Wednesday, May 12, 2010

It's Time for the Republican Party to Be the Party of Yes

We need to look around and realize the Dems are playing us as the party of NO. Just like they tore apart President Bush and made him look bad they are playing the same game again. They are making it look like we are negative and don't want anything. It is time to change our image and not play into their hands again. We want to become the aggressors not the defenders. Yes we want immigration reform. YES, we care about the Latinos who are here. Reagan realized this in 1984 and turned the Latinos to the Republican side. There is a way to work through this. Why wait until 2012. Lets offer some positive answers to this problem now. Latinos are most interested in small business. What tax breaks can we bring immediately to help small business's. We can do this at once the elections are over. People will have something to look forward to. We are going to give tax breaks to small business immediately. Talk about compassionate Conservatism. Once again Dems are playing the card we don't care about people. Talk about schools and how we plan to turn schools around going back to grades A-F that encouraged children to strive for grades and other reforms being offered. Be the Party of YES. Quit playing into their hand. Be aggressive go after the black and Latino vote. They have been hit hard by the recession. Jobs, what are we going to do about jobs. This is our time to shine. The Dems have failed in their stimulus plan, show we can be positive. More concern for single parents. they also have been hit in recession. Let's change our party to the party of YES. Marna

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