Friday, May 28, 2010

Is Govenor Jan Brewer Now Being Thrown Under the Bus?

1200 unarmed National Guard  troops are not going to be on he border to help with immigration, only for drug enforcement. And Martin of ICE has stated he will not enforce Arizona law, only for criminal illegals will he make charges. In other words they are leaving Gov. Brewer on her own to arrest illegals if brought in for her law.  To coin a recent phrase Obama is throwing her under the bus. This is what is going on right here in America.  The President of Mexico called Obama and they made an agreement. So basically the only illegals who are caught with drugs are going to be taken by ICE. Amazingly Mexico is now calling the shots on how we should handle immigration. Everything is turned upside down.
I say if the 1200 troops aren't going to be used to help in deportation they will basically end up being desk job workers. If so send them back they are useless to us, why pay our hard earned tax money for these people to stand around. Of course I am jesting, I am sure the Governor will find a way to use them.
Unfortunately Sen McCain didn't have much luck either and his 6,000 border troops was rejected also. But, being the fighter he is and one of my personal hero's, he was able to insert his measure into a defense policy bill that will come to the floor this summer. So there may be help on the way. But not from this Pres.
This is all politics. Obama needs Hispanics to win in 2012. Why I wrote the piece Beware Hispanics recently. They like us are only pawns in his hands. ICE says feds should have comprehensive reform immigration. They want complete control over immigration with states having no laws.  Actually they are going broke for amnesty and open borders, that is why they don't care about the fence and stopped it's completion.This is why I believe in a small federal government and power to the states.  This has always been the conservative viewpoint. When you break this core principle you pay a high price. And we are paying it now. And one of the battles over this principle is going to be over immigration.  This is going to be one of the showdowns.  Who will win the feds or individual states rights.  The showdown is here and the battle is before us.
Why has it taken 20 to 25 years to build this dang fence? Because every President has known this is the battle ground and didn't want to enforce it. Didn't want to put the country through it or maybe even thought maybe it would just go away, but it hasn't. The battle over Federal government verses states rights is before us.  Marna

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