Tuesday, May 25, 2010

For Once Obama is Stepping Up to The Plate

I am pleased to hear President Obama is taking a stand on something. Even though it is a small step forward towards clamping down on trade and demanding an apology. The apology I doubt will ever come. But the incident a few months ago of the torpedo attack on March 26th killing of 46 sailors aboard the Cleonean in the Yellow Sea was clearly an act of war.  Last week investigators said the ship was cut in half by the attack.
We are giving President Lee Myung-Wah support and that is a good move.  Although the president is still trying to get China on board and the U.N. also. Good luck on that. Although China did take a stand last year against North Korea in obtaining nuclear weapons.  China is still looking for restraint and is not all that concerned about the incident. I guess we feel a little differently as we clearly still remember that day over nine years ago when we were attacked. Really the president doesn't have much choice as South Korea is going to do something with or without us.  Not that we really need another war on our hands. But the line has been drawn and unfortunately we are in it.  We have about 28,500 troops there already. Believe it or not these two countries have been still at war all this time and there are 1,000,000 troops near the border.  God Bless America

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