Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Nothing Surprises Me Anymore

Once again the Obama-Pelosi-Reid ramming team are at it again. This time with Don't Ask Don't Tell with a plan to push this through before the memorial weekend break. Ramming another piece of legislation through before we have time to even blink.  Why is this so important? History has proven that open homosexuality destabilizes the military and weakens military readiness. Their scheme, to push this through by the weekend then skip town.  This is the way Washington does business now.  First they say we will look at this for a year and make conclusions, next it is on the floor for a vote with little warning. And it is always with a scheduled recess.  Remember Christmas eve with the health care bill? Have you ever thought about the spiritual meaning behind that.  Obama removing the Nativity scene from the White House. Spiritual significance= you don't need this little baby any more. The baby who became the God-Man. The interceptor between God and Man whereby we can be redeemed and united to the Father in Heaven. The one who can do something no one in the world can do, forgive sin.  Because on the 24th of December you won't need him anymore, the state will take care of you. We will be your savior, provider, the one you will look up to. Just a thought about the significance of what they are trying to do. Replace faith with the state. Who does that sound like?
The don't Ask Don't Tell was designed to protect high standards of morale, good order, discipline, and united cohesion.
In a few days time they want to push this through and restructure our military and push this radical agenda on society.  Call or email your congressmen in the house and senate because they are going to push this through quickly.  Marna

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