Sunday, May 23, 2010

Pelican's in Peril

Nothing could be sadder than the pictures this morning of pelicans covered in oil. Louisiana's Bobby Jindal says oil pushed at least 12 miles into the heart of Louisiana's marshes. And two major pelican rookeries are full of crude. U. S Army Corp of Engineers is studying the environmental impact on the emergency barrier proposal of Jindal. He is already starting to lay down sandbars to protect the coastline from the oil spill. He is doing this on his own without approval from the government, and good for him, at least someone is trying to do something.
We are now 33 days into the rupture for which at this time no one has done anything to stop the oil from spilling out.  Of coarse there is blame on all sides. The US Government threatens to pull BP out but really there is no one else at this time who has the ability to solve the problem. Ken Salazar stated that dead line after dead line has been missed. The Coast Guard realizes the government must rely on BP to plug the rupture.
In reality as much as they have attempted to do oil is spewing as much as from the start of the eruption.  The mile long depth being the essential barrier to the problem. They have never had to fix something this far down.
Of course the wildlife is most important, but don't minimize the effect on the livelihood of decades of lifelong fishermen. Some who say they will never recover, not to mention the effects on our already lackluster economy.
To say the least we really didn't need this at this time when our country is at a pivotal low economically.
May God help those effected, our prayers are with them. Marna

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