Wednesday, May 5, 2010

"Perfect Love Casteth Out Fear"

We are living in fearful times but if we lean wholly on the Lord he will remove fearful moments. "All things work together for good to them who love God to them who are he called according to his purpose." All the things that are happening God will work together for good. I have never fully understood this verse. How God can take bad or good and work it into his will and make it come out right. But he has proven it over and over again in my life. We have had plenty of negative experiences and yet God worked everything out in his time. The most important thing to take our fears to him in prayer and leave them at his feet. Literally casting our troubles to him from our mind and heart. Problem is we then take them back again and carry them on our backs. As the pilgrim did in Pilgrims Progress carrying a huge bag on our backs. Carrying excess baggage we needlessly don't need to do. He never meant for us to do that. As the old hymn says "take your burdens to the Lord and leave them there." You will have a real peace, not a peace the world gives you, but peace you have never known. Even peace in troubled times. Marna

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