Monday, May 31, 2010

Continuing With a Brother's Love

The next day I went immediately up to Randy's. He lived in Decono about 20 miles from Westminster. It seemed like an eternity driving up to the trailer. Dad had bought this trailer after the divorce and had really worked hard on it to fix it up, but now not in too good of shape because of Randy's health. I knocked on the door and Randy came out. He looked pretty bad. I could tell the winter had taken it's toll on him. He wasn't answering the phone because everyone was trying to tell him what to do. We'll there is only one person  who can make these decisions this close to death and that is the person going through it.He wanted to go out and eat but it took him forever to get ready. He moved very slowly and I thought what if he falls down on me. We went to eat and then he wanted to to personal business. He was insistent we do this this day. So we went where he wanted to go. Clearly he was too ill to even be doing this, but there was no stopping him. He knew exactly what he wanted to accomplish. Coming back in the car he had a seizure from the lesion in his brain. I am thinking what am I doing he needs to be in the hospital. When we got back to the trailer I called the Dr. at the hospital. She said not to bring him there, there was nothing more to do for him, I needed a hospice.  Here I had a very ill person on my hands and no help. I spent the rest of the day trying to find a hospice. Not an easy thing to do evidently. We'll one could come out in a few days and evaluate him then set up a program for him and we would go from there. I was reaching my end with this. I yelled into the phone well if he is still alive by then you can come and hung up.  There was absolutely no one to help me. I went into Dad's bedroom and well, I cried. I didn't know what else to do. I cried to God, I cried to Dad why did you leave me with this. I was a mess.  After laying there for a while I realized this was not productive, but I did feel a little better.  I came out and Randy was now awake and I said do you want me to stay, or should I go back to Jan's mainly because my clothes were at Jan's. He said he would be alright by himself and I left him my cell phone # and left. Totally exhausted not only from today but yesterday driving, no real rest at night and just the strain of everything.  Jan had dinner waiting for me and we talked about the situation. What a great friend I have in Jan.  I also was upset because three times Randy had been denied social security disability, so we had little resources and I felt like writing a letter to the Judge, do you think maybe he is sick enough now!  I still want to do something about this. Some kind of law that people should not have to go through this when they are sick. It still makes me mad.  I tried to watch some TV with Mike and Jan but nothing was clear to me. I finally excused myself and went to bed. Hopefully, I would at least sleep a little better tonight.... Continuing tomorrow

Sunday, May 30, 2010

A Little Brother's Love Randall Neil Ritchie Dec.18,1953-June 6,2009

I want to break away from politics for this week in remembrance of my brother, Randy, whom I lost one year ago. Maybe there are those of you who have also lost a loved one recently and perhaps something I write will help you in your loss. They always say the first year is the worst and I have found that saying true. We have lost both of our parents, my other brother and I, but nothing has hit me like the loss of Randy. Perhaps it's because we know our parents will eventually pass but a sibling, that really doesn't cross your mind. I guess what really hurts are the memories of playing together, sharing most of your childhood, and supporting one another through those early years.  All in all nothing has ever effected me so much as this loss. And I would like to share some things with you that have made me feel better as the year went along.. But I will start with a call from a Dr. last May24th that has changed my life forever.
I came home from church to see a Dr's name on my caller ID. I knew at once it was about Randy.  #1 the call had a 303 exchange #2 Randy had not been feeling very well. The summer before I stayed with him as I came for my 40th high school reunion.  We did a lot together. Randy always planned like these little dates with me..He knew exactly where we were going and he knew exactly how to get there. I have lived in Chicago since 1979 and a lot of things have changed in Colorado. When we left Colorado there were 1,000,000 people living there, now over 4,000,000 have come to the state. Many from California as they got tired of the earthquakes and high taxes. So some parts of home don't even look like Denver to me. And a lot of the old landmarks are gone.  During one of our times together, Randy looked at me and said" I have to tell you something, I said OK, and listened as Randy went over his long list of illnesses he had suffered through including three heart attacks. At the end he said "I think I am going to die. I said nothing because mainly the way he said it. And I said OK, but maybe you aren't. And he said "I know I am going to die." And he started on a  list of things he wanted me to do. I wrote some of this down and we talked of a will and we took care of some of these things before I went home. Looking back now I wish maybe I should have stayed a little longer but we all have our own lives to live and I needed to get home.
Almost a year passed and I received the call. My brother was extremely ill with cancer in his chest and lesion's in his brain. I needed to go immediately. Unfortunately I knew I needed to get to Denver, but my husband wanted new tires on the car and he wanted some repairs done also, so I was not able to leave as quickly as I wanted. It took almost a week to get all this done. Finally on Sunday May31st my son and I left for Denver.We drove straight through. We left Chicago about one and arrived in Denver about four the next morning.  It was kind of erie feeling when we got there before sunrise. I did not want to wake my friends so Russ and I went to a Denny's and had some breakfast.  It took me a while to find the Denny's but I finally got on the right street. You can't believe how much Denver has changed. It always takes me a few days to get readjusted. I waited until about six to go to Jan's, a friend for over forty years, and her lights were on. We were exhausted and Mike and Jan were up early because her son Aron was leaving for Iraq and they were going to the airport to see him off. So they left, and Russ and I literally crashed. I had tried to call Randy on the way but he was not answering his phone so I was pretty nervous. We slept to about noon and then I called the airline to get Russ on a plane, because he needed to get back to work. And this is when my angel kicked in and helped me. I mentioned earlier all the times by faith God has answered so many of our needs through the years.  I had about $100.00 planed to find a flight back to Chicago. I know that was not enough but that is all I had. So I told the ticket agent my story and he was very understanding but the lowest price was $304.00. I am thinking oh my G-- how am I going to get Russ back home. The ticket agent starts saying."Oh my gosh, oh my gosh" and I said "what..what's happening?". And he says "I've never, I've never seen this before." and "I said what before" and "he says, they just changed the ticket to $96.00. And he said again I've never seen this before. If you get here before 6:00PM and buy the ticket at that time you can get on for $96.00. This is when I knew I was exactly where God wanted me and that he was going to take care of us. I said "we will be there, believe me."  Russ and I went to lunch and did a few things and I took him to the airport. Randy was still not answering so I spent a very unrest full night....continue tomorrow. Marna

