Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Right Now I Am Pretty Discouraged

Well, I tried but these Senators had the same letter I sent out today. Which shows they really don't want to disclose the truth. They just want to let this one slide by. They like her jokes. Or whatever. But this judge will come back to bite them time after time. She is an activist, she thinks like Obama and she will turn the tied toward the left every time a case comes up. When her own won't even, I mean the Rabbi's, say they want nothing to do with her.
The one I am the most disappointed in Lindsey Grahm. I can't figure out which way he is going anymore. I once had respect for him but that is waining.  He is slipping and sliding all over the place.  There are still some who are holding on, but you wonder when they will turn. But for the most part the Republicans are still holding together and taking a firm stand. And thank God for that, this situation could be so much worse. It reminds me of the verse, "the god of this world has blinded the minds of them which believe not." {2 Corin.4:4}This is not speaking of the God up in heaven.  They are literally blind to the truth. The mainstream media is blindly following him. Like my mother used to say if someone told you to jump off the ledge would you follow them? I think all parents have used this saying, trying to teach us to think for ourselves. They are all blindly following him, and into the ditch. They can't see beyond their noses. They say to wait until the elections, I am weary now and  hope this will all just end. Seems like there would be some law that would kick in by now when a President fails this badly. He failed the gulf states. He has failed Arizona, with only 500 or more troops for the border.  He has failed to help create jobs.  He has failed in Afghanistan. If Bush had failed this bad you would have never heard the end of it. But they keep following him, and even defend him. It is crazy and I just don't know how it can get better right now.

Monday, June 28, 2010

World Leaders Go Opposite Obama's Letter to Spend More Stimulus

World leaders Sunday made a pledge to slash budget deficits in half in three years. Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper, host of the summit said "it is imperative that we get our fiscal house in order." Harper's proposal that he sent to leaders was in contrast to Obama's letter which stated that in the 1930's the government reduced spending too soon and prolonged the Great Depression. The President has not done his homework. It is pretty much the observation of historians that the spending lengthened the Depression rather than shortening it. Obama must have been clearly disappointed nor did he probably get the message, as he is even now working on more stimulus packages and many Democrats insist that we have not spent enough. Here we see clearly the fundamental difference between progressivism and conservatism. But the Canadians and the Europeans are getting the message, and Greece is the one who clearly showed them the way. If you keep going this way, this is what you get.  A complete collapse of your government, because these principles do not work.  Greece was an overwhelmingly factor in G-20 agreement to support the deficit cutting moves.
Britain is going to an emergency budget, [something we need to do] raising some taxes but cutting spending levels not seen since WWII. It was clear that Europeans leaders would side with Harper's views. Even though Obama met with Great Britain's minister David Cameron he is not listening to him either. Cameron said "Those countries that have big deficit problems like ours have to take action in order to keep that level of confidence in the economy which is absolutely vital to growth." He joked that he could not pay for the helicopter ride that Mr. Obama had given him Sunday to go from the isolated site of the Group of 8 talks to the G-20 summit. I am concerned that Obama's spending is becoming a joke amongst world leaders. Will he ever see the need to QUIT SPENDING.
Chancellor Angela Merkel made it clear that Germany, fourth largest economy in the world, would not be pressed into continuing large fiscal spending. Germany will cut spending 107 Billion over the next four years. Oh, how I wish that were the headlines in the Chicago Tribune.
Here tells the real story, one of Obama's pals George Soros, to say the least a leading leftists, If the Germans don't change their policy, their exit from the currency union would be helpful for the rest of Europe. "Soro's said" Right now the Germans are dragging their neighbors into deflation, which threatens a long phase of stagnation, and that leads to Nationalism, social unrest and xenophobia. Democracy could be at risk." This is the wrong thinking of the progressive intellect. And the kind of people Obama listens to. You do not spend more money to reduce deficit!!
The Chancellor of Germany has reached the right conclusion, if Germany cuts it's budget deficit
"then the citizen is more willing to spend money. A core conservative principle. Cut taxes, cut budgets=more money in our pockets to spend.
Sen.  Mitch McConnell said " the two things that are growing fastest in the Democrat economy are the size of the federal government and the crushing burden of the national debt." He's right and it is coming down and literally crushing our economy.  Marna

