. And everyone telling me something he had done in their life. I realized this was his life's work before my eyes. There was a lot of laughter amongst the tears. It was one of the most incredible days of my life. The stories, the tears, the hugs, it was really quite unbelievable. And I thought, why didn't they say these things to him when he was alive? Well, never mind he is in glory now, and that is all that really matters.We went home even more tired than we were before, but amazed at what had just happened. I layed awake for several hours pondering and thinking. Maybe this isn't the end of his ministry, maybe it is just the beginning.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

What This Blog Is About-

This blog is about a recession, a very liberal president, and how a family faces it.  I had no idea we would loose our father and husband in the middle of it. Sometimes I write politics, sometimes I write personal. Today I write  personal. One week ago we lost or Dad. It seems more like a month. The first few days were filled with phone calls and e-mails from from everywhere. I never really realized how many people he influenced, how many lives he touched. But when you think of 42 years and most of it in ministry you can understand we know a lot of people. Sunday, of course, we went to church. Not only did we loose a father, our people lost their Pastor. When I entered the church their faces said it all. Amazingly I went and sat down at the piano and wondered to myself if I could play. We have no other pianist. Don't ask me how, I was able to play. My husband and I had already made plans for speakers as he was to go to rehab and get strong enough for bypass surgery. We never made it that far. Amazingly we had a good service. Our friend said all the right things and the Word of God helped too.  The people left happier than when they came. The support they have given us is unbelievable. The speaker took me to lunch.  We went where my husband and I usually go. No, not a fancy place, we like to eat quickly and go on. Usually Sunday is a pretty busy day for us.
When we walked in the servers new almost immediately something was wrong. I told them. Several left teary eyed to go in the back. People really loved my husband. After lunch I went home to more endless phone calls. Each one was very important to me. I knew they wanted to talk just to me.  I felt totally exhausted with all the preparations. We knew it would be a big funeral.  The next two days became the most wonderful days of my life. One of my husbands favorite verses: "Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us. Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith." Heb.12:1&2 KJV

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Harry Reid Back at it Again

Harry Reid  is fired up one more time to pass amnesty bill by next week. This is his pet bill to get passed for younger illegal aliens. He is pulling one of his favorite tricks to get it attached to another bill that is popular to pass. He is attaching it to Defense Authorization Bill.
He must get 60 votes to overcome a filibuster. He says he has a chance of getting the 60 votes he needs. There are 17 pro amnesty Senators- Republicans and Democrats who are retiring.
Reid himself is barely hanging by a thread to be re-elected. His only hope? Hispanics showing up to vote.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

You Never Know What a Day May Bring Forth

We thought we had it licked. Yesterday my husband and I had a little celebration dinner in the hospital room. Things were looking better. We were looking forward to going to the rehab unit together, after six days in the intensive care unit. We decided to go ourselves instead of a medi-car. My husband was a little uncomfortable but we got there about 8:30PM. They put him in his room and we put the Sox game on and I gave him his paper. He seemed OK and I put some things away. I left and said I will see you tomorrow. I went home happy and glad we were out of the hospital. I came home and rested. Morning came with chores and getting some clothes for him. I saw the rehab was calling. I called them back. The person on the phone said he wasn't in his bed. I said he really wasn't quite that well to be up and around. His nurse came on the phone and said they had taken him back to the hospital. He had taken a turn for the worse. He was declining quickly. I ran to the car and went to the hospital. I called all three kids as I drove. Entering the emergency room they said he was there, they would get his nurse. This did not sound good to me. His male nurse came and said "I'm sorry, he passed away in the ambulance." I was stunned. I just wanted to find him and be with him. I just wanted to tell him I always loved him. But he was gone. Yes, our father and grandfather was gone and the church's Pastor. The day turned into a myriad of phone calls and e-mails. People crying on the phone. I never realized how much they loved their Pastor. Here I was hurting and yet I was trying to comfort them. This is how our 42 year marriage ended. He is with God, out of pain, no more prosthetics, no more battle with diabetes. He's free. I am at peace. I know this is better for him. Where did the years go? I am glad we chose ministry for our lives. I am glad the path we took. We did the right thing, we made the right decisions and we served five churches. You never know what a day may bring forth. The Meyer's