Friday, May 28, 2010

Is Govenor Jan Brewer Now Being Thrown Under the Bus?

1200 unarmed National Guard  troops are not going to be on he border to help with immigration, only for drug enforcement. And Martin of ICE has stated he will not enforce Arizona law, only for criminal illegals will he make charges. In other words they are leaving Gov. Brewer on her own to arrest illegals if brought in for her law.  To coin a recent phrase Obama is throwing her under the bus. This is what is going on right here in America.  The President of Mexico called Obama and they made an agreement. So basically the only illegals who are caught with drugs are going to be taken by ICE. Amazingly Mexico is now calling the shots on how we should handle immigration. Everything is turned upside down.
I say if the 1200 troops aren't going to be used to help in deportation they will basically end up being desk job workers. If so send them back they are useless to us, why pay our hard earned tax money for these people to stand around. Of course I am jesting, I am sure the Governor will find a way to use them.
Unfortunately Sen McCain didn't have much luck either and his 6,000 border troops was rejected also. But, being the fighter he is and one of my personal hero's, he was able to insert his measure into a defense policy bill that will come to the floor this summer. So there may be help on the way. But not from this Pres.
This is all politics. Obama needs Hispanics to win in 2012. Why I wrote the piece Beware Hispanics recently. They like us are only pawns in his hands. ICE says feds should have comprehensive reform immigration. They want complete control over immigration with states having no laws.  Actually they are going broke for amnesty and open borders, that is why they don't care about the fence and stopped it's completion.This is why I believe in a small federal government and power to the states.  This has always been the conservative viewpoint. When you break this core principle you pay a high price. And we are paying it now. And one of the battles over this principle is going to be over immigration.  This is going to be one of the showdowns.  Who will win the feds or individual states rights.  The showdown is here and the battle is before us.
Why has it taken 20 to 25 years to build this dang fence? Because every President has known this is the battle ground and didn't want to enforce it. Didn't want to put the country through it or maybe even thought maybe it would just go away, but it hasn't. The battle over Federal government verses states rights is before us.  Marna

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Yes, Answer To Karl Rove's, Is this Obama's Katrina?

Obama literally did nothing about this.This was a dismal failure on his part. He was totally disengaged from the process to close the rupture up. It is about how he has handled everything else. Staying on vacation during the attack on Christmas day.  Remember the three o'clock discussion during the campaign. Obama slept right through it. He does not appear to have an alarm clock inside of him when things are serious.  He joked on 60 minutes about every one getting upset about the couple who broke into the White House State department dinner.. What's so serious about that, there are only dignitaries from around the world who's lives could have been jeopardized.  He did not take it seriously that nearly 70% of the country did not want the health care bill.  Saying once they see how it works they will like it. The more we find out the more we dislike it.  He joked about the tea party and said grassroot groups are not going to make that much difference. Something he is going to find out about the next five months.  That is why I feel more and more that this is just a game to play and we are his pawns, He is humored with us and after he is done with us, which I have heard he has never really stuck with anything very long he will cast us aside or as the phrase has risen lately under the bus. Leaving the next one to come in to clean up a huge mess.  The Teflon kid's shield is getting more and more dented. We'll his is coming home to Chicago to get some rest from what I don't know. And he hasn't done a single thing to clean up his back yard, except that more and more of his neighbors are out of work.  Marna

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Nothing Surprises Me Anymore

