Sunday, September 30, 2012

After Eleven Months and One Week I Finally Found Work

I have finally found work, however not the hours I really need, but my foot is in the door. And for Illinois that is pretty good as we are still above the national average of 8.3%. We near 9% and in the inner city, Obama's backyard it has been as high as 16%. And yet in a few weeks they will probably vote to put him back in office.

You have to go through this to understand what it is like. Usually, in the past, if your out of work it was for a few weeks, so to encounter this is beyond belief. I can understand why some people just give up. To fill out resumes on the computer and visit businesses and then never hear anything is the most baffling thing I have experienced in a long time.

It has been a hard time, and yet we were fortunate in that we didn't lose our home, car or belongings. I consider myself one of the lucky ones. I've seen friends, neighbors and relatives go through great trials. I think the recession has effected every family in some way or another.

Everywhere around us are foreclosures and businesses that are now closed up. Even just recently a K-Mart, Fashion Bug and Blockbuster went out near us. Our favorite restaurant went out  For me it seems a though the recession is continuing, or as the President calls it a jobless recovery.

Business owners near here say there is some improvement, but not the improvement they need to hire more. If fact, they are waiting to see how much the new taxes will be at the beginning of the year before they do much of anything. I like to call it a stalled economy, it can't go forward or back. Jimmy Johns has had it with the high corporate taxes in Illinois and is moving out.Yet, Quinn does nothing about it and keeps doing things that make it worse. I believe our lack of improvement is Pat Quinn himself and people are already looking forward to the next election in 2014.

Recently a family was transferred here and are considering buying a house in Indiana.  Indian's taxes would be $900.00 and here in Illinois $5,000. Where would you go?

Yet for all this, Illinois will be a Blue State come fall election. The only light for conservatives is each year more and more people vote Republican. And in my district the 19th ward we actually voted for McCain in 2008.

I am looking forward to the debates this week in Denver, my home town. These are some of the key issues I hope will be addressed next week. I will be looking for anwers to these problems in the debates from both candidates.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing, Marna. So glad you have a job. We know exactly what you mean about the economy. Dear Hugsband hasn't been able to work in Colorado Springs for several years. We are blessed to be able to homeschool so we can travel with him sometimes. God is good and I'm convinced that regardless of the economy or who our nation selects...He will take care of me, and you. God bless you...
