Friday, September 24, 2010

Axelrod, a True "Chicagoan"

Axelrod says he is  true "Chicagoan". What is that, I never heard that before. He misses Chicago, but does Chicago miss him?  He is a few steps from the Oval office. I wonder if it is Karl Rove's old office? Well seems like he is the one who plans his speeches, and probably orders the teleprompters. And  he is his campaign strategist. He also helps keep Obama on the straight and narrow following his campaign promises. Before going to the White House he worked for the Chicago Tribune. There have been rumors at times other players on the White House staff are not that keen with him, although he is popular in the White House. Well, it will be interesting what Obama will run on. Will he continue to try to resale his ever decreasing unpopular healthcare bill?  Our the finance bill that has 10,000 new rules?  He can't say too much about the oil spill except that it spilled on and on for many months. Cash for clunkers that we spent thousands of dollars for each clunker. And everything else he can't explain was George Bush's fault anyway. It should be an interesting election, as I for one am obviously not high on his record. Not to mention the near double digit unemployment rate he has driven us into. If I were him I would think a little bit about running in the first place. Marna

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