Once again the Obama-Pelosi-Reid ramming team are at it again. This time with Don't Ask Don't Tell with a plan to push this through before the memorial weekend break. Ramming another piece of legislation through before we have time to even blink.  Why is this so important? History has proven that open homosexuality destabilizes the military and weakens military readiness. Their scheme, to push this through by the weekend then skip town.  This is the way Washington does business now.  First they say we will look at this for a year and make conclusions, next it is on the floor for a vote with little warning. And it is always with a scheduled recess.  Remember Christmas eve with the health care bill? Have you ever thought about the spiritual meaning behind that.  Obama removing the Nativity scene from the White House. Spiritual significance= you don't need this little baby any more. The baby who became the God-Man. The interceptor between God and Man whereby we can be redeemed and united to the Father in Heaven. The one who can do something no one in the world can do, forgive sin.  Because on the 24th of December you won't need him anymore, the state will take care of you. We will be your savior, provider, the one you will look up to. Just a thought about the significance of what they are trying to do. Replace faith with the state. Who does that sound like?
The don't Ask Don't Tell was designed to protect high standards of morale, good order, discipline, and united cohesion.
In a few days time they want to push this through and restructure our military and push this radical agenda on society.  Call or email your congressmen in the house and senate because they are going to push this through quickly.  Marna

For Once Obama is Stepping Up to The Plate

I am pleased to hear President Obama is taking a stand on something. Even though it is a small step forward towards clamping down on trade and demanding an apology. The apology I doubt will ever come. But the incident a few months ago of the torpedo attack on March 26th killing of 46 sailors aboard the Cleonean in the Yellow Sea was clearly an act of war.  Last week investigators said the ship was cut in half by the attack.
We are giving President Lee Myung-Wah support and that is a good move.  Although the president is still trying to get China on board and the U.N. also. Good luck on that. Although China did take a stand last year against North Korea in obtaining nuclear weapons.  China is still looking for restraint and is not all that concerned about the incident. I guess we feel a little differently as we clearly still remember that day over nine years ago when we were attacked. Really the president doesn't have much choice as South Korea is going to do something with or without us.  Not that we really need another war on our hands. But the line has been drawn and unfortunately we are in it.  We have about 28,500 troops there already. Believe it or not these two countries have been still at war all this time and there are 1,000,000 troops near the border.  God Bless America

Monday, May 24, 2010

One House Seat Closer to Removing Nancy

Yesterday a big win for Free Enterprise, and a big loss for our over sized government as Charles Djou in Hawaii won thanks to 70,000 voter contacts, phone calls and door knocks. He only won by a few thousand votes but they over came a massive amount of money dumped into the Dems campaign, millions of dollars by liberal special interests. Which shows enthusiasm and people who have the truth=Free Enterprise, which built this great country can win over the ever increasing massive build up of the federal government.  Nancy you are one more seat closer to being fired!
The finance bill is also running into difficulties in the house. Keep calling your representatives, e-mail them and tell them you do not want the government to take over wall street. And to leave our bank accounts and personal equities alone. They are none of your business.  We can regulate this another way, not by the federal government taking them over. It is imperative we stop this take over by the Feds.  Down with Feds, Up with states rights.  Marna

How to be Happy, the Faith of God in Your Heart

We can be happy no matter what, it is a choice to be happy.  I was told once to not think that your happiness must come from your spouse. Although spouses can be happy together and share happiness. You should not think that happiness should always come from those around us. If fact, we can have happiness in spite of circumstances surrounding us.  And in spite of people around us causing unhappiness. We have a saying in Mary Kay, remove your self  from non positive people and surround yourself with people who are where you want to be in the future. Unhappy people will drag you down.  In fact you can be having a pretty good day and then you hit an unhappy person. Don't even let them ruin your day.  My neighbor gets really irritated with me because she thinks I am too busy. Sometimes see shouts to me, "when do you rest?" and I usually say back to her "when I get to heaven."  And sometimes that makes me think I need to spend more time with her and I put aside some time for her in spite of my schedule.  God is not bound by circumstances like we are and is going to take care of you and the circumstances around you.  It's hard to put our trust in Him, we like to carry things around ourselves. Like a cloud hanging over our head, we get weight down with our problems and it shows a mile away. And just the time you finally get this off your chest and become happy, someone says to you, you aren't a realist, you are a polyanna. It all comes down to faith. Should  I walk around worrying next what this President is going to do? Yes I am concerned but do I really need to worry about this? The question is do I have the faith in Him that he is going to work everything together for us. When I was a child we used to have necklaces with  a mustard seed inside. The mustard seed is a small seed and yet Jesus said "if you have he faith of the grain of mustard seed you can move mountains."
Once again Jesus uses a small example to put forth a great principle. All you need is a little faith, just the size of a mustard seed. Just a little faith to trust Him and then watch him work out the problem. You will be amazed how much he can do with your little faith.  He is just waiting for you to come to him and say I can't solve this, that's were he wants you. Come to him, give him your mountain and then watch the miracle work out. It's not easy to walk by faith, but I have walked by faith most of my life and do no have enough paper to tell you all God has done in my behalf.  So get your Bible out, it's somewhere there in your house just waiting to be opened. Use the concordance in back of your Bible or buy a paperback one and look up the word faith. Go though all the verses on faith. Pray for your faith to increase. Beware and watch out what happens!!  It's a great study and it will encourage your heart. Marna