I Finally Did It. I Made the Papers

Yesterday was another struggle in our on going journey to my husband's recovery. I went to the hospital to take him to the rehab center. We decided to do the transfer ourselves. When I entered the room, the wife of my husbands roommate said " You made the paper." She had a copy to hand me. I had forgotten the day before when a reporter and a photographer saw me watering my plants and came over. "Did you hear Mayor Daley is not going to run again?" No I had not heard, TV is not a priority right now, but was I happy about the news. It was my little day of fame and I had fun with it. When I reached home my neighbors had also seen it. They said we agree 100% with you. It was time for him to go. He now has a mixed legacy. Taxes upon taxes. When will people learn, taxes are all a Democrat really knows to do. Obama is really just another tax and spent democrat, out of control, but none the less that is what he is.
But where Daley really lost his support is selling the parking meters. What happened there you ask? He sold them to a Foreign Country. Yes, we are paying a foreign country with our parking fines. Then he turned around and sold the Chicago Skyway.  After this last payment, Daley really has a serious short fall. Wonder why he's quitting? Leave it to the next guy, and good luck to him.
There were five of us with our quotes, here's mine, "He has taxed this town to death." Another said what I said yesterday they go out of the city to shop. She said I don't even buy a bottle of water. Yes folks, he has a tax on a bottle of water!! Another said " the Dailey's have been corrupt and in charge for so long." Daley is also another one where everyone around him falls, but he is always left standing.  Amazingly he never knows any of it is going on??
Did he do some good things? Yes, he renovated Navy Pier and it does bring in a lot of money and a fun place to go. He renewed McCormick Place and it is a leading convention center. He has also been praised for his efforts with the schools. Although the Chicago Public School System has a long way to go.
Everyone here is shaking in their boots with talk of Rham Emanuel. No one I have talked to wants him, but Chicago is a heavily democratic city. It is a possibility. I'm scared.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

My Visitors From The Southown Star

Well, yesterday was an interesting day. I was working in the yard and two men from the Southtown Star came by. It's a small paper but a lot of people read it because it has more local news. I use it for craft shows. Anyway, they came by and said "have you heard the news? Mayor Daily is not running." They asked my response, Happy, Happy I said. Why? Because we have tax upon tax. When I moved here my gas bill was higher. Same gas company, same size house, why higher? An extra tax for city of Chicago. I mention this to those who live here and they don't even know it. The gas for your car is always higher in Chicago. Why? He gets you again. I live on the edge of the city I just drive a few blocks and get it cheaper. People who live further in never think about it. There's a head tax. Why? Because you work in the city of Chicago. Folks the list goes on and on. And we all knew someday it had to end. Will we get a Republican in in? I doubt it, the unions control the city of Chicago. That is why you need to fight this large union bill the President wants to get in.Why? Then he will control all cities across the country. Some states like ours and California are paying a great price for the control of our cities by the unions. We are going broke. We can not afford the union prices to pay workers. I am sorry for Mrs. Daily. She is quite ill and wish her well. But Mayor Daily, I am glad to see you go. They asked me who would you like and believe it or not I said, I would like to see a black come in. My reasoning how in the world does a rich white guy relate to a black family trying to make it on the south side. Mayor Daily is totally out of reach when it come to relating to that. For that reason we need someone who has been there and done that. Hopefully someone more conservative. Blago has no chance in **** the people here hate him. And don't hope for Rham Emmanuel he is done in politics.

Written on 2/8/10 but my opinion still has not changed. In 2010 two men from the Southtown Star came by and published me as saying that I felt a black should be the next mayor of Chicago. My reasoning  is the same. I feel no one can know what it is to live in the city and try to raise a family more than someone who battles it day after day. And it has only gotten worse under Rahm Emmanuls's leadership or lack therewith. He cannot relate. More people have died including children and even a baby was shot in it's own crib. It's cries cannot be heard except for us to speak of it. Tomorrow is another election and hopefully a good man and one who understands the problems of Chicago. My hopes and prayers for the city and a hopeful tomorrow where children can run and play, ride their bicycles and walk to the candy store without fear. This is my hope for Chicago. Only you can make the change. Go out and vote.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

God's Timing is Amazing!

Right now our family is going through a difficult time. With running back and forth to the hospital  there isn't much time for anything. The first night I left the Intensive Care Unit there was a new CD in the car playing. A pastor friend of ours just made this CD and gave it to us a few weeks ago at a pastor's meeting. When I got into the car going home late in the evening it started playing a familiar hymn, "It Will Be Worth It All When We See Christ". This is a song my husband has sang many times at christian functions. It really calmed my nerves and I drove home safely. A coincidence? I don't think so. It was just what I needed and I have continued to play the CD as I am driving back and forth to the hospital. I know somehow God is working everything  according to his will, not mine. Today my husband is going to a Rehab center as he is too weak to receive the next round of treatment for his heart. There have been highs and lows throughout the last week. But God's love remains constant and sure. Thank all of you who are praying for us. The Meyer's

