Sunday, September 5, 2010

On Day Five of the Cardial Vascular Intensive Care Floor

When I awakened yesterday I was near exhaustion and literally crashing from the stress of the last four days. The Dr.s call this a 3 day heart attack. Diabetics don't feel pain like we do so the attack carried on for three days. There is much damage because of this. At first I really did not think we would make it this far, but my husband is a fighter. I went to the hospital later than usual but he was having a very bad day. The problem that his blood pressure is low. I have learned this is common for heart attacks. The thing that scared me is his pressure would go up and then drop suddenly. It would make me shake in my boots when it came up and then drop. So I stopped watching the monitor. He has several other problems going on also. Some long time friends came up and he rallied a little with their visit and prayer. Then he would fall listless again and sleep. I left shortly after our friends pretty down.  Of course most patients go through this much faster, but we are on the slow path. This was our most discouraging day and beginning to think maybe we wouldn't climb out of this.
I went to the hospital even later today. The stress is wearing on me as I have physical problems my self. I have to pace myself, no need for both of us to be in there. My friend said jokingly we could be in the same room together. I said if that were to happen I would want my own room, as I would be climbing out of bed to take care of him. It's just a joke.
Today when I walked in it was like a different day. He was actually sitting up in a chair eating and actually keeping down what he was eating. This was a vast improvement. A real turning point and we needed one. We're still not out of the woods, but looking better. I bought him a news paper and we watched the Sox game {3-1}. We actually had some normal conversation. I went home and actually slept. We have a long way to go, but this was a turning point. Even the nurses were smiling. It was a better day. The Meyer's

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