Friday, June 25, 2010

Our Day Away, Kagan's Nomination and Shariah Law

My husband and I attended the national meeting of the GARBC yesterday in Woodfield, Ill. Actually the sessions went all week but we were, because of schedules, able to go only one day. People have asked me how can you take all that preaching. Well, to be honest with you sometimes I do need a break from it and absolutely insist we go somewhere and get away from it. However the last time we took a four day rest, we visited  a church who had been without a pastor and so they asked him to speak. So you see I never really never get away from it. However the meetings were spirited and there were some great speakers on the book of Daniel. To you that are not that well versed on that little book. It has quite a lot to say about present day condition's including Daniels's 70th week. Well, you'll have to get a book on that. I am not going to go into it. While I was there I was thirsty and I went to a little stand and they had a free copy of  the Wall Sreet Journal and I was able to read Karl Rove's opinion column and I was very encourage to read that things are looking good for the fall elections. Good, that is if you are a conservative. My husband laughed because he said even here I have to listen to you about politics. I also warned several pastor's about Kagan's nomination, but didn't really need to as they are very concerned about her too. Although I saw a report also yesterday of 42 to 35 percent against her. But, we have learned from this President he really doesn't care what the American people think.  Anyway, I hope this continues because this is a very liberal judge with pro Islamic ideas that she helped law students at Harvard to learn. Yes, she was Dean of Harvard Law School and during that time she banned the military recruiters from campus, but at the same time she was banning the military recruiters, Harvard received $20 million dollars from a member of the Saudi Royal Family to establish a center for Islamic Studies and SHARIAH Law. Kagan banned our military and then welcomed Islamic studies to promote Shariah law at Harvard. Can I be any clearer on her position towards radical Islamic's.  Here to make it even clearer Kagan personally officiated in 2003 to establish a project whose purpose was to promote Shariah-Compliant Finance 'SCF' by enlisting some of the nations most promising law students. This SCF is very significant because it has it's roots in something called The Muslim Brotherhood whose stated General Strategic Goal in North America is "a grand Jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western Civilization from within and 'sabotaging' it's miserable house by their hands and the hands of it's believers so that it is eliminated and God's religion is made victorious over all other religions." In other words we would be putting someone, or maybe even the enemy itself on our Supreme Court. I have so much more to share with you on this man we call our President.  The Urgent message call or, fax your, congressmen now and tell them NO to Elena Kagan.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

It's Quite Humiliating

Really when you think about it it's quite humiliating. We are the greatest country on the earth and we can't figure out how to plug a hole with oil running out. Does it really help for congressmen to spend 6 hours,who don't really know how to plug the hole yelling at an oil man who doesn't know how to plug the hole either? And do these hearings really prove anything anyway?  I found most of the discussion pretty nonconstructive and rather boring. And I hope Waxman goes away soon. I am tired of him. So was the time spent profitable? Did we find out anything new except that everyone from the President on down bungled the ball  and left it literally in our court to fix. Nothing was really solved and the hole still isn't plugged. I don't know what God is trying to tell us. And are we learning anything from it, except that the President spends a lot of time going to ball games and golfs on the weekend.  Actually the only thing that is going to come of this is the gas companies will use it to raise our gas prices. As usual it is us the little people, or small people the Brits call it, end up paying for the entire mess.  I hope this judge puts and end to the stoppage on drilling, before foreign companies come in a buy these rigs and we will loose that income as well as all the other income we have lost in the last year an a half. And the Dems amazingly think Obama is doing a great job and can't see beyond their nose what a mess this country is in.  It's really quite amazing. While congress by the way gave themselves a pay raise and cut social security increases. Maybe they could be the example and cut their salary's and show the way. Not this congress. Now they will have to make more laws on how to stop this from happening again. No wonder Washington is broken. And no one knows how to fix it. It's an endless cycle that only proves the Fed's have too much power, making too much money and doing little for us.The answer decrease this useless Federal government and give power back to the states. Our example Ronald Reagan. Ronald Reagan had one goal in mind when he first ran for office-he wanted to give the power back to the American people and reduce the size of the government. He knew he could succeed by rallying the majority of the American people to stand with him. We need a presidential candidate who will follow that same example. We will only get better if we decrease the federal government and return power back to the states. Something Barack Obama would hate.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Something is Terribly Wrong

