Thursday, September 16, 2010

What This Blog Is About-

This blog is about a recession, a very liberal president, and how a family faces it.  I had no idea we would loose our father and husband in the middle of it. Sometimes I write politics, sometimes I write personal. Today I write  personal. One week ago we lost or Dad. It seems more like a month. The first few days were filled with phone calls and e-mails from from everywhere. I never really realized how many people he influenced, how many lives he touched. But when you think of 42 years and most of it in ministry you can understand we know a lot of people. Sunday, of course, we went to church. Not only did we loose a father, our people lost their Pastor. When I entered the church their faces said it all. Amazingly I went and sat down at the piano and wondered to myself if I could play. We have no other pianist. Don't ask me how, I was able to play. My husband and I had already made plans for speakers as he was to go to rehab and get strong enough for bypass surgery. We never made it that far. Amazingly we had a good service. Our friend said all the right things and the Word of God helped too.  The people left happier than when they came. The support they have given us is unbelievable. The speaker took me to lunch.  We went where my husband and I usually go. No, not a fancy place, we like to eat quickly and go on. Usually Sunday is a pretty busy day for us.
When we walked in the servers new almost immediately something was wrong. I told them. Several left teary eyed to go in the back. People really loved my husband. After lunch I went home to more endless phone calls. Each one was very important to me. I knew they wanted to talk just to me.  I felt totally exhausted with all the preparations. We knew it would be a big funeral.  The next two days became the most wonderful days of my life. One of my husbands favorite verses: "Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us. Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith." Heb.12:1&2 KJV

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