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Pelican's in Peril

Nothing could be sadder than the pictures this morning of pelicans covered in oil. Louisiana's Bobby Jindal says oil pushed at least 12 miles into the heart of Louisiana's marshes. And two major pelican rookeries are full of crude. U. S Army Corp of Engineers is studying the environmental impact on the emergency barrier proposal of Jindal. He is already starting to lay down sandbars to protect the coastline from the oil spill. He is doing this on his own without approval from the government, and good for him, at least someone is trying to do something.
We are now 33 days into the rupture for which at this time no one has done anything to stop the oil from spilling out.  Of coarse there is blame on all sides. The US Government threatens to pull BP out but really there is no one else at this time who has the ability to solve the problem. Ken Salazar stated that dead line after dead line has been missed. The Coast Guard realizes the government must rely on BP to plug the rupture.
In reality as much as they have attempted to do oil is spewing as much as from the start of the eruption.  The mile long depth being the essential barrier to the problem. They have never had to fix something this far down.
Of course the wildlife is most important, but don't minimize the effect on the livelihood of decades of lifelong fishermen. Some who say they will never recover, not to mention the effects on our already lackluster economy.
To say the least we really didn't need this at this time when our country is at a pivotal low economically.
May God help those effected, our prayers are with them. Marna

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Scott Brown, Obama's new Friend, and Three other Republicans Shift Votes for Finance Bill

The finance bill just passed through the Senate will give even more power to Obama to seize companies.  Now the Federal Government has control of 1/3 of our economy.  How much more and we will be completely a socialistic country?  Not much more. And the one thing for which the bill was written,  to regulate derivatives and make them more transparent isn't even in the bill.  Our favorite, Sen.Chris Dodd put pressure on wall street to delete the regulatory provision and set up a commission for two years to study the problem.  This powerful bill gives the Secretary of Treasury authority to seize any financial company [including banks] if it is too big to fail or in danger of becoming insolvent.  So much power to the president would give him power to pressure for campaign funding, or any abuse to control or manipulate others who do not quite believe as you think they should or do what you think they should do. In other words things are rotten in Washington and it is getting dirtier.
Not only that, if that isn't enough already, the new bill says that any business that extends credit in any form would have to clear the loan instrument through the new consumers protection agency.  We'll God knows how long it will take to get a loan through.  We all know how quickly the government works. Did I not also mention a few days before this same agency will have your bank account information, savings, bonds, 401K's, any financial equities you have in your name. 
The four Republican's that sold out Susan Collins, Olympia Snow, Scott Brown, ans Chuck Grassley.
What can be done now? Continue to keep voting them out. We have the power and your vote is going to count like it has never counted before. Marna

Friday, May 21, 2010

Concern Growing over Obama

He wants to close up the Internet. He is getting rid of Blair because he did not like the truth he was telling Obama. Our security is at risk as the system is falling down. He is failing to respond to the immigration problem.  Not even responding to the problem on the border or putting troops on the border.  Of course if he writes an immigration bill it will be with amnesty, so he will not trust that discussion during these elections going on.  Oil spill getting worse every day.  Not responding to that either. He is not responding to reporters. If he is still here after Nov.2 elections he will more than  likely turn more to left of center, because he cannot rule from far left. If he goes to the center it will only be a chameleon response to keep himself in office.  People are loosing confidence and how long can you govern in that capacity?  Mexican President came here and I hope he stays away. He is only interested in the money sent back to Mexico by his people. Estimated over a billion dollars a year sent to relatives in Mexico.  Mexican law if you have no papers you go to jail and be deported. You get nothing from the government, insurance, food, nothing.  Democrats standing and cheering during his speech. Take note and vote them out.  Arizona is in dire need of help. Governor calling for help, sending letters for help. McCain requesting help from Napolitano. No response from White House.
What can happen next? Well they passed the finance bill. What does that mean for us? This new agency will have all your records ie. bank accounts, 401K's, bonds, mutual funds, stocks, you name it. Nothing will be kept from them. I've already told my congressman if this happens I will pull my money out of the banks. I am just too much of a fighter. I am an American, I am not a socialist.  My husband calls me a nonconformist and I guess it comes from leaving home at 16, putting my self through high school and never asking anything from anyone. My Dad told me, Marna you will work for everything you have and no one owes you anything. Marna

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Tuesday's Wins

It looks a little brighter today than it did a few days ago with the wins on Tuesday's elections. But there is still  much to do as we need to keep up the battle.  We cannot become overconfident and forget to show up at the polls.  I was listening to a video from Pat Caddell, a man who has helped on five presidential campaigns. He says he was a little bit disappointed that the republicans slowed down a little in showing up for the vote. He calls Obamacare a crime against Democracy.  That the republicans are not talking as much about this.  He is right, we cannot let this go until it is taken down.  He  further states that we are blowing great opportunities to show up democratic mistakes.  Maybe we need to hire him. He sounds pretty stirred up about this issue. Our battle is not done until President Obama is out of office.  We also need to be showing alternatives to fix the things that came up about health care. I was talking to my doctor the other day.  It angers him that drug company ceo's make $10,000,000 a year and showed me these documents he has. When he says he gets it for prescribing a $5.00 prescription.  Maybe we should get some of these doctors with Pat and let them take on congress.  We are at the start of overturning Obama, let's don't give up the battle.  Marna

