Monday, May 24, 2010

One House Seat Closer to Removing Nancy

Yesterday a big win for Free Enterprise, and a big loss for our over sized government as Charles Djou in Hawaii won thanks to 70,000 voter contacts, phone calls and door knocks. He only won by a few thousand votes but they over came a massive amount of money dumped into the Dems campaign, millions of dollars by liberal special interests. Which shows enthusiasm and people who have the truth=Free Enterprise, which built this great country can win over the ever increasing massive build up of the federal government.  Nancy you are one more seat closer to being fired!
The finance bill is also running into difficulties in the house. Keep calling your representatives, e-mail them and tell them you do not want the government to take over wall street. And to leave our bank accounts and personal equities alone. They are none of your business.  We can regulate this another way, not by the federal government taking them over. It is imperative we stop this take over by the Feds.  Down with Feds, Up with states rights.  Marna

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