Have you ever seen a time in our country's history when there have been so many lawsuits against the Federal Government, the President, and the Fed's suing against the states? What must the world think about us right now, the greatest country on the earth? What kind of example are we to the world for the name of democracy and trying to help other countries to form a democracy?  Does not all this tell you something is terribly wrong? I think this could be one of the lowest points in our country's history.
They say when you hit bottom the only way is up. I read the other day that the unemployment numbers would have been higher. But companies are down to where there is no one left to let go in order for the companies to keep functioning. They are operating on bare bone staffs.
The question is how do we climb out of this and which way is up? We now know that we can't spend our way out of this, even though the President insists it is the only way out, and is still working on spending bills. And there are still lawmakers who say it's the only way out. Spending our way out, only has dug us in a deeper hole. One thing is also missing, during the great depression FDR would rally the people with his famous fireside chats. The President being the great orator he is, I say that respectfully, used this to get himself elected. But were are the stirring messages to us now when we need them? Rallying us to conquer our problems and encouraging us to go on.  Not that I expect miracles from him, I never did. But where are the great speeches now when we really need them? Is not part of leadership to encourage the people? Not to turn around and sue the people. Something is terribly wrong. Is this leadership? To sue a state for making a law? A law that is basically a copy of the federal law that evidently is not being used to help solve this situation. Instead of saying the government has failed to apply the law and we are going to do everything we can do to enforce the law. The state of Arizona has not failed, the Federal government has failed us. The state of Arizona does not need this. Now people are actually sending Gov. Brewer money for the law suit. Could not this money be used towards border guards to try to stop what is happening. What I fear is the President is saying the federal government will solve your problems you don't need the states anymore.  I fear this is going to become a issue over Federal government battling states rights. If so we are in for a terrible battle and the states will win. Our forefather's had a lot of wisdom. We are the only democracy with independent self governing states. That is the strength of our country and why this democracy is so strong. And why other countries look to us. Does this battle not really drag us down more? Does it really solve the problem? I think the cry is we really need leadership. Someone who is willing to tackle problems and steer us out of this mess. Pres.Obama, where are those great words of encouragement?  Marna

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

When Will It End?

Today I received an e-mail from Sen Dick Durbin telling me how great the finance bill is.  Another bill taking over the companies, another bill telling everyone what to do, another bill taking more and more of our freedoms away. Soon everything we do will go through the government, weather it's buying a car, a house, or just a pair of shorts. They want to control everything. They think because our economy has taken a dip they need to set a whole new set of regulations and it will fix every thing. All they are doing is making new agencies that will provide more red tape for us to deal with. They are not helping and all these Czars are part of the problem. I say less government, more freedom. They are going to choke our necks.  Here is a perfect example of the government running something. Fannie Mae and Freddy Mac, going off the New York Stock Exchange today. Why ?Well, Fannie May closed Tuesday at .92 cents and Freddie Mac closed at $1.22. These two companies almost sunk our country and the world economy with them. The governments answer, pump more money into them to the tune of $145 billion dollars{our hard earned tax money!} Instead of just letting them fail. If a company is no good LET IT FAIL!!! That is what a free market does it gets rid of the bad companies. You don't pump more money into a sinking ship!!! Marna

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Obama's Czars

This week I am going to give a brief review of Obama's Czars and it may give you a clearer view of why we are so concerned. It will also show you how radical he really is. This goes beyond  Democrat-Republican, White-Black, this is about good and evil. Please take time to read.
Richard Holbrook -Afghanistan Czar-Ultra liberal anti gun, former Gov. of New Mexico. Pro abortion and legal use of drugs. Wants to dissolve the second amendment.
Ed Montgomery-Auto Recovery-Radical anti business activist. He was a University of Maryland Business School Dean who taught U.S. business has caused world poverty. Acorn board member. Communist DuBois Club Member.
Jeff Crowly-AIDSCzar-Radical Homosexual. Gay Rights Activist. Believes in gay marriage and Special Statue for homosexuals including complete free health care for gays.
Alan Bersin-Border Czar- Here tells you something of the true story- Ultra Liberal friend of Hilary Clinton. Served as Border Czar under Janet Reno-wants to keep borders open to illegals without interference from U.S.
David J Hayes-California Water- Sr. fellow of radical environmentalist group. Progress Policy. No training in water management whatsoever.
Once you go through this list you will see why we are having so many problems with this President. And just how radical and away from the norm of how most Americans feel.  Marna