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Justice Kennedy on Being Neutral

Justice Kennedy made a humorous speech the other day but underneath this speech he sends a false message.  He said in the speech  "that he rejects the notion that justices shall be defined by their conservative or liberal views. In answering a question about Kagan he said "Kagan will change the "dynamics" of the high court.  He states "your oath requires you to search for a neutral, traditional principle within the confines and the framework and structures of the law."  I believe this is probably the textbook answer you would expect him to say. However in reality does this always happen. He also said  he defines activist as someone who makes a decision you don't like.  I think he was clearly trying to avoid the issue.  Clearly stating that a justice on the court is not to respond about someone being considered for the court. He also stated he is not to visit with them  nor give answers  how he feels about  them.  I did enjoy the speech but here is were I have differences.
Justice Kennedy fails to admit to us that decisions of the high court clearly at times have been influenced by political views. If this were not true we would not have seen a curve of decisions made leaning in the direction of the progressive movement over the course of the last 50 years. The strongest one being Roe vs. Wade which sided on the protection of the mother. Leaving the defenseless life of the unborn unprotected. If this was a neutral position where is the protection of the child? This was a one sided decision. Since this decision 40 million Americans failed to reach American land and not even a decent burial to be left for the remains. The blood of these children cry out for life. 40 million people were never able to even gasp a breath, see life, see the sky, smell a flower, or do anything in life.  This was a neutral decision?  Please Justice Kennedy do a writing on the fairness of this decision.  Marna

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Janet Napolitano Hasn't Read the Bill Either

She admitted this to John McCain during the inquest on the oil spill yesterday. He repeated his request for more troops on the border that he reqeusted in 2009. Amazing that they have so much to say about a bill neither of them have ever read. 
Axelrod admits they have not been paying much attention {actually the word should be ignoring} to Israel for the last year. They are going to try to improve the relationship, now that they have lost much of the Jewish vote. Everything of course now hinges on the 2012 elections.
Wallstreet kisses up to Obama to give him millions of dollars. This just after a few weeks ago he slapped them on the face. Guess they like to be spanked and kissed a the same time. What a love affair. Makes me want to puke.
Hold onto Holder or let him go. I say let him go. But remember Obama never fires anyone. No one is responsible for anything.
At least he hasn't blamed Bush for oil spill. Or is that still coming.
It's getting rough on the playing field. The field they are playing around on with our tax money.
I used to have a Pastor who quoted this verse "Truth has fallen in the streets". I say it's fallen in the gutters and even lower.  If he were still here I wonder what he would be saying? He used  to belong to the Heritage Foundation and even thought about running for office. I wish he were here now, I actually would have someone I could trust to vote for.  God please help America.  We need your help so much.  Marna

Perfect Love casteth out Fear

If we completely put our trust in God it will remove all fear.  Easy to say hard to do.  As soon as we say "Lord, I am fearful of what is going around me and I give this fear to you to take care of us" we walk away and begin being fearful again.  What happens?  The fear comes back into our heart and takes over again. And we all know what we think about controls us. I recently went to the doctor having some pain. He checked me over and said I think it is anxiety and prescribed some medicine for me.  When I got home I began thinking am I really completely trusting him or am I just praying and then taking back the worry again. Am I completely trusting that he will take care of everything. No, I am saying I will trust you Lord but I want to hang on to this one part and take care of that myself.  Do we ever really completely trust him fully? Rarely I think. It made me take notice when I got home from the doctor to try to give the Lord more control and me less. He can far better take care of me than myself. And I am going to try to give him more and me carry less.  Marna

Friday, May 14, 2010

Oh,This is One Bad Cookie

Elena Kagan is copy of Barack Obama, a friend of his and of his beliefs. She believes as he does that the Constitution is outdated and no longer needed. She has written in an article that the Constitution is defective. She and President Obama have the same view, we should have a evolving or living constitution. She was a law clerk for Thurgood Marshall who believed that the Constitution is outdated and needs to be rewritten.
She has pro-homosexual rights, this might affect Defense of Marriage Act.
She has shown hostility towards faith-based organizations that work with the federal government.
Does not like millitary's "Don't Ask, Don't tell."
She has written about a need to increase the power of the Executive Branch.
She is in agreement with Obama's social, political, and judicial agenda. Marna