Sunday, September 5, 2010

On Day Five of the Cardial Vascular Intensive Care Floor

When I awakened yesterday I was near exhaustion and literally crashing from the stress of the last four days. The Dr.s call this a 3 day heart attack. Diabetics don't feel pain like we do so the attack carried on for three days. There is much damage because of this. At first I really did not think we would make it this far, but my husband is a fighter. I went to the hospital later than usual but he was having a very bad day. The problem that his blood pressure is low. I have learned this is common for heart attacks. The thing that scared me is his pressure would go up and then drop suddenly. It would make me shake in my boots when it came up and then drop. So I stopped watching the monitor. He has several other problems going on also. Some long time friends came up and he rallied a little with their visit and prayer. Then he would fall listless again and sleep. I left shortly after our friends pretty down.  Of course most patients go through this much faster, but we are on the slow path. This was our most discouraging day and beginning to think maybe we wouldn't climb out of this.
I went to the hospital even later today. The stress is wearing on me as I have physical problems my self. I have to pace myself, no need for both of us to be in there. My friend said jokingly we could be in the same room together. I said if that were to happen I would want my own room, as I would be climbing out of bed to take care of him. It's just a joke.
Today when I walked in it was like a different day. He was actually sitting up in a chair eating and actually keeping down what he was eating. This was a vast improvement. A real turning point and we needed one. We're still not out of the woods, but looking better. I bought him a news paper and we watched the Sox game {3-1}. We actually had some normal conversation. I went home and actually slept. We have a long way to go, but this was a turning point. Even the nurses were smiling. It was a better day. The Meyer's

Friday, September 3, 2010

Another Twist In Our Ongoing Battle With Diabetes

Wednesday turned into on of our worst days, as my husband was very ill. It started on Monday when he went to the Dr. and came home with pneumonia. I asked him then, why didn't the Dr. admit him? He had no answer. Tuesday didn't get much better and I said tomorrow if you are the same we are going to the hospital. He half way agreed. We all know men hate the hospitals. We have been in a 31 year battle with diabetes. We now have a wing at the hospital fully funded by our family alone. He has two prosthetic legs and myriad other problems I'm not going into and I understand his hatred for the hospital. Wednesday it was worse no better. He also doesn't like paramedics or ambulances either. By noon he finally conceded. It took a neighbor and I to get him into the car. I knew it was serious, but still thought it was pneumonia gone worse.
Entering he mentioned chest pain. This is the first he mentioned this to me, although he had e-mailed it to our church members. I found this out later. The wife is always the last to know.
They took an EKG and immediately we were surrounded with cardiologists and many people. Within 30 minutes he was having an angiogram, and I am in a waiting room. He was having a heart attack. I called my son and tried to tell him, but I could not complete the call. I could not believe what was happening. I called him back and the other two. My daughter nearly drove off the road when I called, she told me later.
Eventually we were all there, It did feel better to have them with me. They came in and said there is a blockage and the Dr. is going to put in a stint. Everything should be OK. They should not have said that. We were relieved, but a few minutes later they came back in and said they could not get the stint in. I knew then we were in pretty deep trouble. I am a pastor's wife. I've been in many hospitals with church members having the same procedure and knew this was not good.  I said to the kids this is not good.
The Dr. came out and it was worse than not good.
I won't go into details but there are a lot of problems. So right now we are in limbo. If he stays the way he is he will eventually die. In essence right now it will take a miracle to keep him
I know God will guide us, he always has. We say Dad has nine lives. He actually thought we would go home and he could preach on Sunday. We have made it clear that isn't going to happen.
By night friends were calling from all over, word goes out fast. It did help to hear other's say it will be OK. I'm still not sure of that but it helps to hear it anyway.
The last two days have been worse with more tests and more Dr.s now added. I really don't know which Dr. I am talking to or what he actually does, but I guess they know more than I do.
In some ways it has been a precious time with our children. Adult children get very busy with their own lives.
We thank God for our beautiful children, and grandchildren. We don't know how much time we will have him, nor yet what the Dr's are planning to do. One thing I know with or without him we have a wonderful family God has given us.
God does give us more grace. Many say I am a strong woman, I don know. It is only the strength God has given me. We are still praying for a miracle and some of the Dr's are more hopeful than a few days ago, which is encouraging. We ask your prayers. The Meyer's

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Unusual Victory Speech

The tone was dull, and almost seemed uncaring. After seven years of our military battling out on the front lines you would think there would be a victory march. This is the oddest ending to a war I have ever seen. Almost similar to Vietnam but there was celebration that we were finally out, but no victory marches either.
Of course it has been an unusual war, fighting against people who do not dress in military garb, and go home to eat after their days battles. Almost at times impossible to know where or who the enemy is. Was this a victory speech? Not really. Was there praise for the soldiers, of course. But there could have been a little more enthusiasm for what our military has done. They did what many said was impossible to do. Some said we would fail. Some said we made a mistake going in. I personally did not think it was a mistake, but much necessary. Because I feel as many do that eventually we would have had to go in. President Obama may face this same situation in Iran. Then he will see a different perspective. And find himself on the other side of the fence.
It will take time to see if we came out too soon, of course there are 50,000 or so still there. Attacks in Iraq have greatly increased and almost to levels of two years ago. They are sizing up the new security forces of Iraq. Can Iraq do it? I think they can, but it will still take some time. July had highest death rate in two years
Second problem , no real government to turn the keys over to. Not good. This wasn't really a victory speech and many believe it was done for political gain. God help his soul if he did it for his own gain. Our precious jewels are in the heat of the battle. We can only stay here and support and pray for them. They are the ones who are bearing the burden of the battle for our freedom. God Bless America