Tuesday, September 25, 2012

The Seriousness of Syria

I stayed up late last night studying and thinking about Syria. The stats are alarming. Activists are saying they believe 27,000 have died in the last 18 months. I have read about each side, how they feel and how this situation got this way. And yet with all their justification one thing stands clear. No matter who is right and who is wrong people are starving and dying. The winter is coming and the UN is having trouble with raising the amount of money they need just to sustain life. They say it will be a long hard winter.

Andrew Tabler, senior fellow and Syrian expert at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy - "This means we are headed into a very hard time in Syria, more violence, and a slow grinding conflict that is going to test everyone's limits on non-intervention."Tabler continued " It's a crisis the U. N. is unable to deal with. And so, basically what happens is that you're going to have a lot of speeches...but unless you get the Security Council agreeing I don't see anything happening."

International mediator Lakhdar Brahimi has replaced Annan and met with Assad on Saturday. "I will go to New York for the occasion of the General Assembly to meet Security Council, foreign ministers and representatives of other countries interested in Syria."

The U.S. hesitates because we do not want guns going to Islamic terrorists. Russia and China don't want to take out Assad for fear that his seat  will be filled with Radical Islamists. A stalemate has happened. France's UN ambassador Gerard Araud said "the security council has not been as paralyzed as it is today since the end of the Cold War."  And we have a president who is not interested in talking to anyone.

Who has failed? The UN.? Russia and China? America? Are we a society now that looks the other way and walks? Can we call ourselves human? What have we become?

Could President Obama pick up the phone and talk to someone? Is there a solution? Does anyone care if there is a solution, and if we don't care what have we become? I tried to think last night what if that were us, America, and no one cared. As David said in the Bible "and no man cared for my soul."

To me this would be a time of advantage for the President. Even if he can't help with the situation he at least offered to help. So one must pick up the phone and see if a resolution can be reached or we'll walk away and see these people perish. If we can't even do that we cannot call ourselves Americans, human, or a modern society.

I'm just a concerned American.

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