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Beware Latinos

President Obama is playing political games with Latinos. He is talking as though he is doing something for them, trying to keep their vote. Misspeaking the phrasing of the law that Arizona passed and trying to keep Latinos on his side. Ask the Jewish population of this country if he will stand with you. He has turned his back on them. He used them also to get in office. He is a turncoat and will use any one he can to keep support. He knows if he losses Latino support he will suffer more loss. He has lost the Independents, they have seen through him. There are others who do care about the Latinos and will do something about immigration. It is a political game with the lives of people at stake. President Obama cares about no one but himself. There is no immigration bill being worked on in the White House. He is not going to have an immigration bill. This is the worst kind of politics and the Latinos are being used by the Master Deceiver. Marna

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

It's Time for the Republican Party to Be the Party of Yes

We need to look around and realize the Dems are playing us as the party of NO. Just like they tore apart President Bush and made him look bad they are playing the same game again. They are making it look like we are negative and don't want anything. It is time to change our image and not play into their hands again. We want to become the aggressors not the defenders. Yes we want immigration reform. YES, we care about the Latinos who are here. Reagan realized this in 1984 and turned the Latinos to the Republican side. There is a way to work through this. Why wait until 2012. Lets offer some positive answers to this problem now. Latinos are most interested in small business. What tax breaks can we bring immediately to help small business's. We can do this at once the elections are over. People will have something to look forward to. We are going to give tax breaks to small business immediately. Talk about compassionate Conservatism. Once again Dems are playing the card we don't care about people. Talk about schools and how we plan to turn schools around going back to grades A-F that encouraged children to strive for grades and other reforms being offered. Be the Party of YES. Quit playing into their hand. Be aggressive go after the black and Latino vote. They have been hit hard by the recession. Jobs, what are we going to do about jobs. This is our time to shine. The Dems have failed in their stimulus plan, show we can be positive. More concern for single parents. they also have been hit in recession. Let's change our party to the party of YES. Marna

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

We're Having So Much Global Warming

We're having so much global warming here it is unbelievable. It was so warm over the weekend a few more less degrees and we would have had snow. Now it is raining and a little over 50 degrees. That's OK because I feel better when it is cooler.
Oh, speaking of global warming have you heard of Al Gore's new 9 million dollar house on the coast of California? Al has done very well since leaving D.C. It must be very lucrative working for the green companies and saving the earth. Don't get me wrong I believe in going green and being responsible for the earth God has given us. But Al takes it one step further. His home hangs off the coast above the ocean. A beautiful location I might add. But what happens if what he has in his film develops. Will his home be over taken with water. And if he believes this is going to happen why would he buy on the coast. It seems opposite what he is teaching. He also must not be too concerned with water conservation as the house has nine bathrooms. Actually I can only use one at a time anyway. And he still has his jet. While we are counting every ounce we put in and trying to conserve he is flying around like nothing is happening.
The President doesn't seem too concerned either as he traveled thousands of miles on air force one to give a talk on earth day. He probably could have done that from the rose garden. In fact, I hear he is gone as one congressman said the other day, most of the time. And stated he is rarely at the White House.
Not to say the least of Nancy's new jet plane. After her hard three day work week, Nancy was complaining that with her old plane she had to make a stop to get fuel to get home. She leaves on Friday and comes back on Monday. Her new plane has 200 seats, what for I don't know. She uses more fuel in one month than you or I use getting to work for ten years. If you don't see the hypocrisy you must have your eyes closed. If we are sacrificing to get through the recession our leaders should also be setting the example. They live in a bubble and it is going to come crashing down on them taking us with them. If you are the party of conservation let's practice what you preach. How did New't travel when he was Speaker of the House? Mainly by commercial aircraft. Marna

Monday, May 10, 2010

113 Deaths in Chicago

As of this Sunday Chicago has had 113 murders, this is compared to 101 deaths at this time last year. Some say remove gun ban which would bring some relief but you are still not getting to the cause of many of the deaths some by gangs and gunrunning. Gangs and gunrunning have been with us for a long time and the gun ban is almost a joke as bad people have guns and good people don't.
You can't cure a problem by going after a symptom, you must go after the underlying problems.
Bringing in the National Guard would be to some here more of a problem than a help. As there are areas it would only aggravate the situation. People here tell me there are areas that would become very resistant and cause riots and more deaths. This is what residents here are telling me. One black mother and I were discussing this and we talked of the fact you never see children playing outside anymore. Maybe it is just part of our culture. But children should be able to play freely and ride their bikes, walk to the corner store for some candy and etc. You don't see that happening very much any more. No wonder children are overweight.
I don't know how many times I have heard a child was walking to the store to get something and was shot down. We are almost immune to it as though this is normal. Solutions might be in the communities themselves as neighborhoods start eliminating the problems themselves. They are the ones who know where the problem is. I don't know the answer but not only do we need to take back our country, our schools, but our neighborhoods also. Marna

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Opposites Attract- The Preacher and I

