Thursday, September 9, 2010

I Finally Did It. I Made the Papers

Yesterday was another struggle in our on going journey to my husband's recovery. I went to the hospital to take him to the rehab center. We decided to do the transfer ourselves. When I entered the room, the wife of my husbands roommate said " You made the paper." She had a copy to hand me. I had forgotten the day before when a reporter and a photographer saw me watering my plants and came over. "Did you hear Mayor Daley is not going to run again?" No I had not heard, TV is not a priority right now, but was I happy about the news. It was my little day of fame and I had fun with it. When I reached home my neighbors had also seen it. They said we agree 100% with you. It was time for him to go. He now has a mixed legacy. Taxes upon taxes. When will people learn, taxes are all a Democrat really knows to do. Obama is really just another tax and spent democrat, out of control, but none the less that is what he is.
But where Daley really lost his support is selling the parking meters. What happened there you ask? He sold them to a Foreign Country. Yes, we are paying a foreign country with our parking fines. Then he turned around and sold the Chicago Skyway.  After this last payment, Daley really has a serious short fall. Wonder why he's quitting? Leave it to the next guy, and good luck to him.
There were five of us with our quotes, here's mine, "He has taxed this town to death." Another said what I said yesterday they go out of the city to shop. She said I don't even buy a bottle of water. Yes folks, he has a tax on a bottle of water!! Another said " the Dailey's have been corrupt and in charge for so long." Daley is also another one where everyone around him falls, but he is always left standing.  Amazingly he never knows any of it is going on??
Did he do some good things? Yes, he renovated Navy Pier and it does bring in a lot of money and a fun place to go. He renewed McCormick Place and it is a leading convention center. He has also been praised for his efforts with the schools. Although the Chicago Public School System has a long way to go.
Everyone here is shaking in their boots with talk of Rham Emanuel. No one I have talked to wants him, but Chicago is a heavily democratic city. It is a possibility. I'm scared.

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