Friday, September 3, 2010

Another Twist In Our Ongoing Battle With Diabetes

Wednesday turned into on of our worst days, as my husband was very ill. It started on Monday when he went to the Dr. and came home with pneumonia. I asked him then, why didn't the Dr. admit him? He had no answer. Tuesday didn't get much better and I said tomorrow if you are the same we are going to the hospital. He half way agreed. We all know men hate the hospitals. We have been in a 31 year battle with diabetes. We now have a wing at the hospital fully funded by our family alone. He has two prosthetic legs and myriad other problems I'm not going into and I understand his hatred for the hospital. Wednesday it was worse no better. He also doesn't like paramedics or ambulances either. By noon he finally conceded. It took a neighbor and I to get him into the car. I knew it was serious, but still thought it was pneumonia gone worse.
Entering he mentioned chest pain. This is the first he mentioned this to me, although he had e-mailed it to our church members. I found this out later. The wife is always the last to know.
They took an EKG and immediately we were surrounded with cardiologists and many people. Within 30 minutes he was having an angiogram, and I am in a waiting room. He was having a heart attack. I called my son and tried to tell him, but I could not complete the call. I could not believe what was happening. I called him back and the other two. My daughter nearly drove off the road when I called, she told me later.
Eventually we were all there, It did feel better to have them with me. They came in and said there is a blockage and the Dr. is going to put in a stint. Everything should be OK. They should not have said that. We were relieved, but a few minutes later they came back in and said they could not get the stint in. I knew then we were in pretty deep trouble. I am a pastor's wife. I've been in many hospitals with church members having the same procedure and knew this was not good.  I said to the kids this is not good.
The Dr. came out and it was worse than not good.
I won't go into details but there are a lot of problems. So right now we are in limbo. If he stays the way he is he will eventually die. In essence right now it will take a miracle to keep him
I know God will guide us, he always has. We say Dad has nine lives. He actually thought we would go home and he could preach on Sunday. We have made it clear that isn't going to happen.
By night friends were calling from all over, word goes out fast. It did help to hear other's say it will be OK. I'm still not sure of that but it helps to hear it anyway.
The last two days have been worse with more tests and more Dr.s now added. I really don't know which Dr. I am talking to or what he actually does, but I guess they know more than I do.
In some ways it has been a precious time with our children. Adult children get very busy with their own lives.
We thank God for our beautiful children, and grandchildren. We don't know how much time we will have him, nor yet what the Dr's are planning to do. One thing I know with or without him we have a wonderful family God has given us.
God does give us more grace. Many say I am a strong woman, I don know. It is only the strength God has given me. We are still praying for a miracle and some of the Dr's are more hopeful than a few days ago, which is encouraging. We ask your prayers. The Meyer's

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