How this happens I will never know but it is true opposites do attract. My husband and I are perfect examples. I somehow wonder how a girl from Colorado could ever make it with a kid from Chicago. That is what happened to me, I married a kid from Chicago almost 42 years ago.
I am laid back. He is type A. No, he is type A plus,plus,plus. In fact there is no rest in him. I often tell him he runs through life and I enjoy it. I doubt he has ever seen a rose, let alone take time to smell it. He does know they exist because he has seen one in a book. I will get into the book thing latter, {clue he has a lot of them}
There is no rest in him. He even doesn't rest at night. He's watching TV or reading. I wonder sometimes if he ever rests. I on the other hand require a lot of sleep. I am fairly more normal. However I am not a morning person. I repeat I am not a morning person. I think he finally understands this. He says I have never seen a sunrise. That's not true. On vacations he gets me up at the crack of dawn so we can be the first one on the interstate. We can get hours ahead because there is hardly anyone on the road at this time. This is his reasoning. We are in a competition with the other cars to get to the state line first. He must and will conqueror this state. I on the other hand just want to enjoy my vacation. I am a fairly normal person.
He explains he wants to get to the state line by noon. This is his goal. When we start he checks to see if I have gone to the bathroom and get myself a drink because we must conqueror this state. I on the other hand am a fairly normal person who would just like to enjoy the trip. I say to him "does anyone care if we conqueror this state?" We are only on vacation. We are supposed to be resting and taking it easy. He says we are an hour later than we should be as we took too much time looking for a restaurant. We couldn't agree on that either.
He says it is two o'clock and we will be late. "Be late for what?" I ask. "Is anyone waiting for us at the state line?" "What are we late for? We are on vacation,"I reply in a fairly normal way.
Is there going to be a large crowd of people waiting for us at the motel?" "No one knows we are late except you." This is all in his mind. I try to reason with him. I try to explain he needs to relax. Take it easy. But easy is not in his vocabulary and he has a large one. He knows many big words and I don't often know what he is talking about. It's hard to argue with someone who uses big words because you really don't know what they have said to come back at them. It's not even fair and why do opposites attract anyway. Marna

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Illinois cuts spending by 5%, postpones pension pay 3.7billion

There was a hard fought battle in the Illinois Senate as they tried to pass a 57 billion spending package late Thursday night. The middle of the night debate was one of the most bitterly partisan roll calls of the year. The plan was past over to the house with GOP opposition at about 1:00 am. One Repub. Sen. Matt Murphy said" this is the definition of insanity". Republicans said the bill amounted to phony populism and the state can't afford because it owes tens of millions of dollars to universities and social service providers. The 3.7 billion pension payment would be deferred until January when the new Governor would take over. To me as a little person in this mess it sounds pretty scary. What if they can't pay this money into the pensions? And what if there is no money to pay the universities? How much further can they get behind in pension payment before it hurts the little people like us? Or do we even count in the grand scale of things?

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Mother's Day

One of the best things that ever happened to me was becoming a mother. Especially because I had difficulties with my mother. I wanted a good relationship with my children. It is a very high honor to be a wife and mother. If fact being a wife and mother is the highest thing you will ever do in life. No matter what you achieve in this life, never put your ambitions in front of your spouse or children. I have made this mistake, and it never pays off. Put them first in your life. This can be hard because sometimes you feel pulled from both sides. And don't think I have not been there. I had a job where I put in many hours. But you can still put them first. Never let your children feel your work is more important than them. Some day that job will be gone but you will always have your children. And as you get older it gets better and better, especially on Mother's day when they take care to make sure that you are remembered. This is a win, win. It is a great thing to be a Mother. Marna

Plot Was Serious

A wake up call hit the White House. Now two times terrorists were able to get on an airplane and almost cause pretty severe damage. An in spite of rules of flying to a Mid-Eastern country, with no luggage, paying cash for ticket no alarms went off. Not only that Faisal Shahzad has been here a long time, came from Pakistan bought a house with a part time job, and no one connected the dots. Very concerning. After these two events I don't feel as safe s I once did. Terrorists groups are growing in Pakistan and we give them a lot of money. What are they doing with that? Are they really up on what is going on in their own country? Another concern we are killing too many of the enemy with drones and not getting intelligence we need, it took this failed attack to see the alarm in Pakistan. We are playing catch up ball instead of being ahead of the game. This is not a way to fight a war we need to be on the offence not the defence. Marna

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

"Perfect Love Casteth Out Fear"

We are living in fearful times but if we lean wholly on the Lord he will remove fearful moments. "All things work together for good to them who love God to them who are he called according to his purpose." All the things that are happening God will work together for good. I have never fully understood this verse. How God can take bad or good and work it into his will and make it come out right. But he has proven it over and over again in my life. We have had plenty of negative experiences and yet God worked everything out in his time. The most important thing to take our fears to him in prayer and leave them at his feet. Literally casting our troubles to him from our mind and heart. Problem is we then take them back again and carry them on our backs. As the pilgrim did in Pilgrims Progress carrying a huge bag on our backs. Carrying excess baggage we needlessly don't need to do. He never meant for us to do that. As the old hymn says "take your burdens to the Lord and leave them there." You will have a real peace, not a peace the world gives you, but peace you have never known. Even peace in troubled times. Marna

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

I'm Scared What About You?

