Monday, May 3, 2010

If We Ever Forget That We're One Nation Under God, Then We Will Be A Nation Gone Under Ronald Reagon

How could it be a Christian/Jewish nation such as ours could come to the point where a man from one of our greatest spiritual leaders Dr. Billy Graham be refused to speak to an assembly during our National Day of Prayer? Franklin Graham was told we do not want you to come. A man who has done so much good including work for Muslim groups be denied for one statement? Every faith at some point has had it's criticism. I should know we have been in ministry for 41 years. We have had letters written to us declaring we were a detriment to the community. That we were of the devil, try to figure that one out. That we should go back where we came from.
What started my writings in the first place? When the White House issued a remark that the Nativity Scene would not be put up for viewing. That triggered something in me that we had a problem with the one in the White House. And it still makes me angry just to think about it. My goal to get the Nativity back in it's place. I will vote for anyone who will do that. They also need to believe in life and marriage.
I was reading in Newt Gingrich's book Rediscovering God in America that originally they met for worship in the capital because there was no where else large enough to meet. Think what a stink that would create today.
If we remove God from our society what kind of society do we really have? Heathen, that is what you have if you have no God.
Ronald Reagan beleived strongly that God was to be in our affairs as a nation.
And Newt further states" our first president, George Washington, at his first inauguration on April 30,1789, put his right hand on the Bible...{after taking the oath} adding 'So help me God.' He then bent forward and kissed the Bible before him."
Anoher thing that bothered me. After they realized Pres. Obama had left off something in his oath he retook the oath the next day and did not use a Bible. Just a little thing but it bothered me.
We are still a nation largely made up of christian and jewish faith. If we want the blessing of God upon us , it is essential that we remain "under God". Marna

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