Tuesday, May 11, 2010

We're Having So Much Global Warming

We're having so much global warming here it is unbelievable. It was so warm over the weekend a few more less degrees and we would have had snow. Now it is raining and a little over 50 degrees. That's OK because I feel better when it is cooler.
Oh, speaking of global warming have you heard of Al Gore's new 9 million dollar house on the coast of California? Al has done very well since leaving D.C. It must be very lucrative working for the green companies and saving the earth. Don't get me wrong I believe in going green and being responsible for the earth God has given us. But Al takes it one step further. His home hangs off the coast above the ocean. A beautiful location I might add. But what happens if what he has in his film develops. Will his home be over taken with water. And if he believes this is going to happen why would he buy on the coast. It seems opposite what he is teaching. He also must not be too concerned with water conservation as the house has nine bathrooms. Actually I can only use one at a time anyway. And he still has his jet. While we are counting every ounce we put in and trying to conserve he is flying around like nothing is happening.
The President doesn't seem too concerned either as he traveled thousands of miles on air force one to give a talk on earth day. He probably could have done that from the rose garden. In fact, I hear he is gone as one congressman said the other day, most of the time. And stated he is rarely at the White House.
Not to say the least of Nancy's new jet plane. After her hard three day work week, Nancy was complaining that with her old plane she had to make a stop to get fuel to get home. She leaves on Friday and comes back on Monday. Her new plane has 200 seats, what for I don't know. She uses more fuel in one month than you or I use getting to work for ten years. If you don't see the hypocrisy you must have your eyes closed. If we are sacrificing to get through the recession our leaders should also be setting the example. They live in a bubble and it is going to come crashing down on them taking us with them. If you are the party of conservation let's practice what you preach. How did New't travel when he was Speaker of the House? Mainly by commercial aircraft. Marna

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