They seized a man named Faisal Shahzad from Dubai-bound plane at Kennedy Airport yesterday. Today Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano was firm her agency acted quickly and then continued on until her story started falling apart in front of reporters. For eight years we had nothing that comes close to what is happening now. We had failed attacks but now it is too close for comfort.
Once again I feel the Fed's have let us down. We were only saved because smoke was coming from the SUV and it failed because the fertilizer mixture wasn't good.
Once again citizens were the ones who responded and reported the van. Remember the Christmas Day debacle? Why didn't they find this person long before now? He has been here quite awhile. There are too many surprises happening. It gives you the feeling they really don't know what they are doing. They keep playing catch up ball and we are the ones who will pay with our lives.
They had his home under surveillance and he was in the home and they lost him somehow along the way.
And then at the airport they failed again because he was able to buy a ticket even though by this time they had his name. The no-fly list failed on airline computers.
Customs and Border Protection officials spotted Shahzad's name on a passenger list. They called the plane and told them to come back from almost taking off. This is too close for comfort and I am scared!
Attorney General Eric Holder said" he was never in any fear that we were in danger of loosing him". Are you kidding, he was sweating in his boots. And by the seat of their pants they caught him.
And I still don't feel very safe. Marna

Monday, May 3, 2010

If We Ever Forget That We're One Nation Under God, Then We Will Be A Nation Gone Under Ronald Reagon

How could it be a Christian/Jewish nation such as ours could come to the point where a man from one of our greatest spiritual leaders Dr. Billy Graham be refused to speak to an assembly during our National Day of Prayer? Franklin Graham was told we do not want you to come. A man who has done so much good including work for Muslim groups be denied for one statement? Every faith at some point has had it's criticism. I should know we have been in ministry for 41 years. We have had letters written to us declaring we were a detriment to the community. That we were of the devil, try to figure that one out. That we should go back where we came from.
What started my writings in the first place? When the White House issued a remark that the Nativity Scene would not be put up for viewing. That triggered something in me that we had a problem with the one in the White House. And it still makes me angry just to think about it. My goal to get the Nativity back in it's place. I will vote for anyone who will do that. They also need to believe in life and marriage.
I was reading in Newt Gingrich's book Rediscovering God in America that originally they met for worship in the capital because there was no where else large enough to meet. Think what a stink that would create today.
If we remove God from our society what kind of society do we really have? Heathen, that is what you have if you have no God.
Ronald Reagan beleived strongly that God was to be in our affairs as a nation.
And Newt further states" our first president, George Washington, at his first inauguration on April 30,1789, put his right hand on the Bible...{after taking the oath} adding 'So help me God.' He then bent forward and kissed the Bible before him."
Anoher thing that bothered me. After they realized Pres. Obama had left off something in his oath he retook the oath the next day and did not use a Bible. Just a little thing but it bothered me.
We are still a nation largely made up of christian and jewish faith. If we want the blessing of God upon us , it is essential that we remain "under God". Marna

Blago Trial

There is more here than we want to know but the President more than likely was involved in the plan to get Oama's friend Vallarie Jerrett as his replacement. A three paragraph letter turned into prosecutors with information from Tony Rezko that Rezko said he believed he transmitted a quid pro quo offer from a lobbyist to a public official, that a lobbyist would hold fundraisers for this official in exchange for favorable official action-the public official rejected the offer. The letter also says the public official denies any such conversation. There is only one person to confirm it is true. President Obama
U.S. District Judge James Zagel and a federal prosecutor are trying to keep Obama out of this. Blego's lawyers were turned down by the judge. All became known Friday when by a mistake made in filing a document, a partially sealed document and not able to seal it.
In other words Rezko tried to bribe Obama and says Obama turned him down. Obama says it never happened. They are not really wanting to bring Rezko into Blego's trial as they have enough alleged evidence to try him with out Rezko's testimony. We don't know if Rezko will become a witness.
Another problem Blego's lawyers trying to get notes from FBI agents who interviewed Obama after Blego's arrest. Zagel says information not necessary for trial, but will leave open if they need this information.
A second problem more concerning might show if he authorized a labor union official to negotiate a deal with Blago to get Valarie Jerret as his replacement.
If this comes out at the trial it will become more important than the trial because Obama will become the star attraction.
I am hoping this all comes out or will they keep it from us?
If nothing else it makes a bad mark for the President because it appears he was somehow involved. Whether he crossed the law or not it doesn't look good for him.
I personally think it is deeper than we think but they are trying to keep it from us.And I believe the common denominator is Rezko. We still don't know everything about the land deal on the Obama's house and other matters that came up in the election. They need to release the tapes, they are our tapes, we paid for them, and we deserve the truth. Marna

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Hoping for the Best

I am hoping for the best. For some reason the economy looks a little brighter. Oh it isn't where it should be but things are improving as I talk to friends of mine in retail. Some are beginning to give their employees a few more hours and that is encouraging. And it seems as though there are more people shopping. Here is to a good spring and summer. "All things work together for good." Our prayers for people in Tennessee flood. Marna