Monday, May 24, 2010

How to be Happy, the Faith of God in Your Heart

We can be happy no matter what, it is a choice to be happy.  I was told once to not think that your happiness must come from your spouse. Although spouses can be happy together and share happiness. You should not think that happiness should always come from those around us. If fact, we can have happiness in spite of circumstances surrounding us.  And in spite of people around us causing unhappiness. We have a saying in Mary Kay, remove your self  from non positive people and surround yourself with people who are where you want to be in the future. Unhappy people will drag you down.  In fact you can be having a pretty good day and then you hit an unhappy person. Don't even let them ruin your day.  My neighbor gets really irritated with me because she thinks I am too busy. Sometimes see shouts to me, "when do you rest?" and I usually say back to her "when I get to heaven."  And sometimes that makes me think I need to spend more time with her and I put aside some time for her in spite of my schedule.  God is not bound by circumstances like we are and is going to take care of you and the circumstances around you.  It's hard to put our trust in Him, we like to carry things around ourselves. Like a cloud hanging over our head, we get weight down with our problems and it shows a mile away. And just the time you finally get this off your chest and become happy, someone says to you, you aren't a realist, you are a polyanna. It all comes down to faith. Should  I walk around worrying next what this President is going to do? Yes I am concerned but do I really need to worry about this? The question is do I have the faith in Him that he is going to work everything together for us. When I was a child we used to have necklaces with  a mustard seed inside. The mustard seed is a small seed and yet Jesus said "if you have he faith of the grain of mustard seed you can move mountains."
Once again Jesus uses a small example to put forth a great principle. All you need is a little faith, just the size of a mustard seed. Just a little faith to trust Him and then watch him work out the problem. You will be amazed how much he can do with your little faith.  He is just waiting for you to come to him and say I can't solve this, that's were he wants you. Come to him, give him your mountain and then watch the miracle work out. It's not easy to walk by faith, but I have walked by faith most of my life and do no have enough paper to tell you all God has done in my behalf.  So get your Bible out, it's somewhere there in your house just waiting to be opened. Use the concordance in back of your Bible or buy a paperback one and look up the word faith. Go though all the verses on faith. Pray for your faith to increase. Beware and watch out what happens!!  It's a great study and it will encourage your heart. Marna

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