Friday, September 17, 2010

The Best Days of My Life

I mentioned before that the next two days were the best two days of my life.
We awoke the next morning even more tired than we were the day before. Why is it after endless days in the hospital and wrangling with the Dr's you now have a funeral on your hands? Doesn't seem fair does it? But that is the way it is. I still did not have a plot for my husband. I spent Sunday evening trying to get one of our relatives to sign over the plot. It is connected to a will. I won't go into details. It is in the family plot. You would think this would be easy. But nothing in life ever is. It wasn't until 2:30, one half hour before the wake I finally bought a plot. It would take an act of Congress to get the other plot. The woman at the cemetery says it goes on all the time.
Anyway a woman at the cemetery had been working all morning to find us a place in the family plot. When it was done she showed me the way they made it work. She asked would he mind being by a Florence M and a Charles M. Well, you know how my angel jumps in sometimes. I said that is his favorite aunt and uncle who supported him all his life. She said tomorrow their heads would be sleeping together. I cried. All the problems and irritation over this plot, and here was another plot near his two favorite people in the world. Only God could do that. I said I'll take it. And that was that. I was going to the funeral home a few minutes later and telling the children on the phone, Dad finally had a place to rest. And I would be right next to him. Only God could have straightened out this mess.
I reached the funeral home and went downstairs. We have been in this funeral home many times with our church. I knew Dick, the funeral director always had treats for the wake. I needed something to eat. I am not sure weather I have really eaten the last few weeks. Someone came down and said they are coming in and it is going to be crazy. And it did. People came from all over. There was a steady stream of people form three to closing. They came in groves and it was never ending.I never realized how many people he had reached. And everyone telling me something he had done in their life. I realized this was his life's work before my eyes. There was a lot of laughter amongst the tears. It was one of the most incredible days of my life. The stories, the tears, the hugs, it was really quite unbelievable. And I thought, why didn't they say these things to him when he was alive? Well, never mind he is in glory now, and that is all that really matters.We went home even more tired than we were before, but amazed at what had just happened. I layed awake for several hours pondering and thinking. Maybe this isn't the end of his ministry, maybe it is just the beginning.

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