Wednesday, September 8, 2010

My Visitors From The Southown Star

Well, yesterday was an interesting day. I was working in the yard and two men from the Southtown Star came by. It's a small paper but a lot of people read it because it has more local news. I use it for craft shows. Anyway, they came by and said "have you heard the news? Mayor Daily is not running." They asked my response, Happy, Happy I said. Why? Because we have tax upon tax. When I moved here my gas bill was higher. Same gas company, same size house, why higher? An extra tax for city of Chicago. I mention this to those who live here and they don't even know it. The gas for your car is always higher in Chicago. Why? He gets you again. I live on the edge of the city I just drive a few blocks and get it cheaper. People who live further in never think about it. There's a head tax. Why? Because you work in the city of Chicago. Folks the list goes on and on. And we all knew someday it had to end. Will we get a Republican in in? I doubt it, the unions control the city of Chicago. That is why you need to fight this large union bill the President wants to get in.Why? Then he will control all cities across the country. Some states like ours and California are paying a great price for the control of our cities by the unions. We are going broke. We can not afford the union prices to pay workers. I am sorry for Mrs. Daily. She is quite ill and wish her well. But Mayor Daily, I am glad to see you go. They asked me who would you like and believe it or not I said, I would like to see a black come in. My reasoning how in the world does a rich white guy relate to a black family trying to make it on the south side. Mayor Daily is totally out of reach when it come to relating to that. For that reason we need someone who has been there and done that. Hopefully someone more conservative. Blago has no chance in **** the people here hate him. And don't hope for Rham Emmanuel he is done in politics.

Written on 2/8/10 but my opinion still has not changed. In 2010 two men from the Southtown Star came by and published me as saying that I felt a black should be the next mayor of Chicago. My reasoning  is the same. I feel no one can know what it is to live in the city and try to raise a family more than someone who battles it day after day. And it has only gotten worse under Rahm Emmanuls's leadership or lack therewith. He cannot relate. More people have died including children and even a baby was shot in it's own crib. It's cries cannot be heard except for us to speak of it. Tomorrow is another election and hopefully a good man and one who understands the problems of Chicago. My hopes and prayers for the city and a hopeful tomorrow where children can run and play, ride their bicycles and walk to the candy store without fear. This is my hope for Chicago. Only you can make the change. Go out and vote.

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