Monday, June 14, 2010

The Oil Spill is Worse Than Bush's Katrina

And the oil spill continues and continues. Some have asked is this Obama's Katrina? I say it is ten times worse than Bush's Katrina. Why because it has shown his poor judgement in leadership. Is He concerned? Well over the weekend he spent four hours golfing, missed the Gulf Memorial Service so he could raise money for the loosing Barbara Boxer. I have often though how Pres. Bush gave up golf because he did not feel it was right while our service men and women were sacrificing for us.  This leader does not have the same drive and desire to realize we are at war. He avoids conflict at every turn and then it comes back around to smack him in the face.
However he seemed to have time in his busy week to meet with Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas, Wednesday, giving him the royal treatment and $400,000 million of our hard earned tax dollars.
The White House said" The President has described the situation in Gaza a unsustainable and it demands significant change."
But remember how the president treated Netanyahu a few weeks ago at the White House, shoving him in a limousine that drove him around D.C., then gave him an half hour visit to blast him about building some apartments, no picture, no dinner, no press conference, no nothing.  With an hour and a half phone call  a few days later that Netanyahu described as a "hellish event."
This is pretty clear showing where the President's loyalties are. He is not going to help Israel. There's a little verse in the Bible the President needs to read. "I Will Bless them that bless you[Israel] and I Will curse them that curse you."  Two weeks later an oil spill. Coincidence? No, you don't turn your back on God's special people and not reap the results.
Without America's help Israel is going to take this in their own hands, as I already said in an earlier piece that don't worry about Israel if we are not there God is on their side. Remember the six day war?The Saudi's have now given permission for Israel to land their planes. The problem being if they fly from Israel they will not have enough fuel to make it back. Of course this is in the interest of the Saudi's themselves as they do not want Iran to have nuke's at their back door either. Evidently they don't have much faith in the U.N. either. Something Obama hasn't learned yet. With America turning it's back on Israel, they must go on without us.  Too bad Bush didn't do this before he left office.
There is no way Israel is going to allow these missiles to continue with the possibility of nukes aimed at their back door. Didn't we get a little upset with missiles at our back door? Or have we forgotten the fear that came upon us those fear full days with Cuba?
So while Obama is playing golf Israel realizes it has a mission, no matter what anybody says or thinks.They are going to bomb these sites. They are one step ahead of Obama and once again Obama is going to play catch up ball. He never learns his lessons.
Too bad Obama, your making a lot of mistakes, poor judgements, and giving money to the wrong people. Who's side are you on  anyway? Marna

Today is Flag Day

Sometimes in all the mess our country is in we get pretty discouraged, but there are times when things can seem pretty dark. But even in our darkest times as a country there is something that still shines forth and that is our flag.  It has stood through all of America's trials and it will stand even after this time is through. No matter what our country stands, our democracy stands, and we always come through. Take time today to think about those that have sacrificed so that our flag still stands. And it will continue to stand. We are America and there is no other country like us. God Bless America.  Marna

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Republicans Not Happy About Pay for Medicare to Drs.

Dr's will receive less pay from Medicare for Obamacare. President says some Dr's will opt out and seniors will loose their Dr's. I don't know about you. But I do not want to loose my Dr. I have a chronic condition that is very difficult to treat. Changing of medicines causes me a lot of distress. My Dr. and I have worked for years trying to find right medicines to work. I am in a lot of pain and even trying to change medicines causes a lot of problems.  My Dr and I work together very well. If I loose him I literally will be lost.  Why would he want to cause this kind of distress for of all people seniors?  I feel like he is telling me what to do with my life. And it really isn't any of his business. It makes me angry and I just want him to leave me and my family alone.  I am really tired of him and all his crazy ideas. In reality he really hasn't done a lame brained thing for this country except to upset everybody.  There are not many new jobs and now higher taxes are coming. Let's see how many people like his change you can believe in when their taxes shy rocket. And they will, I have already heard of one family's property tax went up a $1,000 dollars from last year. Hold on to your belts, it's going to happen.  Marna

Friday, June 11, 2010

Brit's are Scared of Obama Now

Not only are we scared of Obama but now the Brit's are shaking in their boots. B.P. is a major player in their economics and they are scared to death of what Obama is going to do. This could possibly make or break them and cost thousands of jobs for Britain. His fear is now starting world wide. The Jews are scared because he does not seem to interested in helping Israel and backed the U.N. in a recent resolution.They don't expect much help from Obama if something happens. He clearly is leaning towards the Palestinians. Now will he start harming the world market as clearly as he is harming us? The new "jobs" bill will increase spending by $126 Billion over the next ten years and will add $79 Billion to the federal deficit. How many "jobs" will the "jobs" bill actually help the economy? Only 6% of Americans think the stimulus package actually stimulated anything. Aren't we supposed to hire people because our business is doing better and then there are taxes coming in from those jobs? I don't have a degree in economics but how do you spend tax money to create jobs? Would not it help to cut capital gains tax and payroll taxes so small businesses would have more capital to increase their businesses. Is not this what Reagan did to help the economy?  In the State of the Union Speech he said and "maybe" we could cut capital gain taxes. I'm still waiting. He said yesterday "possibly" cut capital gain taxes. I'm still waiting.
Not only that but now in June he says to use pay as you go plan that they used in the 90's. The principle, Congress can only spend a dollar if it saves a dollar somewhere else.The rule did work and brought us from a deficit to a surplus.
But then in the "jobs" bill there are loopholes in the pay as you go rule so they can evade certain requirements. Now today he hits us with $125,000,000 million to go around and explain the health care plan. Again. Evidently we just don't quite get it. So we have to be re-educated. Again. It must be a pain to work with those slow Americans.
So Brit's join the Obama club. You can join and suffer with us. By the time he is through with us there will not be a market in the world he has not affected.  Marna

