Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Janet Napolitano Hasn't Read the Bill Either

She admitted this to John McCain during the inquest on the oil spill yesterday. He repeated his request for more troops on the border that he reqeusted in 2009. Amazing that they have so much to say about a bill neither of them have ever read. 
Axelrod admits they have not been paying much attention {actually the word should be ignoring} to Israel for the last year. They are going to try to improve the relationship, now that they have lost much of the Jewish vote. Everything of course now hinges on the 2012 elections.
Wallstreet kisses up to Obama to give him millions of dollars. This just after a few weeks ago he slapped them on the face. Guess they like to be spanked and kissed a the same time. What a love affair. Makes me want to puke.
Hold onto Holder or let him go. I say let him go. But remember Obama never fires anyone. No one is responsible for anything.
At least he hasn't blamed Bush for oil spill. Or is that still coming.
It's getting rough on the playing field. The field they are playing around on with our tax money.
I used to have a Pastor who quoted this verse "Truth has fallen in the streets". I say it's fallen in the gutters and even lower.  If he were still here I wonder what he would be saying? He used  to belong to the Heritage Foundation and even thought about running for office. I wish he were here now, I actually would have someone I could trust to vote for.  God please help America.  We need your help so much.  Marna

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