Monday, September 27, 2010

Congressman Lipinski Helps Pass Small Business Jobs Act.

Here is a bill that will actually help small businesses. If only we had started here 18 months ago and worked from this way of cutting taxes and giving relief to small business we would  be in much better stead than where we are. I realize just cutting taxes is not all the answer, but muzzling the small business man during this time has not helped. Congressman Lipinski said "Small business form the backbone of the Third District's Economy, create nearly two-thirds of new jobs nationally, and are key to the recovery. But with this economy still stalled and loans hard to come by even for those with good track records, action is needed to remove barriers  to growth. That's why I voted to lower the tax burden for small businesses and help them obtain the credit they need to expand their operations, invest in new equipment, and hire new workers."
 The bill  is fully paid for and will not add to the deficit., allows businesses to write off half the cost of capital expenditures for 2010. Also adds up to $30 billion available to community banks and local lending institutions to spur them to boost lending to small businesses. It's a good bill and a
 small start to the recovery. This is the trend we need to follow to get our nation going again and on the road to recovery.
I wrote a small e-mail to Congressman Lipinski {D} and thanked him for voting for H.R. 5297. He also did not vote for Healthcare reform bill as he stated it would harm seniors. And I might add we are finding more and more it is going to harm everyone.
I like this congressman and I have met him personally and thanked him for his voting.

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