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Everyone is Missing the Point

Barak Obama does not want to confront Islamic radicalism and he has convinced Holder and everyone else if you tone down the rhetoric you will defuse the extremist. He has convinced Robert Gates on Don't Ask, Don't Tell, that this is OK. It isn't OK. It will cause a lot of problems in the military. He has convinced people the way Bush continually rallied everyone against extremism that he kept the war going full force and there is some truth to that, it did stir up the entire world. Obama knows full well how dangerous these people are.  His approach is to try to defuse everyone. Try to tone down the war cries. What he doesn't realize that what we do and what we say means nothing to these people. They hate us. They hate our way of life, capitalism, and especially Israel.  There is another group of extremists that are even scarier than the Islamic radical extremist and that is a revolutionary group of progressive people who want to take over, and I am not sure if Obama is one of these. This group of people were behind the flotilla  and Israel knows about these people. That is why this boat was very concerning to them. I don't know how formed this group of people are or how many are in this group.  If Obama is part of this group and I think he is, it is even more scarier than we think. Because it means this group of revolutionaries have infiltrated the White House. I do not know the name of this group, but Bill Ayer's is one of them, the pink ladies are part of it.  And this group of people have a lot of money. Possibly from people like Oprah, who believe in redistribution. I have heard that Obama is going to bring a large group of Muslims to America to get an education. That is why he wants to keep the immigration doors open. Possibly Mexico is part of this group. The way that Obama put on a big show for the President of Mexico was rather unusual.  Meeting with Palestinian leaders yesterday. I do not like the turn of events. they are concerning me and causing me to question what is going on. You may think I am nuts but there is something going on underneath and it is starting to submerge.  This U.N. sanction is a bluff to keep us from seeing what is going on. Obama knows this sanction is nothing but a bandage and a poor one at that. I don't know what is going on, but there is something very strange going on. Everyone thinks Glen Beck is a nuts, but Glen Beck has discovered this group of people. He doesn't know that much either but he knows they are a bad group of people. Maybe there are more of you out there that think something is going on and people think you are nuts. but we are not nuts. Something is going on and I don't like it. Marna

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Hold on to Your Hat, Obama

The President made a remark a  few weeks ago  that the grassroot movement isn't going to effect the voting that much. Big mistake, Pres. Obama, there is a movement under you feet and  it is going to keep popping up all around you. He is going to learn a hard lesson and his cronies Reid and Pelosi are going to be in trouble.
Tuesday night the tea party showed it's power by pushing Sharron Angle from a 5% of GOP voters in 60 days to a 45% of the vote. And it was a stunning victory. Reid should be shaking in his boots. It will be a hard battle because unbelievably Reid still has a 40% favorable rating even though his state is sinking in a huge unemployment hole. Not helped by his dear friend, Pres. Obama. But be careful Mr. Reid the Pres. has been known of late to throw a few people under the bus who are not doing well. You might call him a fair weather friend.
The tea partiers are sending a strong message, they do not want politicians who have been around playing the same games and taking the same money. In fact many tea partiers have told me they do not want lobbyists, and term limits, even for the Supreme court.
She won by being endorsed by the Tea Party Express, Freedomworks and Club for Growth.
So look out Obama and hang onto your hat, these grassroot movements are stronger than you think and one could be growing under your feet right now.

Monday, June 7, 2010

My Day with Rep. Dan Lipinski

I had a very interesting day to day with my Representative Congressman  Dan Lipinski.  Yes, I went over and met him and talked to him and I was impressed.  Why was this so interesting? Rep. Lipinski is a democrat and if you have been reading my blogs you have found that I am pretty right wing.  Anyway I went over there because I wanted to shake his hand and say thank you. What did he do? He voted no on the health care bill. In fact he kept his word. Shortly before the vote he sent out a postcard that if the bill would harm seniors he would not vote for it.  Actually he was swaying the other way and changed his mind shortly before the vote.  What changed his mind? When he saw 500 million dollars would be taken from Medicare.  Before he came in the building, he was outside having pictures of a park he had part in, I was in favor of that too. In fact almost everything he has done I pretty much have been in agreement, including getting 111th paved and a new bridge over I-57.  But he took a stand and I don't think he has had a very good time with Obama administration and he is probably off Nancy's and Harry's list also. But I am hoping after tomorrow Harry will be off our list. I talked also with two of his aides and they said 90% of the calls they received were in favor of his vote.  I also got my picture taken with him and I told him I would be praying for him. I don't think he's going to have a very good time. And even his aides admitted there is more coming down the Obama pike. Anyway, kudos to this congressman and the best to him. Marna

