Monday, May 10, 2010

113 Deaths in Chicago

As of this Sunday Chicago has had 113 murders, this is compared to 101 deaths at this time last year. Some say remove gun ban which would bring some relief but you are still not getting to the cause of many of the deaths some by gangs and gunrunning. Gangs and gunrunning have been with us for a long time and the gun ban is almost a joke as bad people have guns and good people don't.
You can't cure a problem by going after a symptom, you must go after the underlying problems.
Bringing in the National Guard would be to some here more of a problem than a help. As there are areas it would only aggravate the situation. People here tell me there are areas that would become very resistant and cause riots and more deaths. This is what residents here are telling me. One black mother and I were discussing this and we talked of the fact you never see children playing outside anymore. Maybe it is just part of our culture. But children should be able to play freely and ride their bikes, walk to the corner store for some candy and etc. You don't see that happening very much any more. No wonder children are overweight.
I don't know how many times I have heard a child was walking to the store to get something and was shot down. We are almost immune to it as though this is normal. Solutions might be in the communities themselves as neighborhoods start eliminating the problems themselves. They are the ones who know where the problem is. I don't know the answer but not only do we need to take back our country, our schools, but our neighborhoods also. Marna

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