Thursday, May 13, 2010

Beware Latinos

President Obama is playing political games with Latinos. He is talking as though he is doing something for them, trying to keep their vote. Misspeaking the phrasing of the law that Arizona passed and trying to keep Latinos on his side. Ask the Jewish population of this country if he will stand with you. He has turned his back on them. He used them also to get in office. He is a turncoat and will use any one he can to keep support. He knows if he losses Latino support he will suffer more loss. He has lost the Independents, they have seen through him. There are others who do care about the Latinos and will do something about immigration. It is a political game with the lives of people at stake. President Obama cares about no one but himself. There is no immigration bill being worked on in the White House. He is not going to have an immigration bill. This is the worst kind of politics and the Latinos are being used by the Master Deceiver. Marna

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