Friday, June 4, 2010

A Little Brother's Love Randall Neil Ritchie Dec.18,1953-June 6,2009

The next morning I awoke early because I really didn't sleep well. I talked with the nurse and she said Randy was OK. I said I needed to go to Westminster and get some clothes. I thought I would be at the hospital several more days.  I left and drove to Jan's as fast as possible. I told her quickly what had happened and then packed a few things in a bag and drove back to Greeley.  I arrived a little before noon. I walked in and they had been trying to get hold of me. Randy was failing very quickly. I really wasn't ready for this, but nobody is. His breathing was much worse and he was pretty doped up thankfully. I felt bad I had spent that time going back to Jan's but it was no use thinking about should have done's.That is what I did. As they say and your here now.  A nurse came in. She had been there the night before. She walked in and said "I think God led you and Randy here." I said, "yes he was leading us all the time I just didn't see it." I was so thankful for these wonderful people.  Another nurse came in and said she had been with Randy through the night. Randy told her he was a trucker and her husband was a trucker. She said Randy and she talked for some time and then he finally rested.  Then they asked me why we were so far from home when Randy was so sick and I told them about the quit claim deed on the trailer. Randy wanted to get the trailer in my name. I had the deed sitting on the table. We were coming to the county seat.  They said do you still need it signed? I said yes but Randy was probably too ill to sign it.  The nurse went over and shook Randy and said pretty loudly, Randy, do you want your sister to have the deed signed? With all his strength he said,  "yes." I was shocked he could still talk. She asked him the question again  and he said, "yes."With all the might he could muster up to speak. The hospital went to town to find a notary. They usually have one on hand, but it was a Sunday. Actually I am a notary, but I can only sign in Illinois and you can't notarize for yourself. I was concerned because I knew the shape he was in he would not be able to sign his name. They did finally find a notary. And we talked about the signature. All you really need is a mark, as long as you witness they made the mark. She also told me it was her first notarization. So we filled out the paperwork together and one nurse would be the witness.  It was hard to get Randy to wake up. We elevated the bed and again the nurse asked Randy if he wanted to do this and he said yes very loudly and we all laughed. Then the notary put the pencil in his hand and placed the deed on a book in front of him. and with all the strength he had left he lifted his hand and made about three or four up and down strokes. The notary said that is all we need and I agreed with her.  A little brother's love, with everything he had left inside of him he wanted me to have the trailer and the land. I will never forget that moment in my mind.  Later that evening Randy passed.  I was at peace and the nurses said for the first time Randy looked at peace. I could not stay it hurt so bad inside. I had to leave and went back to the little motel for the hospice.  I rested there and drove back Sunday morning. It seemed so strange to be driving by a church letting out and thinking that is what I am usually doing at this time.  I stopped by the trailer just to make sure it was safe.  Then I drove back to Jan's. Her and Mike weren't there when I first came back. I just kind of sat there in the darkness of the sunset. Randy was safe in the Father's hands and I could finally rest.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

A Little Brother's Love Cont

To continue on with Randy and me, I needed to pick up some items he needed. He wanted some shoes as his feet had been very swollen and some new shorts for the summer, plus a quit claim deed for the trailer. I ended up at three stores to get these items, but I did find his favorite ice cream at of all places Walmart. I hate Walmarts. I worked retail for years and if I set up a store the way they do I would be kicked out. Lousy marketing. Anyway this set me a little behind in getting to the trailer. When I got there I was very surprised because Randy had showered and shaved and was dressed very nicely. I gave him his new shoes and they fit perfectly. He really looked nice. He wanted to go to Greeley to turn in the deed. It was about an hour away. I was very surprised he wanted to go that far. I said we can get the deed notarized at a bank and I can take it later. No he wanted to go to Greeley. So we set out. It was a beautiful Colorado day and I opened the sunroof on my Intrepid and we got going. We were even laughing and it was as though everything was normal. and I though maybe we'll have him a little longer. I can't express the joy in  my heart after the last four days I had been through with him. It was like a cloud had been lifted off and I could see clearly.  We traveled about an half an hour and all of a sudden it was like all hell broke loose. Randy started coughing and holding his chest. He couldn't get his breath and then he was bent over with pain. I had seen him do this before and we usually waited it out but this went on a little longer than before. He got out of the car and put his hands against the car and continued coughing. I said let's call 911 he said no wait, I think I'm getting better. It finally simmered down a little and he said let's go to a restaurant and get a drink.  We found a truck stop he liked and went in. I was shaking and needed to eat and Randy ordered a drink. He was still in quite a bit of pain.  I ate quickly only because I had to eat, I get low blood sugar. As soon as I finished he said I need to go to the hospital. I went up and paid the bill and asked how to get to the hospital. The cashier told me and I said I was going to pick up Randy at the other door and drive around to get him. I was shaking pretty bad, but I tried to keep my cool. I have been through a lot of medical emergencies with my husband so I carry on pretty good. But I was scared.
The cashier had walked Randy outside to a chair near the parking lot. He was starting to have heavy heaving in his chest. I knew this was bad. He got in the car and I almost got on the wrong road but Randy told me were to go. We were traveling but it seemed longer than the cashier had said. Finally we saw a hospital sign. Thank God. We just kept following these blue signs we had no idea where we were.  Finally I started to see a big building and I said I bet that is the hospital and it was. I got Randy in and then went to park the car. I was scared stiff.  I came in and they had Randy in a room already asking him all kinds of questions. His chest was heaving heavily up and down. He was in excruciating pain. They checked for heart attack but ruled that out right away. The Dr asked me where he had been in the hospital and I told her. They moved him to another room and we waited and waited. There was a young aid there and he was from Elmhurst. Ill., so that kind of helped. I could tell without them telling me something was up and it wasn't good.  Finally the Dr came and took me outside the room and explained what she thought was happening. She had concluded that the cancer had ruptured the peridium a sac around the heart and the fluid had leaked out. Because of the seriousness of his cancer there was nothing they could do. His heart was beating 40 beats a minute and would continue to slow down and he would die. It usually takes 3 to 4 days to happen.  The explanation took about 2 minutes to explain and she was gone. In fact I had to say, well at least you are going to give him something for pain? After a few minutes Randy was resting and really nothing left to do but sit and wait.  The kid from Illinois was great, he said  I want to get you a social worker because I want to tell you something special about our hospital. And my angel stepped in again and worked another miracle. I had told them Randy had no insurance. They said don't worry about that, we can work that out.
The social worker came in and told me, we have a hospice here that on occasion when someone is going to pass quickly and they have no financing they take them for free. I was in disbelief. All this time trying to get help, trying to find someone to help us, and God brought us to this hospital. In fact the social worker told me we are one of the few hospices who do this.  All along God was with us and knew exactly where he was going to bring us.  I never have seen God work so directly in my life.  They took Randy to a holding room. Later on they brought in a tray of food and he asked if he could eat.  They were very happy to see him eat.  Then the Dr came while Randy was eating and I signed the awful paper no resuscitation. That is the worst paper in the world to sign, but I didn't want him to suffer the way he was breathing. I asked the Dr. should I tell him and she said wait until tomorrow.  I went in and Randy was actually sitting up. The lady came in from the hospice and I signed the papers. On the bottom -0- balance.  I told Randy he was going into the hospice.  He guessed at once and he said, I wanted to die at home. I said I know but I am not well enough to take care of you and we are pretty far from home. I think we need to stay here. Then he asked me what are they going to do for me and I said there is nothing they can do for you.  He said you mean I'll be like this the rest of my life? And I said yes. I did not tell him just how long the rest of his life would be.
They came and took us to his room in the hospice. I almost cried when I saw it. It was beautiful , done in light purple with darker purple around the top. Rockies colors. It was a man's room done with the Rockies theme. Yes, there are other teams than Sox's and Cubs.  It was so restful and they were so kind and helpful. They only had a few patients so they said they could give Randy very good care.  Really it was quite unbelievable.  I sat there for a long time and Randy finally went to sleep, but not before he said to me "I love you" and I said "I love you" back to him.  It was raining so they didn't want me to travel back to Westminster. They have a little motel there for the hospice. A guard walked me to the door of my room.  It took me a long time to go to sleep. I was afraid the phone would ring and it would be about Randy....continue tomorrow

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

A Little Brother's Love Cont

The next day Thursday I arrived at the trailer and Randy was a little better. He wanted to continue with his list of items he wanted done. So we traveled on. One thing about living in Decono you drive a lot to get anything done.  He held up a little better today and when we got done with errands we actually went out to eat. This was very encouraging to me. And I began thinking maybe things would get better. We went to Randy's bank and one of his friends was there.
The shock on his face told me he knew Randy was pretty sick. Randy told him what was wrong and that he hoped to have maybe a year left to live. I doubted this but let Randy think what he wants, maybe he will fight harder to stay here. Then he wanted a certain ice cream and so I drove to Safeway, Kingsoopers and a little country store but no one had the ice cream. I said I would look tomorrow when I was in Westminster.  Randy was disappointed and I did want to do everything I could for what time he did have left. We went back to the trailer and Randy rested, and here I was again trying to find something to do. I went outside and took a walk when a neighbor called me over.  She asked me about Randy and I just said  he was not very well. Then she started to go on. You know she said I knew your Dad. My husband and he became pretty good friends as they were both truck drivers. That wasn't Dad's main career but his brother got him into truck driving. We really liked Bob and it was very hard on my husband when your Dad died.  She went on for quite a while, and it made me feel very good about Dad and that he was happy here making a new life after the divorce.  Dad and I used to talk about enterprising things for him to do. Dad built a house once practically by himself and drew up the plans. In fact there are a lot of house plans at my mother's house if I could ever get my hands on them. It has always been a dream of mine to have one of these houses built. So we talked about him fixing up older homes and selling them, what they call  flipping now. And we were about to do it when Dad found out he was ill.  They gave us three months for Dad to live, he lasted seven months. Randy and Dad died of the same thing, smoking. I might have them both except for this. I hate smoking.  I went back and rested and then in the evening Randy and I sat outside on the patio until sunset, talking about Mom and Dad, riding our bicycles, living in the mountains, and especially what heaven was like. Randy said heaven would be like a second start for him and I said yes it would be.  I drove back to Jan's a little more encouraged never suspecting what tomorrow would bring...continuing tomorrow

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Are There Any More Quid Pro Quo's Pres. Obama?

They are coming out of the wood work and stacking up in order, Let's see which one shall we take first? Rezko's three paragraph statement written from jail stating that he believed he transmitted quid pro quo from a lobbyist to a public official. Whereby the lobbyist would hold a fundraiser for the official in exchange for a favorable official action. But the public official rejected the offer. But the public official denies any such conversation. In other words Rezko bribed Obama, Obama turned him down, but Obama says it never happened?  It's a he said, he said situation.
Or could it be connected to another problem. Blago has been asking for months to get notes or memo's from FBI agents who interviewed Obama after Blago's arrest. But prosecutors have told the judge they have met their legal obligation for discovery and they don't need Obama's testimony for Blago's trial. Even though there could be an aspect of Obama's testimony, whether he authorized a deal with Blago to put in Obama's friend Valarie Jarrett as replacement for his seat. The question being did Obama deputize a union official to act for him in order to fulfill Blago's demands for rewards? This I think personally is the closest to quid pro quo of all four possibilities.
Then we have Romamoff last September being offered a job by Jim Messina, White House Chief of Staff. This job was for him not to run for primary, so Micheal Bennet could run.
Last but not least we have Joe Sestak being offered a non paying position by Bill Clinton. If that makes any sense. 
Perhaps President Obama wouldn't have some many problems if he hadn't offered anybody anything. The teflon kid can't keep afloat if he keeps playing these games. Eventually something is going to catch up with him and maybe it already has. Too many questions and not enough answers. Marna

A Little Brother's Love Cont

Hang in with me for a few more pieces and this all fights together so great.  On the third day I went to the trailer to see Randy.  He was doing poorly. There was really not much to do but get him his medicine and try to help him as much as possible. Today he did not want to go out at all. There were no return calls from any hospice's even though we had resources for them.  They simply did not want to come help us.  I began to think about getting a man or someone to come if Randy got to the point where he couldn't get out of bed. There wasn't much for me to do. I wandered into dad's bedroom again and looked over his books. Dad was an intellectual thinker and pretty much of his readings did not relate to me until I saw he had a book on JFK. We'll why not at least look at it. In reading it I saw Dad had actually done some markings in the book. My parents never talked about politics. Mom said they were opposite so why vote they would just negate each other.  This is when I finally realized Dad was a Democrat. I would have like to known that, we could have had some interesting discussions. Dad, never looked down on me as a girl and always talked to me as an adult and he always enjoyed hearing my viewpoint, although I could see a glimmer in his eye when he disagreed with me.  I on the other hand I would have liked to have discussed the principle's of conservatism and why they excited me so. It was a woman from our church who took me to my first republican meeting. I sat there spell bound and thinking this makes so much sense.  And I liked the values, they were the same values I was learning at church. I came away that day for the first time really understanding what conservatism was about. In fact, I was so excited as I was walking home with one of my friends I told her about the meeting. When I got done talking she turned to me and said, "Marna, are you an American?"  And that was the first time I encountered liberalism, and I realized it had already been instilled in her and I sounded like someone from out of space.    I said no, these were American truths that our forefather's believed in.  I didn't know much but that much I had received from the meeting.  And siting there on Dad's porch I realized Dad was with me. And he would be proud of me taking care of Randy.  I was sitting in the garden Dad had planted and he was everywhere around me and I knew no mater what was happening everything was going to turn out best for Randy and me and I finally had peace.  Peace that the Bible calls the peace that passes all understanding. A peace the world can not give. A peace we can have even in these turbulent times. That is real peace....  continued tomorrow